Mary Elizabeth Winstead played Huntress in the DCEU Birds of Prey film, but despite the film's elegant style and subversive narrative, audiences ended up wanting much more from the character. The film received a rather divisive critical reception: While some critics praised the film for breaking free from the conventions of the superhero genre, most agreed that it was too confusing, uneven, and uninteresting to really leave an impression. Although Birds of Prey works very well as a team film, the project failed to make a splash.
However, in the years that followed Birds of Preylaunch, Mary Elizabeth Winstead did a great job of proving how underutilized she was in the film. She has released some extremely underrated action films, surprising audiences with her dynamic stunts and fierce performances every time. She's starting to establish herself as a true action star, but Birds of Prey did not fully recognize the actress's potential. Winstead and the other Birds of Prey are unlikely to return in the rebooted DC universe, so the franchise may have wasted her for good.
Netflix's Kate Proved Mary Elizabeth Winstead Was Perfectly Cast as Huntress
The two characters are very similar
Netflix' Kate may have slipped under many audiences' radar, but it's undeniably one of the streaming service's most stylish and interesting action films to date. In the film, Winstead plays a ruthless assassin who was fatally poisoned during her mission and has 24 hours to exact revenge on the organization that triggered her death. It is an extremely tense and bloody narrative which is packed with high-octane set pieces, and much of its engagement is due to Winstead's captivating performance.
Kate takes advantage of all the potential that was lost in Birds of Prey: puts Winstead at the center of the story and allows her to fully let loose in this brutal, violent story of revenge and frustration. Kate was described as a copy of John Wick after its release, and although there are certainly similarities between the two projects, the comparison is somewhat reductive. Kate has a fresh and original style, mixing thrilling action with neon-soaked visuals and comedic elements that prove how well it could have nailed the precise tone of Birds of Prey with more screen time.
Mary Elizabeth Winstead should be in more action movies after Kate
The film should have opened more action film doors for Winstead
Kate was just the beginning of Mary Elizabeth Winstead's action career - the project immediately proved that she was capable of leading this fierce story without much help from the supporting cast, something she had never done before. The actress has an imposing screen presenceand his dedication to stunt work and action set pieces was exactly what a brutal movie sounds like Kate necessary.
Although the project was unceremoniously dropped at Netflix, it quickly developed a large fan base and received overwhelmingly positive reviews from critics.
Kate It proved not only that there's room in Hollywood for violent, independent, female-led action projects like this, but that there's even a demand for them. Although the project was unceremoniously dropped at Netflix, it quickly developed a large fan base and received overwhelmingly positive reviews from critics. With a more focused release strategy and perhaps a theatrical run Kate could have been the breakout hit that launched Winstead's action career after Birds of Prey.