Marvel's first Hulk gets new codename that exposes surprise connection to the Avengers

Marvel's first Hulk gets new codename that exposes surprise connection to the Avengers

Warning: Contains spoilers for The Incredible Hulk #16

Marvel's latest believe Hulk has surprised readers by introducing the Marvel Universe's chronological first Hulk, one who has a fascinating connection to an existing Avengers Character. Although Marvel is best known for its reinterpretation of Norse mythology, the latest arc takes readers all the way back to the first recorded story in history, the Epic of Gilgamesh.

The Incredible Hulk #16 - written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, with art by Danny Earls - offers readers more background on the history of the Hulk's powers, pushing them far beyond their gamma radiation origins into the realm of the mythological.

The issue established it Enkidu - Gilgamesh's companion, himself a Marvel character and member of the Avengers - was the first HulkTyping one of the world's oldest myths into modern Marvel canon.

The surprising real-world origins of the Hulk's secret Marvel Universe story

The Incredible Hulk #16 - Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson; Art by Danny Earls; Color by Matt Wilson & Dee Cuniffe; Lettering by Corey Petit

Hulk shooting laser beams out of his eyes and crackling with cosmic energy.

With famous legendary characters like Thor and Loki, it is not surprising that Marvel would reveal its first Hulk based on an actual legend. Enkidu was a semi-human warrior figure in the stories of Babylon and Acadia, known for his upbringing in the wild and among the animals there. So he is often, as in the invincible hulk, Referred to as the Bull-Man of Acadia, not only for his fantastic strength previously unseen by humans, but also due to his disfigured form that made him look like a hybrid of man and beast.

It is no wonder that the Hulk is famously immortal, considering that the main story of Enkidu and Gilgamesh has to do with the quest for immortality. The death of Enkidu was a terrible death, and this result was his friend Gilgamesh on one of the first mythological quests. Now, one of the oldest stories of mankind is echoed in the modern mythology of comic books, How today's Hulk follows in the footsteps of the legendary animal-men of the pastKilling monsters and achieving immortality.

The Marvel Universe version of Gilgamesh is already an Avenger

First appearance: Eternal #13 - Written and illustrated by Jack Kirby

Marvel hero Gilgamesh, a version of the real mythological figure

The fascinating thing about Enkidu's revelation as the first Hulk in Marvel continuity is that his friend Gilgamesh, the ancient king of Uruk, has been a character in the Marvel Universe for decades. Also known as "The Forgotten", Gilgamesh was introduced in Jack Kirby's Eternal In 1977, and as subsequent appearances since then, including stints serving with the Avengers. This makes Incredible Hulk #16's reimagining of Hulk lore is even more exciting, and suggests more could be done with the characters in the future.

As an avenger, Gilgamesh fully embraces his Mesopotamian heritage by dropping himself into the hide of the Bull of Heaven, just as the character is often depicted in ancient art.

Gilgamesh is a hero out of time, thousands of years old, and as such a piece of the puzzle that spans the generations of Hulk lore. As an avenger, Gilgamesh fully embraces his Mesopotamian heritage by dropping himself into the hide of the Bull of Heaven, just as the character is often depicted in ancient art. Readers have already speculated whether he will play in the Hulk's story at all, as he would be able to provide Bruce Banner more in line with the Hulk's lineage, The beginning of which he testifies.

Marvel's New Hulk mythology established Bruce Banner as the last in a long line of Hulks

Enkidu's introduction as the first Hulk is a massive change

Green flames surround the Elder as the First Hulk Enkidu stands over her.

The Bull-Man of Acadia completes the Hulk's knowledge in a satisfying way. The mother of horrors was raised back to power by the Elder, and this being is the Hulk's evil opposite, considering they are monsters of different kinds. Only, she is arriving for destruction and conquest, and the Hulk is one of the greatest defenders of the earth. Their battle was eternal, as witnessed in The Hulk #16, Showing Enkidu's first brush with her powers in a way that makes Bruce Banner is more of an avatar of a cosmic force than just a punch-happy superhero with an anger problem.


As more and more of Hulk's story comes to light, with connections to human history and the oldest stories told in human mythology, the fight between good monsters and bad monsters will show an immortal conflict as immortal as the Hulk. Bruce Banner is the current avatar of the Green Flame, and although the Elder is back after Enkidu's defeat, the Hulk plans to kill her master the Mother of Horrors for good. With deep lore connecting history of humans to the Avengers, The cosmic Hulk He quickly reached his peak - and honored his ancestors along the way.

The Incredible Hulk #16 is now available from Marvel Comics!