Warning: contains spoilers Werewolf at night #4!
Marvel just made a surprise UCM star in your new version of Hulkand now all he has to do is kill the original. The Hulk, fueled by rage and rage, left a trail of destruction across the Marvel Universe. He's in a class of his own, but as seen in Werewolf at night #4, the titular character received a rage-induced upgrade.
Werewolf at night #4 was written by Jason Loo and drawn by Sergio Davila. The Werewolf, along with Elsa Bloodstone, is being held prisoner by Ka-Zar in the Savage Land. Suddenly, a giant monster emerges from the ground and attacks the Earth. Ka-Zar's forces are powerless, but Elsa suggests he release the Werewolf to help. The Werewolf, in a state of pure rage, manages to kill the monster... as well as many others. Angered, Ka-Zar exiles them from the Savage Land, putting them on the path to meeting the Hulk in the next issue.
The Marvel hero most similar to the Hulk is... Werewolf by night?
The Werewolf and the Hulk have a lot in common
Since his first appearance more than 50 years ago, the Werewolf, like the Hulk, has struggled to contain and control his savage impulses, with varying degrees of success. The product of a family curse, as opposed to gamma radiation, the Werewolf has recently struggled even more with his darker side, especially after the events of Blood Huntwhich saw Jack Russell go down his darkest path, still unfolding in the pages of his new solo title. Elsa Bloodstone, his best friend and future lover, is trying to help Jack in his fight against his nature.
However, just as the Hulk's attempts at solitude often met with failure and disaster, so too did the Wolfman's, leading him to cause as much death and destruction as the monster he was fighting.
The Hulk often fled from humanity, taking refuge in distant corners of the Earth, either to be alone or to search for a cure for his condition, and as seen in Werewolf at night #4, Jack is taking a page out of Bruce's playbook by escaping into the Savage Land. The Werewolf believed that the answers to ending his curse would be found there. However, just as the Hulk's attempts at solitude often met with failure and disaster, so too did the Wolfman's, leading him to cause as much death and destruction as the monster he was fighting.
The werewolf is becoming even more like the Hulk
The werewolf is fighting a losing battle for his humanity
The Werewolf has acquired additional characteristics similar to the Hulk since Blood Hunt, those that make it even more deadly. Although he has always been enormous, in recent months the Werewolf has "bulked up", developing large amounts of muscle mass and taking on an even more savage appearance. This change in the Werewolf's body was accompanied by a marked change in his mental state as well. Just like Banner and the Hulk, Russell loses his humanity when he transforms into the Werewolf. Each full moon phase brings existential dread to Jack Russell.
Recently, however, Russell descended even further into savagery when he transformed into the Werewolf.. As seen in Werewolf at night first issue, someone or something brutally massacred some people Russell befriended. Although the issue left it vague as to whether Russell actually killed them, it helped establish that he is losing control - and it may only be a matter of time before he actually kills someone innocent. This is a fear that Banner also lives with, giving the two monsters even more in common.
The Hulk also has a monstrous problem now
The Mother of Horrors is making Hulk's life miserable
The Hulk has dealt with monsters like the Werewolf himself in the pages of his own title. The Mother of Horrors, an ancient and primordial evil, has been rallying Earth's monsters to lead them against the Hulk, who she sees as "the Fractured Son." The Hulk has already fought several monsters, and now another one is in his sights. While Werewolf at night #4 doesn't establish a connection between what's happening with the Hulk and the Werewolf, the possibility exists. The Mother of Horrors may be behind the Werewolf's recent changes.
The Werewolf is slowly losing control, and a fight with the Hulk could be what it takes to push him completely over the edge.
These changes have made the Werewolf a new, otherworldly version of the Hulk, and now he's set to clash with the Jade Giant next month. This battle promises to be one of the biggest and most violent in recent Marvel history. The Werewolf is slowly losing control, and a fight with the Hulk could be what it takes to push him completely over the edge. If so, then the Hulk will have his work cut out for him as he tries to kill the Werewolf, whose recent updates have placed him in roughly the same class.
Can the werewolf defeat the Hulk? Is it even possible?
Despite Werewolf's recent updates, Hulk still has the edge over him
Even though the Werewolf is gaining power and strength, he still has a lot of work to do when he fights the Hulk. While the Hulk possesses seemingly limitless strength, fueled by his rage, the Werewolf does not. It wouldn't be a problem for the Hulk to simply wear Russell down. The Hulk has also proven difficult to kill, while a well-placed silver bullet can kill the Werewolf. UCM star will prove to be a worthy opponent for the Hulk.
Werewolf at night #4 It's on sale now at Marvel Comics!