Marvel Really Wants You To Forget The True Origin Of Wolverine's Daughter

Marvel Really Wants You To Forget The True Origin Of Wolverine's Daughter

Notice! Spoilers ahead for Laura Kinney: Wolverine #1!Wonder hero Laura Kinney is a clone of Wolverineand his most iconic descendants, eventually even taking on the superhero title Wolverine and joining the X-Men. However, the version of the character that fans are currently following in the franchise From the Ashes is not who she claims to be. In fact, it's clear that Marvel wants to omit major key moments from the previous Krakoan Era.

In preview for Laura Kinney: Wolverine #1 – written by Erica Schultz, with art by Giada Belviso – Laura Kinney mentions her supposed origin as a clone of Wolverine, created in a laboratory to have his healing factor, his claws and to be the perfect killer. However, this Laura Kinney is not the original lab-created daughter of Wolverine; instead, this Laura is a copy who was resurrected on Krakoa.

It seems clear that franchise From the ashes The initiative takes the opportunity to distance itself from the Krakoa Era and avoids the fact that many of the X-Men are new characters.

Marvel Fans Know That Wolverine's Daughter Laura Kinney Isn't Who She Says She Is

Laura Kinney: Wolverine #1 – Written by Erica Schultz; Art by Giada Belviso; Color by Rachelle Rosenberg; Letters from Cory Petit

Laura Kinney's Wolverine standing in front of a wall covered in blood.

During the Krakoan Era, the original Laura Kinney was trapped in the Children of the Vault's vault, where she spent centuries and assumed the codename Talon, and with the rest of the X-Men thinking she was dead, Laura Kinney was resurrected on Krakoa by the Five. . This accident meant that two Laura Kinneys were running around the Marvel Universe, living different lives, the original as Talon and the clone who still went by Wolverine. Near the climax of the Krakoan Era, Laura was tragically killed by the High Evolutionary, definitively ending Laura Kinney's original story.

Laura Kinney lives as a clone, but she is not the original X-23, as From the ashes I would like fans to believe it, because she doesn't have the memories of the original Laura Kinney. Laura Kinney's clone has memories of her own origin, but because both X-23s were alive at the same time, there is a definite distinction between the two. Likewise, the current Beast clone recognizes that he lacks 30 years of the original Beast's history, just as Laura Kinney's clone has no memory of her time in the Vault.

In “Soft” Reboot of the X Franchise, Laura Kinney’s Original Legacy Takes a Harder Hit

Wonder Want to distance yourself from the Krakoa era

Many X-Men and mutants died during the Krakoa Era, and it was understood that heroes who were revived on Krakoa retain their original souls, but Laura Kinney's existence undermines this greatly. Laura Kinney speaks as if she were the original, also acknowledging that she was revived on Krakoa. However, X-23 neglects to mention that the original Laura Kinney was still alive when she was brought back. Wonder would make fans believe that X-23 was revived, but This neglected distinction shows the death of Wolverinethe daughter was very real, and that Laura Kinney represents a new beginning for the character.

Laura Kinney: Wolverine #1 will be available on December 11, 2024, from Marvel Comics!