Metaphor: ReFantazio - Dragon Temple Walkthrough

Metaphor: ReFantazio - Dragon Temple Walkthrough

The Dragon Temple is a massive dungeon your party must explore in Metaphor: Refantazio During a mandatory operation. Of all the dungeons you delve into in the main story, this one is among the hardest due to its sheer variety of enemies. It is almost impossible to create the perfect party to tackle the many enemies and bosses of this place unless you know what you are up against.

Just like any other dungeon, time is your greatest enemy in the Dragon Temple. The hardest part about tackling a dungeon is trying to beat it in as few days as possible, but this can only be done if nothing goes wrong. You will have to know what enemies are weak to what, what status ailments in Metaphor: Refantazio You have to watch out for and many other reasons to be successful.

How to prepare for the Dragon Temple dungeon

Make your party the strongest it can be

Metaphor Refantazio Protagonist and Gallica look out at settlement on Vira Island

Due to the enemy variety in the Dragon Temple, No single party is perfectly designed to challenge the dungeon. The only way to beat the Dragon Temple is to Adapt and change your team oftenEspecially when you reach new floors where never-before-seen enemies appear. While much of your running can be improved, here are some easy ways to prepare beforehand:

  • Complete any side quests available
  • Level up against basic enemies
  • Collect gold beetles
  • Advance follower bonds as much as possible

The Dragon Temple is located in the Virga Islands, an area with many side quests you can complete. Finishing optional quests around the area will help improve your party, as well as earn reward items that can help you survive the dungeon. You can even unlock a called quest "The Guiding Talent" which can be pursued in the Dragon Temple for even greater rewards.

Another easy way to prepare is to just grind battles against low level enemies to increase your commander level. If you can Reach the "general" archetypeYou will have stronger abilities for challenging the enemies of the Dragon Temple.

Gold beetles are collectibles in Metaphor: Refantazio That you can choose to earn these Venomward Charm Number. This accessory is critical to the final boss of the Dragon Temple, as it prevents the wearer from contracting physical status ailments. This artifact prevents Poison, Maldy, Paralysis, Hex, Burn and Frostbite if you get the 12 Gold Beetles necessary to unlock it.


Increasing bonds can strengthen the archetypes of your party members and unlock new items to buy from vendors. Advancing an alliance like Brigetta's will allow you to Buy igniters - Things that Allow her to cast almighty magic. Since very few enemies resist or clear the Almighty in the Dragon Temple, buying a bunch of this item will give you a way to consistently deal damage at any point.

How to enter the Dragon Temple Dungeon

Poison the tree blocking your path

Metaphor Refantazio party approaching tree blocking path in Dragon Temple dungeon

Even if you reach the Dragon Temple before the main story, you Can't enter it until you find a way past the giant tree blocking the entrance. The only way to get through this obstacle is to Poison it using a potion of blightWhat you will need to make yourself. Go to the Comfort Concoctions store To buy a key ingredient for the potion when you travel to Grand Trad and visit the Sunshade Row area.

Once here, you can Spend 500 Rive to buy ParchwaterWhich can be brought back to the NPC Edeni on the Virga Islands. This character will help you make the potion of Blight, which unlocks the ability to accept the Dragon Temple Operation quest. By accepting the quest, you can go to the Temple and use the potion to start a fight with an enemy called a. Tribest Alentu.

Treebeast Alentos are pretty common in the Dragon Temple, so you'll want to know how to defeat them quickly. The enemies are Weak to fireGive you a good idea of ​​what archetypes in Metaphor: Refantazio Works best against them. With the right party members, this fight should be quite easy and lead you into the first area of ​​the Dragon Temple - the corridor.

How to navigate the Dragon Temple Dungeon

Search for the right way away from enemies

There are Six Main floors To the Dragon TempleExcluding the initial entrance and the corridor that marks the dungeon's beginning. Each area has its gimmicks and tricks that try to confuse you, along with some treasures to discover. While you want to explore every floor completely for all possible loot, keep in mind that the longer it takes to explore, the more fights you and your party will have to endure.

Floor 2 - The Labyrinthine Path

Metaphor Refantazio Protagonist and party investigating a stone in the Labyrinthine Path floor of Dragon Temple Dungeon


Where to find



Trilby Quiet

In the bottom left corner of this floor. Simply reveal the part on your map to find the treasure.

Prevents rage, Magic +4

Firebloom signal

In the top right corner of this floor. Simply reveal the part on your map to find the treasure.

Piercing damage, increases fire attack power

Paladin's load

Near the entrance of the Labyrinthine Path, along the east wall of the dungeon. Look for the stone slab nearby that says "Mortals are all but unique shards of Mother Earth" Which is a little east and north of the treasure.

