Marvel Reveals The 1 Hero Who Can Permanently Defeat Thanos (And Even Redeem Him)

Marvel Reveals The 1 Hero Who Can Permanently Defeat Thanos (And Even Redeem Him)

WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE INCREDIBLE HULK ANNUAL 2024 #1! Thanos Is perhaps the greatest villain in the Marvel Universe, not only because he is insanely powerful and has rocked the entire cosmos on more than one occasion, but because he really loves murder and mayhem. However, that shouldn't suggest that Thanos can't be defeated, or even redeemed, because Marvel Comics has just named the one hero who has what it takes to do so.

in The Incredible Hulk Annual 2024 #1 by Derek Landy and Geoff Shaw, Thanos is hunting a new stone bearer, as he hopes to retrieve all of the Infinity Stones to become omnipotent. This comic is the latest edition in the ongoing Infinity Watch SagaA story that is told over a number Annual 2024 comics. In this one, the mind stone has found a bearer, and imbued the man with god-level telepathic power - and his name is Worldmind.

Psychic hero Worldmind attempts to redeem Thanos

When Thanos finds Worldmind, the Stone Bearer hits Thanos with a psychic attack so powerful that it drops the Mad Titan to his knees. Worldmind explains that the only reason Thanos is hunting the Infinity Stones - and why he's a villain at all - is because of the trauma of his childhood. Worldmind said he would alter Thanos' memories of his childhood, erasing the trauma and thereby reshaping who Thanos is on a fundamental level, defeating and perhaps even redeeming him in the process.

The Mind Stone himself is the 1st 'hero' who can defeat Thanos

Each infinity stone is deliberately possessed of heroic 'hosts', making the stones heroes themselves

The Mind Stone claims a new host: the Worldmind.

Worldmind's plan to take down Thanos is a tough one, as the mad titan was totally immobilized while the god-level psychic was roaming around in his mind. Unfortunately, Thanos gathered the strength to snap out of it, and killed Worldmind before the hero could finish the job. However, just because it didn't work this time doesn't mean it can't work in the future, especially if the Mind Stone chose an already powerful telepath as its host.

If someone like Charles Xavier, Emma Frost, or Jean Gray were imbued with the power of the Mind Stone (rather than someone like Worldmind, who only became a telepath once possessed by the Stone), it's a fair assumption that they would be able to To succeed where Worldmind failed. They would already have a masterful understanding of telepathic power, and with the mind stone's cosmic upgrade, they could potentially change everything about Thanos in a second.

The Infinity Stones as heroes is an awesome concept that needs to stay

One of the coolest aspects of the 'one hero' who can take down Thanos is the fact that the hero is the Mind Stone itself, especially since the same is true for the other Infinity Stones. These sentient cosmic artifacts are deliberately choosing heroes to inhabit, and when these heroes come together as a team, their individual power grows exponentially. The Infinity Stones have been used by heroes and villains alike, with seemingly no evidence in the matter. Now, Marvel Comics is giving them a voice, and they've decided to be cosmic heroes — and that's just such an awesome concept.


The Infinity Watch have the opportunity to be the greatest team of heroes in the Marvel Universe, powered and guided by the sentient Infinity Stones themselves. Only time will tell how their story will play out, but in the short term, it seems that one of the Infinity Watch heroes, the Mind Stone, has already figured out how to defeat (and even redeem) Thanos Permanently - It may just take finding a better employer to actually get the job.

The Incredible Hulk Annual 2024 #1 (2024)

Cover of The Incredible Hulk Annual #1 featuring Hulk fighting Thanos.

  • Writer: Derek Landy

  • Artist: Geoff Shaw

  • Colorist: Frank Martin

  • Letter: VC's Cory Petit

  • Cover artists: Salvador Larroca and Guru-eFX