Marvel has finally found Magneto's successor: who is Magnetrix?

Marvel has finally found Magneto's successor: who is Magnetrix?

Magnetothe iconic villain of X-Men franchise, is gaining a new successor, as Marvel officially debuts MAGNETRIX. The teenage character will arrive in early 2025, with a teenage heroine adopting the costume and powers of the iconic Master of Magnetism. Interestingly, this new character is not Marvel's first 'Magnetrix', with the original having an important connection to the original villain.

In recently released requested information for the next New ChampionsMarvel introduced Magnetrix - a teenage superhuman with magnetic powers. Nao Fuji's variant cover shows Magnetrix freeing several cats from cages, while the request provokes "new allies... and enemies?" to the team, leaving it unclear whether Magnetrix will join or oppose the New Champions.

new magnettrix champions hero

Marvel's New Champions are a group of teenage heroes designed as sidekicks to the Avengers as part of a 2023 variant cover initiative. The ideas were too good to leave as stand-alone art, and many of the characters were later introduced into Marvel lore and trained by Spider-Woman, revealing to be part of a Hydra plan that kidnapped children and imbued them with superpowers. Members revealed so far include Cadet Marvel, new Ghost Rider Fantasma, Moon Squire, Hellrune, and Kid Juggernaut.

It's possible that Magnetrix is ​​Anya, Magneto's daughter, who died at the hands of a human mob decades ago.

New Champions #2

new champion heroes magnetrix and hellrune

Release date:

January 8, 2025


Steve Foxe


Ivan Fiorelli

Cover artist:

Gleb Melnikov

NEW ALLIES... AND ENEMIES? Hellrune has called upon young heroes from around the world, but who among them has what it takes to become a New Champion? Soft-spoken magician Monte seems like an excellent candidate, but is he more than he seems? And who is the mysterious MAGNETRIX?

New Champions Magnetrix is ​​the teenage answer to Magneto

But is she really the villain's resurrected daughter?

new image of the champions group

The codename Magnetrix isn't new to Marvel lore – in fact, it was the original codename of Lorna Dane, aka Polaris. Polaris was eventually confirmed to be Magneto's biological daughter, possessing the same magnetic powers (although not to their full omega-level potential). This raises the question of why the new Magnetrix took this name and whether she has any familial connection to the original Magneto.

It's possible that Magnetrix is ​​some reborn version of Magneto's daughter Anyawho was killed in a fire when Magneto was approached by a crowd of humans. Premiering in Classic X-Men #12' is 'A Fire in the Night!' by Chris Claremont and John Bolton, Anya is yet another example of how Magneto's family faced tragedy after tragedy at human hands. However, no one stays dead forever in superhero comics, and if Gwen Stacy, Bucky Barnes, and Jason Todd can enjoy new lives under new codenames, then Anya is as good a candidate as any.

Fans will only discover the truth about Magnetrix when New Champions debuts in 2025, but we can be sure that if a new hero or villain debuts using Magnetocostume and codename, the X-Menthe iconic antihero is going to want answers sooner or later.

New Champions #1 will be released on January 8th by Marvel Comics, followed by issue 2 on February 12th.