The first trailer for thunderbolts* Show a new team in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the team's Black Widow is even more dangerous than the original. thunderbolts* Boasting an all-star cast of heroes and villains from across the years of the Marvel Universe, with several More familiar faces like Sebastian Stan's Winter Soldier were joined by what seemed to be one-off villains like Ghost. The team dynamics promise to be unusual for the franchise, and there is a greater focus on darkness and violence than in the rest of the universe.
Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow is perhaps the most underrated part of the original Avengers team, and Disney made some mistakes with her character and her deal regarding the release of Black Widow. Fortunately, Scarlett Johansson is returning to the MCU as an executive producer on thunderbolts*. This suggests a possible repair of relations, which is fortunate, because there is still hope that her Black Widow will appear in the future Avengers sequels despite her death in Avengers: Endgame. In the meantime, her replacement seems set to deliver a very different kind of performance.
Yelena ends her hallway scene in a much more brutal way
The Thunderbolts* scene resembles a Black Widow scene from Iron Man 2
Contrast that with the hallway fight scene Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow takes part in during Iron Man 2The new one thunderbolts* Trailer shows a different kind of action scene with Yelena. The scene is intense and ends with several shots of Yelena, suggesting a number of fatalities. The kind of dark violence is generally avoided with Johansson's Black Widow, but makes for a compelling contrast between the two characters. Yelena's fighting is more frenetic and less restrained, thereby making it more frightening and dangerous.
All this seems to contribute to an unusual film and an excellent sequel to Marvel's Phase 4. The tone of the new thunderbolts* Trailer feels darker and more violent, with the trappings of a DCEU film more akin to Suicide Squad. Although there are still many of the MCU's typical hallmarks, including jokes and quips, the feeling of thunderbolts* is unusual for the universe. This is well exemplified by the dark examination of Yelena, which was at the heart of the film.
The Black Widow of the Thunderbolts is so much more dangerous than the Avengers
The Thunderbolts team is much more dangerous than the Avengers
Every widow has had a dark past, and Yellen's complex characterization certainly left some charms on her. The character, who is often known in the comics as the White Widow, is not reluctant to use violence, As shown in the new trailer. She fights with earnestness while the rest of the team tries to do the same to her. That's largely what separates the Thunderbolts team from the Avengers: they're dangerous and willing to do terrible things heroes wouldn't.
John Walker has killed with his shield, and Elena has committed violent acts in the past. While there will surely be intense moments of characterization in the movie, and while it may lead to a more heroic path for each of the characters in the film, It is also important that the darkness of the team should be highlighted. Yelena and Natasha are incredibly different characters despite their history together, and it makes sense thunderbolts* is attached to this with his violent action.
With a poster featuring the new team holding weapons, and a sequence that sees them facing off against each other, It is clear that thunderbolts* will explore an unusual team dynamic in the MCU. This is an exciting way to keep the franchise fresh and is quite promising. The film seems to be built around Elena, who is compelling because of Florence Pugh's excellent performance and her links to the MCU past. thunderbolts* will provide a new understanding of what a Black Widow can be when it is released next year.
Marvel's Thunderbolts * is a superhero movie based on the comic team of the same name. The movie acts as part of the MCU's fifth phase of films. The film sees the likes of Bucky Barnes, Yelena Belova, Wyatt Russell, the Red Guardian, and more as an unlikely group of heroes and villains come together to fight for good.
- Director
Jake Schrier
- Release date
May 2, 2025