There has been a long-standing theory about what the story of The matrix 5 Should be, and while the story is an exciting idea, it has already been told in the franchise. The world of The matrix is absolutely massive, with an endless amount of stories to tell in future movies and spinoff projects. After spending four films chronicling the stories of Neo and Trinity, many fans have begun to speculate what could come next for the franchise, with one perfect story for The matrix 5 Already told many years ago.
The original The matrix Trilogy contains one of the most popular sci-fi stories of all time, and yet the franchise ended with The matrix revolutionsMany wondered what would come next for the series. After 18 years, That question was finally answered with the legacy sequel The Matrix Resurrection. however, The Matrix Resurrection was critical division and a box office bomb, putting the future of the franchise in jeopardy. in order to succeed, The matrix 5 Will have to try something new, and unfortunately, the popular theory about the next film's story is just not that.
Matrix 5 should ideally be a prequel after four movies about Keanu Reeves' Neo
Neo don't need the spotlight again
If The matrix 5 Wants to be successful, it should ideally be a prequel to the original movie. The matrix The franchise has spent four films focusing on Keanu Reeves' Neo, and although the actor is now more popular than ever, the series cannot afford another movie focused on him. Bring Neo back from the dead in The Matrix Resurrection was one of the biggest mistakes of the movie, and after the fourth film there is simply no more story to tell about him. Neo should not be the protagonist of the next one The matrix Movie, with a prequel is the perfect option.
The world of The matrix Franchise is absolutely massive, and given how many stories have undoubtedly unfolded in this world, it shouldn't be difficult to find one worthy of a movie. There is not much history to tell after the events of The Matrix ResurrectionMeaning that the only way forward is to look back at what came before. There are all kinds of knowledge that is not explored in a proper way The matrix Movie, meaning that abandoning the story of Neo and looking for a new theme is the best solution for the recent failures of the series.
All kinds of extra spinoff material have attempted to chronicle the origins of The matrixFocusing on the various cycles that the main films mentioned took place before the events of the main series. It shouldn't be hard to find a story in one of these, with this being the most popular theory as to why The matrix 5His story should be about.
Matrix 5 can't be an origin story - The AniMatrix has already done that
In the Second Renaissance
While there are all kinds of stories that can be told in the world of The matrixThe beginning of the matrix and the machine war is not one of them. When attempting to decide what story should be told in a The matrix Prequel, it is obvious to jump to the machine war, because it is the most significant storyline that has not yet been explored in one of the main lines. The matrix Movies. However, there is no reason to do so, as fans of the franchise know that the story of the War Machine has already been perfectly chronicled in the animated anthology movie The Animatrix.
The Animatrix Tells several different disconnected stories that take place in the world of The matrixWith one of the segments with this title The second renaissance. The second renaissance see The instructor interprets the Zion Archives for the audienceWith them tell the story of the rise of artificial intelligence in the 21st century. The segment takes an in-depth look at the events leading up to the Machine War, which took place during the war, and how it led to the creation of the Matrix, filling viewers in on the most important details from before the original film. .
Should Matrix 5 be a prequel and recon the second renaissance?
Or should it be something else?
The only way that The matrix 5The Machine War prequel storyline can work if it recons The second renaissanceWhat is an option? The Machine War is a story worthy of a feature-length film, while it is The Animatrix Opposite was only an animated segment in a larger anthology work. The matrix 5 can make The Animatrixaagogo, a new original story of how the Matrix came to be a live-action prequel movie prequel movie.
Reckoning The Animatrix Might not be the best ideaHowever, as the animated anthology film is often considered to be the best The matrix Movie outside of the original film. moreover, The Animatrix is one of the only places where storylines not focused on Neo can be found, and attempting to mess with them could harm the world of The matrix as a whole. The first non-neo story outside of The Animatrix Reconning the film could set a dangerous precedent, upset fans of The matrixs extended universe.
How Matrix 5 can show the origins of the Matrix without reconning the anime
There are several methods
Although it would make things a bit more complicated, it is possible The matrix 5 May show the origins of the matrix without reconning The Animatrix. One option would be to pay exact detail when crafting the story, with the film not contradicting anything seen in The Animatrix. after all, The second renaissance focuses on the broader strokes of the world's history, so a more personal story that takes place in the Machine War could easily work without conflicting with the anime.
Another option would be for The matrix 5 To discover that The second renaissance said an unreliable narrator. The second renaissance Uses a framing device in which a character known as the instructor tells the story of the archives in Zion many years after the events took place. Because of this it may be that Zion's archives are wrong, explain why The second renaissance Conflict with a potential The matrix 5 History. This is one of the best options, with it being able to preserve The Animatrix And The matrix 5.
The Matrix 5 is a possible upcoming release and would be the fifth film in the Matrix franchise. There was no word from the creators about a fifth film but many noted that the last fourth release left things "open."
- Director
Drew Goddard
- distributor(s)
Warner Bros. Pictures
- Main genre
Sci Fi