A recent update on the possibility of amanifestSpinoff is bittersweet, especially since the original series ended. Before it was canceled by NBC,manifest Appeared for three seasons, with its story of a plane reappearing after five and a half years leading to many intriguing mysteries. With seasons 1 and 2 performing exceptionally well on Netflix- And fans rally to save the show- The streamer saved the series with an extended season 4 that allowedmanifest To have a proper ending.
While manifest In the 4th season, the series finale received a largely mixed reception with 20 episodes. Showrunner Jeff Rake has since teased that he and his creative partners are working on a spinoff And confirmed in an update that the future manifest History is still being developed. Although the news is exciting, it is also a little worrying because of the creative choices behind the series finale, which could be worsened by a continuation of his story.
Jeff Rake's manifest spinoff news feels bittersweet after the original series ended
Manifest has a split end
manifest Completed with a timeline reset In which only the Flight 828 passengers are deemed to have survived and retained their memories of what happened throughout the series. Everyone else in the newly reset timeline has no memory of their journey in the last four seasons. And the flight 828 passengers seriously judged simply perished. One of the main reasons this ending proved divisive is because it undid much of the series' character development and left questions unanswered. A spinoff could potentially fix this issue, but depending on what happens, it could also make the ending even worse.
A spinoff series can be as engaging as its predecessor, but it can just as easily exacerbate the issues created by the end of the original series.
Among the overarching mysteries surrounding the calls and what really happened to Flight 828, manifest Has been an exciting show to watch throughout its entire run. After years of the tantalizing mysteries and the difficult journey of the characters, the finale felt like a disservice to both the plot and the arcs of the characters. A spinoff series can be as engaging as its predecessor, but it can just as easily exacerbate the issues created by the end of the original series. Raising more mysteries could make the story more convoluted, and a spinoff set in the present timeline could hurt the characters further.
A manifest spinoff could answer some of the questions the first series didn't
The callings and the divine consciousness are not fully explored
manifest Opted for a more character-driven endingThat is why it left many questions unanswered. There is still a great deal that is unclear about the overarching mysteries and mythology of the show, especially where the callings and the divine consciousness are concerned. There were also lingering questions that were more character-specific, from the unique connections Cal had to the Callings to Eden having her own Callings despite Flight 828 disappearing before she was born.
The best thing a spinoff can do is answer some of these questions, which can offer clarity and reward viewers who have been waiting years to have these questions properly answered. If the spinoff is able to achieve this, It can make manifestThe ending works better in hindsight. manifest Has a six-time plan for the series that it was not able to fully realize. This was due to NBC's cancellation and the fact that Netflix only had it for one more season. Elements of the original design may be incorporated into the spinoff, but it depends on what it's about.
What Jeff Rake's Manifest Spinoff Could Be About
There are 2 feasible options
The simplest way for a future manifest spinoff would be a direct sequel series In the reset timeline. NSA director Robert Vance is already investigating the passengers who disappeared on flight 828, who were, unknowingly, considered worthless. And as far as Timeline's Zeke Landon is concerned, he and Michaela Stone just met for the first time. A direct sequel series would have the benefit of familiar characters but would have to make different narrative choices, especially since important characters like Angelina don't exist in the new timeline.
Another approach for a spinoff could be to go back to the 16th century and Explore the full extent of what really happened to Egyptian explorer Yuzus al-Zuras and his profession. This could be an effective way of addressing unanswered questions about the callings, the divine consciousness, and the overall mythology in a way that will feel different from the original series. with manifests greatest appeal is arguably its supernatural mysteries and not its characters, a spinoff focused on Al-Zuras might be the best way for the universe to further expand.
A supernatural drama series created for NBC, Manifest is an investigation of a fictional flight, Montego Air Flight 828, that went missing for five years after a moment of turbulence in the sky. However, the passengers and crew only felt a moment pass despite the rest of the world assuming they were all gone. The "leftovers" are now trying to re-acclimatize themselves to society, because the world is further away from them - but voices from the other side are beckoning them somewhere unknown.
- Figure
Holly Taylor, Luna Blaise, Matt Long, JR Ramirez, Parveen Kaur, Athena Karkanis, Josh Dallas, Jack Messina, Melissa Roxburgh
- Release date
September 24, 2018
- Seasons
- Directors
Michael Smith
- Showrunner
Michael Smith