Francis Ford Coppola Megapolis features a 23-year reunion between the actor and director that most audiences are unaware of. Throughout his five-decade career, Coppola was most often associated with actors such as Al Pacino, Robert Duvall and Talia Shire, who appeared in his famous films. Godfather trilogy and other projects. Besides Shire, the cast Megapolis The cast mostly features young movie stars new to working with Coppola, from Adam Driver to Aubrey Plaza. Nathalie Emmanuel.
Megapolis Adam Driver plays Cesar Catalina, a futuristic architect who learns to harness a mysterious force called Megalon to build a utopian city. The town's mayor, Frank Cicero (Giancarlo Esposito), resists Catalina's ideas, making him the film's main antagonist. Giancarlo Esposito is a veteran actor best known for his role as Gus Fring in Breaking Bad And Better call Saulwhich brought him widespread recognition throughout his decades-long career. Since then, he has found success playing supporting roles in major films and television shows, including Boys, The Mandalorianand much more.
Giancarlo Esposito has been associated with Megapolis since 2001
Giancarlo Esposito attended a reading of an early version of Megalopolis
Megapolis has been Coppola's passion project for decades after the initial attempt to get it off the ground after Apocalypse Now released in 1979. He repeatedly tried to develop the film further, even bringing together some movie stars for a table read in 2001. This included Giancarlo Esposito, who previously appeared in Coppola's film Cotton Club as a young actor back in 1984. The 2001 script appears to be very different from what ultimately made it into the final film.
Apparently, Coppola had a development plan Megapolis with a completely different line-up in 2001, but the implementation of the idea was prevented by September 11. Coppola was reluctant to make a film about a utopian city after what happened in New York and returned to it in 2007, where he struggled to find financing. It is unclear what stage the script was at at this time or whether Esposito was still involved with the project, but he is the only person from the 2001 tableau to make the final cut of the film..
Giancarlo Esposito is the only "Megapolis" actor to appear in the final film
Several iconic movie stars read roles in Megapolis
Compared to the rest of 2001 Megapolis If you read the table, Giancarlo Esposito was a lesser known name. He has previously acted in several outstanding films Breaking Badbut he was nowhere near as famous as he is today. However, Coppola's team did include some famous film actors at the time. including Robert De Niro, Leonardo DiCaprio, Uma Thurman, James Gandolfini and Russell Crowe. It's hard to say whether this version will be Megapolis would work better, but it's interesting to think about what it would look like.