Marvel finally admits 1 positive from Bucky's Winter Soldier tragedy

Marvel finally admits 1 positive from Bucky's Winter Soldier tragedy

Thanks to the new one thunderbolts* trailer, Marvel Studios seemingly admits that there were some cool parts to Bucky's tragic Winter Soldier past in the MCU. As seen in the first Captain America Movies, Bucky Barnes was thought to have died during WWII, when he was actually abducted and experimented on by Hydra, becoming a highly enhanced and brainwashed assassin known as the Winter Soldier for decades. Although they have broken free from their mind control, thunderbolts* Looks to bring back an impressive weapon from Bucky's darker past.

In the new trailer for Marvel's thunderbolts*It certainly seems as if someone wants Yelena Belova, John Walker's USAgent, Ghost, Taskmaster and Red Guardian dead. However, it also seems like Bucky Barnes is working for them, as he appears to open fire on this new roster by the trailer's end. so too, Bucky's attack was carried out by an epic weapon not seen since 2014 Captain America: The Winter Soldier (When Barnes is still brainwashed).

Bucky uses a disc grenade from the Winter Soldier in Thunderbolts*

Used during Hydra's attack on Nick Fury

As seen at the end of the first thunderbolts* Trailer, Bucky is seen on a motorcycle pursuing at least Yelena's Black Widow, Red Guardian, USAgent and Ghost who are all seen driving in a red limo. Barnes then pulls out a gun with a custom disc grenade attachment, the same one he used in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. As such, it's a direct callback to the 2014 MCU movie, as the weapon hasn't been seen or used since Barnes' attack on Nick Fury in the second. Captain America Movie when he was still an agent of Hydra as the Winter Soldier.


In the first act of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, SHIELD director Nick Fury is suspicious of darker forces operating within his organization. This prompts an attack by HYDRA who is actually embedded in SHIELD, their first attack taking place while Fury is driving from the Triskelion. Although Fury narrowly escapes the first wave of agents sent to kill him, The Winter Soldier is dispatched, finishing off Fury's armored car with this custom disc grenade attachmentassembled his vehicle and forced the director to flee on foot (with the Winter Soldier still in pursuit).

Bucky's disc grenade is one of the Winter Soldier's killer weapons

An impressive custom attachment

Bucky using disc grenade in Thunderbolts* trailer

in The Winter SoldierThis custom disc grenade attachment is attached to a FN SCAR, specifically used as an anti-vehicle weapon. With four magnetic plates, the fired grenade is meant to slide towards an incoming vehicle before the magnets adhere to its underside before detonating. As such, it is a very effective tool and certainly one of the coolest weapons that the Winter Soldier has ever usedBoth as a brainwashed assassin for Hydra and later when Bucky was released and began to seek atonement for his dark past.

Now, it looks like Bucky has dusted off the same custom grenade attachment he once used back when he was still Hydra's greatest living weapon.. Likewise, a similar scenario presented itself with Bucky needing to stop a target's vehicle, and it looks as if the disk can be fired at enough speed to catch the back of the limo's underside. This is quite impressive, seeing as Fury's armored car is driving towards Bucky The Winter SoldierWhile the limo in thunderbolts* New trailer looks to be driving away from the former killer.

Which bookie uses a Winter Soldier weapon means for his Thunderbolts* story

Is Bucky Barnes sliding back?

In any case, the bigger question is why Bucky is shown firing at the limo in the first place. It is also not confirmed who he may be working for, although it is likely the CIA. Director Valentina Allgra de Fontaine (Julia Louis-Dreyfus). however, There may be a thematic reason why Bucky uses such an iconic weapon from his Winter Soldier pastEspecially combined with his longer hairstyle which also evokes his past as Hydra's assassin.

"The new one thunderbolts* Trailer may be teasing that Bucky may have started sliding back on his journey…”

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Confirmed that Bucky had broken Hydra's brainwashing and sought to redeem his dark past, it was reported that thunderbolts* Will have a focus on navigating mental illness. to this end, The new one thunderbolts* Trailer may be teasing that Bucky may have started sliding back on his journeyRather than indicate that someone has managed to brainwash him once more. Either way, it would be a challenging place to find the former Winter Soldier at the start of the upcoming MCU movie.

thunderbolts* is set to release on May 2nd, 2025 from Marvel Studios.