Star Wars Canon and legends collide in this incredible concept film that sees Mara Jade and Doctor Cheli Afra team up. The old one Star Wars Expanded Universe may not be canon anymore, but the stories and characters are still so fondly remembered. Nowhere is this more true than with Mara Jade, once the Emperor's Hand, who eventually became Luke Skywalker's wife. Although Legends characters like Grand Admiral Thrawn have become canon, Mara is sadly still Legends-only.
An incredible concept film in the AFK web series Imagine how Mara Jade might work in Canon. here, The Emperor's Hand Crosses Paths with Darth Vader's "Pet Archaeologist," Doctor AphraWhen the two were both sent to retrieve the same Jedi holocron. This is an incredible adventure in two parts, filled with rich humor.
Mara Jade & Doctor Aphra are perfect rivals
Doctor Afra is Star Wars Answer to Indiana Jones, although a lot more corrupt because she's in it for the credits. This is the one Star Wars Galaxy, after all, where ancient artifacts are not only sought after because they are precious; They can also be incredibly powerful. She wound up catching the eye of Darth Vader himself, which forced Doctor Aphra to work for him. Aphra only escaped the deal when she faked her own death.
Mara was steeped in the corrupting influence of Imperial culture, and the idea that she remained untainted is absurd.
Aphra is the perfect counterpart to Mara Jade, the Emperor's Hand, who served the Emperor out of misguided loyalty because she believed he wanted the best for the galaxy. Amusingly, the concept video shows Mara Jade in a much more negative light than some of Timothy Zahn's Legends novels set in this period, which makes sense; Mara was steeped in the corrupting influence of Imperial culture, and the idea that she remained untainted is absurd.
The Sith tradition encourages rivalry between master and apprentice; It's literally baked into the Sith Rule of Two, which encourages each apprentice to seek to replace their master. What few have considered, however, is that the inevitable and "natural" rivalry between Darth Vader and Palpatine would naturally mean that their agents and messengers often wound up working at cross purposes as well, even violently so. The burgeoning (yet oddly comradely) rivalry between Mara Jade and Doctor Aphra here feels so right.
Many viewers long to see Mara Jade brought back in Star Wars Canon, and the concept film really shows how this is possible. The best focus would be to look beyond the idea of Mara marrying Luke, and instead focus on establishing her as a villain - so any redemption story really feels impactful. This is definitely the approach Star Wars should take.
Source: AFK web series
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