Meet the legendary New Red Ranger from Power Rangers as the franchise enters a whole new era

Meet the legendary New Red Ranger from Power Rangers as the franchise enters a whole new era

A new era of Power Rangers Opens with a classic red ranger at the helm. After an eight-year comic book series run in Boom! studios, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Finished with a deserving final in Darkest hour #1. Now, the publisher is relenting very much Power Rangers Franchise in the form of PrimeAnd fans will recognize the Red Ranger leading the team this time around.

AIPT Comics has unveiled Some covers for Power Rangers Prime #1 - written by Melissa Flores, with art by Michael YG - and in the process, revealing that the Red Ranger for the series is a familiar face, Lauren Shiba, the Red Ranger of Power Rangers Samurai And the franchise's first female Red Ranger hero.

The covers also seem to suggest that the reboot incarnation of the franchise is set to give Lauren a new role as she ushers in a whole new generation of Power Rangers.

Red Ranger Lauren Shiba and her role in Power Rangers lore, explained

Power Rangers Prime #1 - Written by Melissa Flores; Art by Michael Ig; Available November 13 from Boom! studios

Shattered Grid #1, Red Rangers Jason Lee Scott & Lauren Shiba say goodbye to each other

Power Rangers Samurai Started with Jayden Shiba as the Red Ranger; His sister Lauren made her debut in the sixteenth episode of the series, "Fight Fire with Fire." Lauren was primed to be the head of the Shiba Clan, but to protect her from the villain Niglok, she was sent away. When she returned a few years later, Jayden stepped down as both Shiba House Clan leader and Red Ranger, out of respect for the rightful heir. Lauren maintains a beloved legacy among fans, having played a prominent role in Boom! s Power Rangers comics during the Shattered grid Story arc.


now, Power Rangers Prime #1 marks your return in A pivotal role. The synopsis for the debut issue of the series reads:

Power Rangers is back and better than ever!

Prepare for PRIME: a bold new era with a brand new cast of characters, excitement and attitude!

In the wake of Marvel's The Ultimates, get ready to experience a new team, a new mentor, and a threat to Earth unlike anything you've seen before.

Angel Grove University students have a difficult choice after crossing paths with a fugitive straight out of legend. The consequences for hiding her are severe... but her existence cannot remain a secret for long.

Groundbreaking Power Rangers writer Melissa Flores ushers the iconic Rangers mythos into the next era of adventure, joined by acclaimed artist Michael Yg (Iron Fist) to create an unmissable experience perfect for new readers and longtime fans alike!

Previews have teased Lauren Shiba's role in PrimeAlong with the rest of the Samurai Rangers, as seen in the trailer. The synopsis suggests that Shiba could be the fugitive mentioned, and perhaps, in time, the mentor of the new crop of Rangers from Angel Grove University. How she transitions between the two (and as the trailer seems to suggest, paves the way for a new Red Ranger to take her place) remains one of the thrilling questions at the start of Power Rangers: Prime.

Lauren Shibata debuts a new Red Ranger costume for a new era

Power Rangers: Prime #1 includes variant covers by Sean Daly, Marcelo Matere, Lipwei, David Sanchez, Alina Urusov, & more

Samurai Red Ranger Lauren Shiba Chase in Power Rangers: Prime #1

The variant covers for Power Rangers: Prime #1 Showcase a tweak in costume for the memorable Red Ranger suit. The samurai red ranger suit is now laced with a kind of furry garb draped across the wearer's neck and back. It's not clear what the new additions could symbolize, but it can't be Prime's only Red Ranger, as the previous preview depicted another, with one wielding a T-Rex sword. What this all might entail presents a fascinating future ahead Power RangersLike boom! Studios launches Prime.

Source: AIPT Comics

Power Rangers: Prime #1 Will be available November 13, 2024 from BOOM! studios.