Strike damage, small MP recovery at the start of each turn

The corridor of the Dragon Temple is pretty straightforward, but the following Labyrinthine path is everything but. The area features multiple paths leading up and down stairs, with some teleporting you back to the beginning of the dungeon floor. Even though some paths lead to some good treasures, it is incredibly easy to lose this series of paths.

The best archetypes to use here are ones with fire and wind attacks to deal with enemies Treebeast Alento and Gold Elementa.

You can Tell which paths are wrong in two ways - the fog that forms around them or the gold thread on the ceiling. Looking up will show the way out of this area by showcasing a golden thread that leads you in the right direction. However, if you get lost, just watch for fog formation around the edges of your screen, which warns you if a ladder leads back to the beginning of the area.

Floor 3 - canopy chamber

Metaphor Refantazio party Explore and discover mural in Canopy Chamber area of ​​Dragon Temple Dungeon

When you follow the golden path from the labyrinth floor, you will enter the Canopy chamber. After a short cutscene, you'll have the character Eupha join the party, but as a guest rather than a playable character in Metaphor: Refantazio. Do not forget to Save your game in the plateau area Before the canopy and switch out party members if you need.

The area is very straightforward, with several cutscenes and a linear path with few enemies. The two new enemies you encounter are Spectos of complaint And Spellwrought Gargostaswhich have different weaknesses than other enemies of the previous levels. Spectos are weak to light attacksWhile Gargostas are weak to windSo plan your party's archetype composition accordingly.

Floor 4 - Drakongrace Shinjuku

Metaphor refantasio party looking out at Drakongrace Shinjuku Lost Civilization area of ​​Dragon Temple Dungeon

Getting through the canopy reveals an astonishing discovery - an ancient civilization buried deep underground called Drakongrace Shinjuku. This "floor" is extremely long, with tons of new enemies that threaten to completely deplete your party of resources. One of the new enemy types called labovesps Can easily wipe out an injured group unless you get the hang of them with wind magic.

As you explore the ancient city, you will find your party in a huge building divided into two sections - A bounty of relics And The steel rendezvous. While there is a series of elevators leading to the second and third floors of the building, the two mentioned sections involve only the first and fourth floors. These are the only two places you can reach, so you need to figure out how to navigate both.

A bounty of relics features a special enemy called Homo OrelonEar-shaped monsters that roam the area. The enemies are very difficult to defeat, but they Just move when you do When you explore. This makes them easy to avoid, thus Escape or escape from the enemies as you can To find your way to the style rendezvous without trouble.


In The Steel Rendezvous, you have to deal with more Homo Orelons, along with many other annoying enemies. For example, there are Ostoflos who are Weak to fire and lightBut absorb Dark while using Cursed Fog to deal Dark damage to your entire party. Some other enemies include:






  • Fire Fang - Single target fire damage

Crag Manjula


  • War cry - Lower party attack and defense
  • Thunderstrike - Single target electric damage
  • Ice Stinger - Single target ice damage

The purpose of the rendezvous is to Find some switches that open paths elsewhere in the building. The switches are guarded by several monsters, forcing you to fight or creatively avoid different encounters. Activating each switch will reveal a set of stairs leading down into another area, named The Ghost Town of Dreams.

Floor 5 - The Ghost Town of Dreams

Metaphor Refantazio Protagonist and party activating a switch to move forward in the Ghost Town of Dreams area of ​​Dragon Temple Dungeon

The last floor of the dungeon features his strongest enemies, who sport more health and damage than anyone you've fought so far. You want to Destroy Dark Magla Crystals You come across this area to lower the number of enemies that spawn on the dungeon floor. If you have purified weapons in Metaphor: RefantazioThis process will be much easier.

As you can see in the above video by YouTube creator BAI GAMINGMore Homo Orelon enemies are found here, but some of the most dangerous on this floor include:




Homo physics


  • Hell push - Moderate single-target physical damage
  • Repels light

Homo Stormmu


  • Raging plot - Low single-target physical damage, makes the target weak to all elements
  • Various elemental spells

  • Resists ice and light



  • soul scream - Win four (!) turn icons
  • Breath of battle - Raise Attack and Defense through two stages
  • Hellbound - Single-target physical strike damage
  • Slam thrust - Party-wide strike damage
  • Powerful pulverizer - High single-target physical strike damage

Several other enemies throughout the Drakongrace Shinjuku area will act as mines on the ground, so try to tread carefully as you explore this massive part of the Dragon Temple dungeon.

You want to Activate every switch in this area Once again, trapping some of the Homo Orelon enemies on various paths. Once you have done this, Return to the style rendezvous And Go to the bottom right corner of the sub-area To access a new part of a bounty of relics you could not get to before.

