Metal Slug Tactics faithfully adapts the franchise's beloved run-and-gun action into a deep, roguelike tactical RPG loaded with content and some of the best pixel art of the year. When someone thinks about Metal SlugIt's hard to imagine a game that isn't a side-scrolling romp full of explosions, huge guns, and some of the coolest tanks the world has ever seen. Taking this concept and moving it into a genre that is arguably the opposite of a shooter was a bold idea.but thanks to clever mechanics, it works better than one might expect.
As with any Metal Slug game, it's not important to know the (surprisingly) extensive lore behind the franchise to simply pick up the game and hit the ground running. The premise is as basic as the evil General Donald Morden returning to the fray with another plan to destroy the World Government, demanding that the Peregrine Falcon Squadron reassemble and stop the dictator before the conflict escalates into an all-out war. Metal Slug Tactics is not very focused on providing a storyIt's all ready to join your addictive gaming cycle.
Keep your feet moving and your head spinning
The defining aspect Metal Slug Tactics it's your dependence on movement to stay alive in even the most challenging encounters. This might seem counterintuitive in a tactical RPG: the genre generally prefers users to approach missions carefully, blocking off areas rather than rushing across the map. Developer Leikir Studio chose to take a different path, encouraging players to make the most of movement by providing necessary resources to characters as they navigate the map. It can be difficult to learn, but everything worked faster than I expected.
It's fair to say that movement is everything Metal Slug Tactics as it generates the fuel to enhance the characters' abilities, grants dodges to avoid enemy attacks and helps to set up synchronization attacks that effectively work as a free action. Leikir Studio is to be commended for its very imaginative take on the run-and-gun formula. While it doesn't seem like it should work with a tactical RPG, the fact that so many mechanics are linked to movement encourages players to make the most of the system.
The combat maintains that explosive action that has become synonymous with Metal Slug but the rhythm did not suffer from the change of genre. Missions are still brief, as players are tasked with basic objectives, such as protecting an NPC until reaching the map's exit or simply destroying all enemies. Tying Dodge and Adrenaline to movement creates a kinetic flow as units never get bogged down, waiting for enemies to come at them. It's a powerful take on the tactical genre that emphasizes careful strategy mixed with some reckless fun.
It's easy to find a favorite team
Metal Slug Tactics does an excellent job of providing players with characters that bring something unique to the table. For example, Marco may not be an offensive powerhouse, but he brings a wealth of buff abilities to the field which solidifies him as a leadership figure who is always encouraging the team. It's easy for players to find a cornerstone hero or favorite Falcon who holds a team together; I've found that Eri's ability to generate bonus moves and her use of explosives are often the difference between victory and defeat.
It helps that the animation used to bring Metal Slug Tactics' thrown to life is so vibrant and distinctive. I can only imagine how time-consuming it must have been to animate the series' signature pixel art from an isometric perspective.. A lot of passion was put into the game's art direction and the result is consistently eye-catching.
I also appreciated the little touches, like providing some small character-building moments between the cast. Successfully completing missions or defeating bosses sometimes rewards a brief cutscene where some party members take a moment to chat and talk about themselves. Considering Metal Slugthe lore that is rarely covered in games, It's fun to get these glimpses into the characters, even if they aren't especially deep.
Even if the updates could be a little more exciting
Although I can see the real battles of Metal Slug Tactics resonating with fans, the roguelike elements could be more diverse. Races consist of completing three missions and a boss fight in an area before unlocking the next location on the world map, all leading up to the final encounter. The game features four zones, but only one needs to be completed before the Peregrine Falcon Squadron can attack the final boss. Going through everything can take a while: my longest run was an hour and a halfbut individual missions only last a few minutes.
Completing the primary and secondary objectives unlocks a variety of upgrades for the team, but they are only viable for the current round, so players are encouraged to experiment with unique builds and synergies. These improvements come in the form of character abilities, weapon mods, supply drops, and coins to purchase additional ammo and equipment when defeating a boss. Metal Slug Tactics isn't shy about throwing a lot of things at the player at once, but the game features an extensive tutorial and some useful tips to help clarify anything on the fly.
I think this part of the roguelike formula works well, but unlocking new upgrades and mods has never been as exciting as I'd like. After a run, the Peregrine Falcon Squadron returns to HQ, where they can spend coins to purchase new Mods, Skills, and Equipment. The latter is the most exciting, as it provides entirely new weapons that can fundamentally change a character's role. However, Mods and Skills lack a tangible sense of improvement, as they are never guaranteed to appear in a reward pool.making them feel like an investment gamble.
This is not exactly a unique problem Metal Slug Tactics but a sense of growth when playing a roguelike helps keep interest strong. If I don't feel my characters getting stronger with each update, it will be a little disappointing. The wide variety of upgrades can also be difficult to keep in mind, especially in the middle of a mission. Having a wide variety is great for providing diverse building opportunities, but I would have preferred fewer, more distinct upgrades.
Final Thoughts and Review Score
It's Metal Slug for fans new and old
I understand that some purists may not want the experience Metal Slug Tactics provides, but I hope they give it a try. It's an excellent tactical RPG, delivering a deep combat experience that carefully recontextualizes the mechanics and style that made the franchise so iconic..
While its roguelike elements might be a little more exciting, the minute-to-minute gameplay of a race is so fun that I found it easy to overlook this flaw when I returned to the action to drop more bombs with well-placed timing. General, Metal Slug Tactics It's really worth playing.
Metal Slug Tactics
Reviewed on PC
- Addictive combat that provides a unique twist on the tactical RPG genre.
- Fantastic pixel art that pays homage and elevates the Metal Slug series.
- Lots of content and achievements to unlock.
- Great soundtrack.
- The Roguelike elements can feel a little underwhelming.