Marvel's X-Men Reboot Is Using The Franchise's Mutant Hunting Sentinels In A Very Unique Way

Marvel's X-Men Reboot Is Using The Franchise's Mutant Hunting Sentinels In A Very Unique Way

While the X-Men Having battled human prejudice, alien threats, and everyone else, one enemy has always struck fear into the hearts of even Omega-level mutants: The Sentinels. During the final conclusion of the Krakoan Era, evolved Sentinels nearly wiped out all life on Earth, mutants and humans alike. Now the Sentinel program has restarted, and one of their first assignments is…To save a mutant.

Marvel released a preview for its new Sentinels series in June, a "From the Ashes" story centered on four new characters who voluntarily sign up for Lawrence Trask's reboot project. Like his father, the creator of the original Sentinels, Trask uses them for nefarious purposes, in this case, rounding up mutants for Greymalkin Prison. However, he is more focused on dangerous mutants to cause harm, not all mutants everywhere.

Sentinels #2 (2024)

The Sentinels fight a giant, veiny, muscular man who has one of the team in each hand.

Release date:

November 20, 2024


Alex Pacnadel


Justin Mason

Cover artist:

Justin Mason

Variant covers:

John Giang, aka

Operation: SHAW! The Sentinels have their orders: enter an enemy nation, infiltrate a maximum security prison and escape with Sebastian Shaw! Can Lockstep bring his men home safely? Will Shaw get the better of the new Sentinels, or will a bigger shadow hang over Greymalkin Prison?

In a first look at issue #2, from writer Alex Pacnadel and artist Justin Mason, the Sentinels are sent on a jailbreak to rescue Sebastian Shaw. It remains to be seen if this is exactly the case Trask could drop Shaw in his own prison instead.

The new Sentinels are the next step in their evolution

First published in X-Men #14 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby The Sentinels were an immediate threat to mutantkind. When Bolivar Trask and Charles Xavier held a televised debate about "The Mutant Question," Trask introduced his invention: a group of giant robots, powerful enough to take on the X-Men. As he boasted of his control over them, on the same page, the Sentinels rebelled. When they drag Trask to their leader, his other creation Lord Mold, they threaten to destroy the world if He Not followed Very Orders. suddenly, Trask was very interested in the X-Men show to save him.


The Sentinels have continued to evolve over the years, Remaining powerful threats to the growing cast of X-Men. During an adventure to an alternate future with the Avengers, a desperate Storm merges with Sentinel Tech who she befriended. When Doctor Strange all time-traveled back to the present, the tech also returned independent, turning into a powerful, self-aware sentinel called Nimrod. later, Nimrod fused with Bel Muld, and both lost their memories, traveling back in time again as the mysterious Bastion.. Last year, the Sentinels took a huge leap forward in tech when Orchis bought Stark Industries, creating the unstoppable Stark Sentinels.

Marvel's new Sentinels are still mysterious

Sentinels #1 Campana variant cover

The fall of Krakoa was engineered by two sentinels - Nimrod and TV Sentinel. As they finally revealed they wanted to destroy all life on the planet, humans and mutants temporarily formed a shaky truce. Lawrence Trask is a mutant himselfBut is also plagued by visions of all-out war between the two, hence his reboot of his father's Sentinel program. He claims that these visions show him why mutants are truly "dangerous," And they will be those who surround his swords. Also this time, his soldiers all volunteer for the nanotech that transforms them, unlike Bastion's cyborgs of the past.

Although the new Sentinels are all original characters, Marvel's first look at them suggests They are connected to massive events of the past: World War Hulk, Secret Empireand others. The writer Alex Paknadel said that his characters will be completely fleshed out, so there may be a revelation that they themselves were criminals, and their "volunteering" was not completely consensual; Or they're a souped-up version of DC's Suicide Squad. Whatever their background, breaking a mutant out of prison is a strange mission for a group of next generation SentinelsAnd this series looks to be full of similar surprises for those X-Men.

Sentinels #2 will be released on November 20th from Marvel Comics.