Make way for HulketteMarvel fans. Even earlier published on A She - Hulk Variant cover, Marvel's newest member of the extended Hulk family will soon make her in-universe debut, ahead of the New Champions team relaunch in January 2025.
One of the many super-powered teenagers who first debuted as part of the Young Marvel 'Sidekick' variant covers spotlighting potential legacy characters for iconic heroes have appeared in the multiverse. Marvel's new Teen Hulk officially enters the scene, now that Marvel has unveiled Mark Bagley's variant cover for Spider-Boy #13 - Written by Dan Slott with art by Paco Medina - Spotlighting the official debut of Hulkette alongside her fellow New Champion hero Spider-Boy. Slott teased that Hulkette will be caught in the webs of not only Spider-Boy, but the new Spider-Girl and Daredevil.
With bright orange hair and the traditional green skin, this new twist on the formula is a unique addition to Marvel's diverse lineup of Hulk variants and alternate versions. Conceal a supposedly shocking secret beginning to be revealed within you Spider-Boy Adventure, Hulkette is set to shake up Earth-616 in a big way, according to writer Dan Slott:
"You'll get a chance to meet Hulkette and her trainer, Enormo, as they're drawn into the action-packed events of Spider-Boy and Spider-Girl's overseas adventure in Madripoor! We'll learn more about Hulkette and her powers As she faces off against Spider-Boy and Daredevil it's a big surprise for Marvel fans when we finally drop the secret of her origins... but for now, if you want to see this pint-sized powerhouse throw her first punches on the . page, this is where your journey begins."
What the arrival of Hulkette means for the Marvel Universe
Add another hero to the next age of Marvel Champions
Still created by Mirka Andolfo for the New Champions variant cover for Sensational She-Hulk #1And a short cameo in Timeless #1 Revealing a glimpse into the future of Marvel, Hulkette's story will begin to unfold in the pages of Spider-Boy. As other new heroes, including Amaranth, a student of the Scarlet Witch, and Fantasma, Marvel's new Ghost Rider variant, Marvel's mighty new teenage version of the Hulk will reveal his origin before the 2025 debut of New champions. Following in the footsteps of the Young Avengers and the original champions, the next generation of Marvel superheroes reassembles.
Many of her other future teammates made their first comic appearances in the pages of another spider-hero's solo series, saved by Spider-Woman from an evil Hydra brainwashing scheme that makes them act like villains. First created in a team called the Assembly, potential teen psychics for Captain America, Moon Knight, Captain Marvel, and more were under the control of a false variant of the Hulk, Titan, who was revealed to be the classic Hulk supervillain Gremlin in disguise. As the true new Hulk spinoff character from the Marvel Universe, the super-powered Hulkette is a powerful and important addition to the New Champions roster.
Our take on Hulkette's role among Marvel's heroes
As the new Hulk makes its mark in the universe against Spider-Boy and Daredevil, it is possible that its origin is connected to another mighty Marvel lawyer. with iconic She - Hulk Writer Dan Slott writes her debut, and her first appearance was on the Sensational She-Hulk cover, Hulkette may be more directly related to Jennifer Walters than anyone else in the Hulk family. While the backstory of the small but formidable hero is set to be slowly revealed, it will be fascinating to see how the possible new iteration of She-Hulk will fare against a webslinger and the devil from Hell's Kitchen.
Although Hulkling in The Young Avengers before her was not a gamma-powered hero at all, and in fact a Kree-Skrull hybrid, Hulkette follows him and Amadeus Cho on the champions as the resident Hulk-based hero in Marvel's latest teen teams . Featuring the unique new iteration is the teen girl version ofthe gamma-powered hero, and written by a legendary She - Hulk writer, Hulkette Could be one of the best new additions to the varied world of hulls. The mighty green powerhouse of the New Champions is a unique take on She-Hulk and a strong development for overall Hulk lore in the Marvel Comics canon.
Spider-Boy #13 Will be available November 27, 2024 from Marvel Comics.
Source: Wonder