Matlock Season 1 Episode 4 included a significant revelation about Jacobson & Moore's involvement in covering up documents related to the opioid crisis that could change Madeline's revenge plan. Madeline came out of retirement to work at the company because she wants revenge for her daughter's death from opioid misuse. Matlock established that her 12-year-old grandson was the only one who could help her with her plan, and the two worked constantly to discover who covered up the existence of documents that would have stopped the proliferation of opioids a decade earlier.
During the fourth episode of Matlock'first season, Madeline encountered obstacles at home and at work as she tried to investigate, one of which was that Olympia wanted her help on a case involving an elderly widower who was suing a construction company that claimed it had used materials that contributed to his wife's fatal illness. .. A series of types of twists that made Matlock So much success led Madeline to discover something about Senior that she could use against him, which could change the way she approaches her plan for revenge.
Madeline Senior's Discovery in Matlock Episode 4 Explained
She now has evidence that the elderly man signed the lost documents
Madeline investigated some redacted documents that Alfie found on Olympia's computer, but she also surreptitiously obtained the signatures of everyone who potentially accessed the missing documents so she could compare them to the signature on a paper, signing them out of the document room. She managed to do this by asking Olympia and Julian for their signatures on various forms, while making it appear as if she was doing her due diligence by looking at the original copies of files related to the case she was working on and secretly photographing Senior's signature after distracting him.
The case of the week ended badly, with Senior making a dirty move so that the settlement Madeline and Olympia won for their client was worthless. However, Madeline got her revenge started when she compared all three signatures to the one she was looking to identify and discovered that Senior's was a perfect match.. Thus, she finally obtained evidence that Senior had been the last to handle the missing documents related to the opioid case, which could lead to his downfall if she found sufficient other evidence that he was responsible for the cover-up.
How Learning About Elder Involvement Changes Madeline's Revenge Plan
She now knows who to focus her efforts on
In the first episodes of MatlockMadeline investigates everyone and tries to discover their involvement, while at the same time fighting her natural desire to empathize with Olympia, which would harm her investigation. However, this new evidence gives him a specific suspect to focus on, and she can now put all her efforts into obtaining additional proof that Senior was responsible for covering up the existence of the documents. This more focused investigation should make it easier to expose the document cover-up, although Julian's involvement is still unknown and needs to be investigated.
Madeline can continue to build this alliance and use Olympia against Senior, which will allow her to get justice for Olympia's client, as well as Madeline's daughter Ellie, who died of an opiate overdose.
Furthermore, Madeline can now make inroads into Olympia without fear of compromising her objectivity. Madeline and Olympia share their disdain for Senior after the way he ruined the case, and have already agreed to work together to take him down. Madeline can continue to build this alliance and use Olympia against Senior, which will allow her to get justice for Olympia's client, as well as Madeline's daughter Ellie, who died of an opiate overdose.
Madeline forming an alliance with Olympia also allows her to get revenge in another way. Once Senior is exposed, it is possible that Madeline and Olympia will continue their alliance by forming their own competing company with Jacobson and Moore or getting board members to help them take control of this company and oust corrupt partners like Senior.. Either option would allow Madeline and Olympia to ruin Jacobson and Moore's business and Senior's reputation in the community, which would be a more satisfying revenge. than just exposing the corruption Senior is involved in.
Is Senior really the culprit in Matlock?
The legal drama may be planning another twist
The evidence so far suggests that Senior is more than capable of orchestrating document cover-ups to help clients win a case. He was willing to use his connections with the bankruptcy court to ensure that the company he represented would not have the means to pay the settlement he had agreed to. That's why, It is possible that he destroyed or hid documents to ensure that an opioid manufacturing client won a lawsuit brought by victims of opioid misuse.
Madeline's hatred for Senior and growing affinity for Olympia may cause her to overemphasize the evidence against Senior while ignoring evidence that Olympia was also involved.
However, the Matlock The premiere's twist proved that things aren't necessarily as they appear on this show. Madeline's hatred for Senior and growing affinity for Olympia may cause her to overemphasize the evidence against Senior while ignoring evidence that Olympia was also involved. Additionally, it's unclear whether Julian was involved in the cover-up. Madeline needs to keep an open mind as she searches for evidence against Senior during the next phase of her revenge plan.