In classic RPG style, Mario and Luigi: Brotherhood allows players to select some special skill attacks during turn-based combat. These are battle skills that come in addition to your regular attacks and have a higher chance of dealing heavy damage, but they also cost BP. These Bros. Attacks use the two brothers together to perform a single move, which often defy any realistic possibility of happening, but it sure looks cool.
When playing the main campaign of Mario and Luigi: Brotherhoodthe brothers will receive new Bros. Attacks from time to time, as the story so warrants. Each Bros. attack costs BP, which can be replenished by using certain items, such as syrup, or by resting. Many of these Bros. Attacks also feature some nostalgia for old players, either by reference to previous Mario and Luigi games, or simply iconic features of the Super Mario universe.
Green Shell
Special attack 5 BP Bros. by Luigi
The first Bros. attack skills which players obtain happen after returning to Shipshape after connecting the Rumbla Island lighthouse. The Green Shell move is learned by Luigi, while Mario receives the Red Shell attack. These are fairly traditional moves with the Koopa shells that have been seen before, but they're also comfortable and familiar, bringing some Mushroom Kingdom consistency to Concordia.
The Green Shell Bros. attack It is selected by Luigi and costs 5 BP to use. Executing the movement successfully requires good timing from the playeras they must press the correct buttons for Luigi and Mario to kick the projectile as it approaches them. Once kicked, the projectile hits one of the enemies and bounces to the other brother, continuing a few times until Luigi delivers a powerful kick to finish it off.
Red Shell
Special Attack 4 BP Bros.
The Red Shell Bros. attack is what Mario receives at the same time that Luigi learns the Green Shell ability. The Red version only costs 4 BP, but is a very similar mechanic to the Green Shell style. Players press the correct buttons at the right time to trigger Mario or Luigi to kick the projectile, leading to Mario performing a powerful kick at the end.
Unlike the Green Shell attack, the Red Shell is passed between Mario and Luigi instead of hitting an enemy between each kick. As they pass the projectile, it gains momentum and becomes more powerful, and the brothers move closer and closer to the enemy line. This attack will only hit one enemy, but it will do a decent amount of damage and is fun for players.
clock scam
Special Attack 12 BP Bros.
Clockout Blow does not become available until Mario and Luigi are about to explore Wayaway Island, and is one of the more expensive attacks, costing 12 BP. It's a really cool time-bending attack that Temporarily freezes time so Mario and Luigi can run at high speeds to knock out enemiesand will target all the bad guys, not just one.
Due to how quickly the brothers appear to be moving, players will need to be smart and pay close attention as the attack takes place. The camera will focus on an enemy with the screen dimmed to show that time is slowing down, and Mario or Luigi will quickly enter and be ready to swing the hammer. Players have a split second to press the correct button for which bro is there, but if they are successful they can do a lot of damage quickly.
If players get all the instructions right during the move, the final enemy will be launched into the air to deal additional damage.
Special Attack 7 BP Bros. by Luigi
Not only does the Zapperator deal a ton of damage to every enemy on screen, but it also has an extra cool name that's really just a fun word to say. Zapperator is one of Luigi's special attacks and is given to Luigi by Technikki just before the trip to Lottacoins Island.
Zapperator costs 7 BP to start and will have Luigi and Mario quickly take turns carrying a huge storm cloud. It can be a little tricky to get the timing right, as pressing each button too quickly will cause the brothers to stop, but too slow can result in the cloud not being as big as it could be. Once charged, players need to get X right before time runs out and the large dark cloud above the enemies releases some flashy, bright lightning bolts over the battlefield to hopefully eliminate the bad guys.
Derby Bomb
Special Attack 10 BP Bros.
One of the Bros. special moves. Mario's coolest attack is Bomb Derby. Costing 10 BP, Mario will give Luigi a large pile of lit bombs before assuming the scout position with his hammer. Luigi quickly throws each bomb to Mario and players must time their strike correctly to launch each explosive at enemies. The move will hit all the bad guys, with the last bomb doing a substantial amount of damage with a fireworks-like explosion that's fun to watch.
