Marvel is permanently upgrading a TV hero to God, as the last Infinity Stone is finally claimed

Marvel is permanently upgrading a TV hero to God, as the last Infinity Stone is finally claimed

WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE INCREDIBLE HULK ANNUAL 2024 #1! There were many Marvel Comics Characters who started their careers as mere mortals and have been elevated to godhood, including ones that have been featured in movies and on television. From Daredevil to the Punisher, many heroes have known what it is to be a god, even if only for a short time. And now, one more can be added to that list, as Marvel permanently upgrades a TV hero to God after they become the host of the last Infinity Stone that needs to be claimed.

in The Incredible Hulk Annual 2024 #1 by Derek Landy and Geoff Shaw, Thanos seeks the Mind Stone, as he is once again on a quest to obtain all of the Infinity Stones. This time, however, the stones are not just stones, but mortals who are chosen to act as hosts for the stones, and in return, are imbued with their cosmic power. Before long, Thanos finds the keeper of the Mind Stone, and he's not the only one.

The Mind Stone boss is a man called Worldmind, who uses his telepathic powers to summon someone he wants to be his 'bodyguard' - and that person is Colleen Wing. However, it is soon revealed that this is a complete hoax, as the Mind Stone did not call Colleen to be Worldmind's bodyguard, but called her to be his new boss. When Thanos kills Worldmind (as the Mind Stone assuredly knew would happen), the Stone possesses Colleen, transforming her into a cosmic god.

What's next for Marvel's new cosmic god, Colleen Wing?

Colleen Wing is the new potential leader of the Infinity Watch

Marvel Comics' Infinity Watch comes together as a team, floating above Thanos.

Colleen Wing is the current bearer of the Mind Stone, as she inherited it from Worldmind and survived Thanos with the help of the Hulk in this issue. So, what now? Well, Colleen Wing is just one of many Infinity Stone bearers, all of whom collectively make up the cosmic. Superhero team called Infinity Watch. While most of the Stone Bearers are separated during the events of the comic, they all eventually come together Avengers Annual 2024 #1 to fight Thanos one last time.

Only time will tell what will become of Colleen Wing and the Infinity Watch.

However, Thanos isn't the only source of friction, as the Infinity Watch members fight among themselves to see who will lead them, with Colleen Wing as the clear front-runner. Only time will tell what will become of Colleen Wing and the Infinity Watch, and whether she will actually come to lead them. Meanwhile, the team has taken to the cosmos, promising to guard the universe as god-like heroes.

Colleen Wing isn't the first Marvel TV hero to become a god

Colleen Wing joins the ranks of other heroes like Daredevil and Punisher

The MCU's Daredevil and the Punisher side-by-side.

Colleen Wing is a major character in the MCU series (originally Marvel/Netflix) Iron fistAs well as the limited series, The defenders. Interestingly enough, she is not the only Netflix/Marvel hero to become a god in Marvel comics, as Daredevil joined the ranks of the divine when he took over Heimdall's position on Asgard during the War of the Realms. Similarly, the Punisher gained god-level power in both The Punisher Vol. 4 (as the angel of death), and The Punisher Vol. 13 (as the Avatar of the Beast).


It seems that street-level TV heroes are well-suited for god-level positions, with Colleen Wing being just the latest among them. However, it is clear that she now stands above the rest, as her position as the opinion stone bearer on the Infinity Watch is permanent, and her story as Marvel Comics' Last God is only just beginning.

The Incredible Hulk Annual 2024 #1 by Marvel Comics is now available.