The secret area will have another switch you can activate to unlock one of the elevators back in Drakongrace Shinjuku's explorable building. Return there and use the lift to Go down to another part of the style rendezvousAs the Dragon Altar is guarded by one too many Homo Orelon ears. you Need to find the source of the Homo Orelons and kill it to move forward through the dungeon.

Unlike the other Homo Orelons, the main enemy controlling the rest will run away from you when you approach it. Use the switches in the steel rendezvous area to trap the final Homo Orelon And fight it once it can't move anywhere else. The battle can be a little tricky, though Use status effects and electric attacks To target the creature's weaknesses Metaphor: Refantazio.

Floor 6 - The moment of epiphany

Metaphor Refantazio party opens door to the moment of epiphany area in Dragon Temple Dungeon

Returning to a bounty of relics will allow you to access the lift again once you destroy the boss Homo Orelon controlling the others. Take the lift to the new area called The Moment of Epiphany To achieve a large, mostly open space. The area is crawling with many of the same enemies from every part of Drakongrace Shinjuku you've explored, acting as a final test before the dungeon's boss.

You can destroy the Dark Magalla crystals in this area to limit what enemies spawn or make a hole for the other side of the room to progress. Whichever method you choose, you will likely be forced to fight, so be prepared with recovery items before moving forward. Go to the large doors at the other end of this floor to reach The altar of the twelveWhere the final boss of the Dragon Temple awaits.

How to beat Malvirta Drako Eht

Kill a possessed dragon

Metaphor ReFantazio Malvirta Drako Eht and Homo Margo boss in Dragon Temple Dungeon

The Altar of the Twelve features a powerful set of named bosses Malvirta Drako Eht And Homo MargoThat can decimate a party weakened by the previous dungeon floors. Homo Margo is a human enemy with powerful magic, while Malvirta Drako Eht is a dragon with tons of health and physical attacks. Both enemies have a lot of tricks up their sleeves, so be ready for anything.

The best strategy here is to Target Homo Margo first To narrow the fight down to just one enemy. As the fight begins, Eupha joins the party with their summoner classGiving you another set of skills in Metaphor: ReFantazio's RPG systems to control. With Eupha on your team, it's a good idea to Order allies when you can during the fight To increase Attack and Defense as much as possible.

A good party composition for this boss fight is a healer, seeker, mage and faker to give your group a balance between offensive skills, applying enemy debuffs and healing against enemy damage.

Malvirta Drako Eht has a variety of abilities, including a skill called Dragon God's board Which can apply dark damage to your entire party. poison scratch is another skill of the dragon that deals poison damage, making the Venomward charm of your preparations extremely important to equip. Use wind and ice elemental attacks to keep up with the damage output of the boss with the party members you have.

As long as Homo Margo is active, he can Heal any debuffs applied to Malvirta Drako Eht. Focus on only applying one debuff at a time rather than dedicating multiple party members' turns to stacking something that won't last. Once Margo is out of the way, you can easily apply whatever debuffs you need to make defeating Malvirta Drako Eht much easier.

How to beat homo margo

Take down a sore loser

Metaphor ReFantazio Homo Margo boss Use Prayer Reversal to change elemental typing

Once you beat Malvirta Drako Ehit, Homo Margo will flee from the Dragon Temple to the Virga Islands, ready to destroy everyone there. Your party immediately pursues, challenging the Dragon Rider before he can cause widespread chaos in the land. The enemy brings everything they can to survive, with some new attacks beyond what you saw in the previous battle.


For starters, Homo Margo can Use their prayer reversal skills to determine its elemental typing and create an elemental barrier. This makes it impossible to target an elemental weakness of the boss, as they now block half of the attacks your party normally uses. Eupha's Archetype in particular struggles in this fight, but they can still help heal debuffs applied to your team and provide some healing.

You can tell what elemental attacks Homo Margo will use based on what color it changes to during prayer reversal. For example, if it glows blue, it will likely use ice attacks.

Success here comes from your preparation, as you can Use igniter items from bonding with Brigeta to deal almighty damage. This will cut through the barrier of Prayer Reversal, allowing you to deal more damage to the boss. Those who have unlocked the general archetype for the protagonist will also be able to deal higher damage, allowing the boss fight to become much easier.

All you have to do is keep track of Homo Margo's type changes and continue to pressure the boss to eventually take it down. Completing this battle will complete your adventures through the dungeon of the Dragon Temple Metaphor: Refantazio and allow you to progress through the game's ongoing story.

Source: BAI GAMING/YouTube


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October 11, 2024


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