Unfortunately, getting to the last bomb can be tricky and require excellent timing on the player's part. Due to this, Bomb Derby is a great attack option to use alongside the Auto Excellent Battle Plugas it can be a little difficult to get the timing right, but it's a lot of fun when players manage to get to the last bomb in Luigi's pile.
Jump Helmet
Special Attack 9 BP Bros. by Luigi
Luigi's jumping helmet and Mario's Bomb Derby are unlocked at the start of The Glohming Begins mission and are really fun and silly moves. The Jump Helmet has a cost of 9 BP and will only target one enemy, but can do a lot of damage to that enemy when it lands.
Jump Helmet is simply a really fun attack to use and can be a little less challenging than some of the others. Mario puts on a perfectly ridiculous, neck-breaking hat that features a giant spring platform on top of it. Luigi then launches himself and players must send Mario chasing his brother into the air. to catch him with the helmet. Players must not only line up Mario for Luigi to land, but also press B to launch Luigi into the air once again.
Eventually, the brothers get close enough to the enemy that Luigi can shoot them down, becoming Luigi's cannonball and dealing a lot of damage.
Max-Mix Vortex
Special attack 14 BP Bros. by Luigi
Max-Mix Vortex is the latest Bros. Attack given to Luigi and costs 14 BP to use, which isn't that difficult to do in the late game when Luigi obtains the ability, but it's still expensive. It uses the fire and ice brothers' abilities to create a beautiful, colorful tornado of damage to all enemies on screen, and can cause burn or ice damage to bad guys if they survive the attack.
Essentially, Fire Mario and Ice Luigi must have perfectly timed fire and ice throws in a beautiful spinning circle. Once they're done, the circle continues into a huge tornado with Mario and Luigi spinning in the center of it and directing it across the field to hit the fleeing enemies. Using the Auto Excellent Battle Plug on this one can be fun for players to just sit back and enjoy all the colors and coolness of this move.
Yoo Who Cannon
Special attack 12 BP Bros. by Luigi
Luigi's Yoo Who Cannon Attack can be a bit like a memory game for playersbut when done successfully it is a strong move to hit all enemies. When the ability is selected, various Mario and Luigi will jump into a variety of barrels and give the player a moment to try and remember who is in which barrel. As each barrel is ready to fire, players must press A for Mario or B for Luigi.
If the player is correct in selecting which brother is in the barrel, then that character will be launched from the barrel at enemies and then collected in a larger barrel in the back. After all of the Marios and Luigis are launched, the large barrel that collected them will also fire, with a larger cannonball of Marios and Luigis spinning together to hit all enemies on screen.
Shock me if you can
Special Attack 7 BP Bros.
Dear green dinosaur friend, Yoshi, is not part of Mario and Luigi: Brotherhood at all, or even referenced otherwise than in this Bros. Attack. In Mario's Hatch Me If You Can move, the iconic green and white egg is used as a volleyball, with Mario and Luigi diving for it and launching it into the air. Apparently, Yoshi doesn't seem to mind being used as a sports ball, as he is happy to help when he emerges.
To make this attack even better, when Yoshi breaks free from his egg high above, he performs his Yoshi Bomb ability from Super Smash Bros.., complete with the same sound effect. This is a wonderful little easter egg inside Mario and Luigi: Brotherhoodand also a very effective move.
Warning: The Bros' coolest attack. After this spoiler alert contains spoilers for the reveal of an end-game character in Mario & Luigi: Brothership.
Conductor connector
Special Attack 15 BP Bros.
As Mario and Luigi approach the final battles, the Grand Maestro grants them the Bros. special attack, Maestro Connector. This is one of Mario's abilities and costs 15 BP to use, invoking the power of the legendary god, the Grand Maestro himself.
When Mario and Luigi perform this attack, the Grand Maestro takes Mario into outer space, where players have to time their launches to connect Mario to the satellites circling around him. If all satellites are successfully connected, the Great Conductor can launch a massive attack against all enemies with up to 120% attack power. Truly, displaying the legendary powers of this being in Mario and Luigi: Brotherhood.