M. Night Shyamalan's Divisive $82 Million Hit Is Now Streaming and Deserves More Love

M. Night Shyamalan's Divisive  Million Hit Is Now Streaming and Deserves More Love

M. Night Shyamalan's Divisive $82 Million Hit Trap It's now streaming on Max, and the 2024 film really deserves more love. Like many of Shyamalan's more recent films, Trap has divided audiences, with one sect of his fanbase claiming it's just another one of the director's lesser films, while the other sect claims it's his best in years. The conversation around Trap was the most interesting part of the film's release, and now that Shyamalan's new thriller has arrived at Max, a new group of viewers can join the discussion.

Director M. Night Shyamalan began his career as one of Hollywood's brightest filmmakers, with early films such as The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable cementing him as one of the greats. However, later films like The event, The Last Airbenderand After Earth he left many members of the public upset with his films, severely damaging his reputation. 2016 To divide was Shyamalan's most critically acclaimed film in years, leading to what some considered a resurgence with more recent films like Glass, Old, Hit the boothand, most significantly, 2024 Trap.

For fans of...

  • M. Night Shyamalan movies like The Sixth Sense, Unbreakableand To divide.

  • Police thrillers like Escape from Alcatraz, The Fugitiveand Catch me if you can.

  • Serial killer movies like Zodiac, American Psychoand The Silence of the Lambs.

Trap is now streaming on Max – Why you should watch

Shyamalan's latest thriller is finally released

Now this Trap has been released on Max, there's no better time to watch M. Night Shyamalan's latest film. The film follows Josh Hartnett as Cooper Abbott, a serial killer who attends a Lady Raven concert with his daughter. Once there, Cooper realizes that the entire show has been raided by authorities, who lure Cooper to the event in order to capture him before he leaves. The incredibly tense thriller spends most of its time following Cooper's attempts to escape the concert venue without being noticed, leading to some incredibly unique stories and scenarios.

Trap It's a totally unique film that really doesn't look like anything else. The performances of Josh Hartness and the rest of the TrapThe cast is incredibly exaggerated, which is one of the best aspects of the film. The awkward, stilted, stylistic dialogue lends itself to creating a surreal, over-the-top story that depends entirely on how entertaining the premise is. Fortunately, the premise of Trap is incredibly fun, with the idea of ​​a show being used to capture a serial killer acting as a killer hook that could appeal to almost any audience.

Trap is undeniably an M. Night Shyamalan film, with the director's fingerprints spread all over the film. Trap leans into many of the tropes that are present throughout M. Night Shyamalan's filmography, with the film being unapologetically his. Instead of trying to hide Shyamalan's influence on the film, like films like After Earth he did, Trap leans towards this, which is the film's greatest strength. This can even be seen in the casting of M. Night Shyamalan's daughter Saleka as Lady Raven, with the film featuring lots of incredible original songs that sound like real-life pop hits.

"Despite being flawed, Trap sometimes it's exciting and other times it's a ridiculous display of human behavior. Don't expect deeper meanings or hidden messages buried in this script. Shyamalan's latest project is as simple as it gets. Of course, this is a positive as viewers can focus all of their attention on Josh Hartnett. His performance here is another major turning point at the end of his career. It's not exactly a knockout, but there's a lot in Shyamalan's thriller that will keep audiences entertained until the end of the summer." - Patrice WitherspoonScreen Rant Trap Review

Trap is much better than its mixed reviews suggest

Especially for Shyamalan fans

Trap was plagued by mixed reviews when the film began its theatrical run, but the film is much better than those reviews suggest. Like many other M. Night Shyamalan films, Trap It's an acquired taste. While the film's style and writing are stranger than many viewers unfamiliar with the director might expect, longtime Shyamalan fans will love it. Trap. The film is one of the most Shyamalan M. Night Shyamalan films to dateand even if it doesn't attract someone now, it may be that after seeing Trap and the director's other films.

Furthermore, TrapThe performances are incredibly good, with Josh Hartnett being one of 2024's best. There's a lot to love about the film, and while it may not be for everyone, viewers should definitely check it out. Trap if that pleases them.

Key Statistics


Box office

US$82.7 million

Rotten Tomatoes Critics Score


Rotten Tomatoes audience score


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