If Luke Skywalker The lightsaber was given in Return of the JediIt would have been incredibly meaningful. Lightsaber colors and their meanings have changed significantly Star Wars. In the original trilogy, only red, green and blue lightsabers existed. Like these Star Wars Timeline has expanded over nearly five decades, though, there have been a number of major changes to Lights.
Moreover, Disney Star Wars Lightsaber designs have also seen major upgrades over the years, and the innovation doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon. In light of the updates to lightsabers in Star Wars Movies and TV shows, there is one lightsaber in particular that could have become Luke's Return of the Jedi. actually, Star Wars Canon changes to lightsabers and kyber crystals could have given Luke the perfect lightsaber to join him to his father and symbolize Anakin Skywalker's redemption.
Darth Vader's red lightsaber was lost on the second Death Star
The first red lightsaber displayed on the screen Star Wars was Darth Vader's. Eventually, this became the iconic color of all Sith lightsabers, but, at the time, it was unique to Darth Vader, and it was in stark contrast to Luke and Obi-Wan's blue sabers. A new hope. Finally, in Return of the JediLuke also wielded a green lightsaber after the loss of the blue lightsaber (which was actually Anakin's).
Just as Luke's lightsaber was lost in the fight between Luke and Darth Vader in The empire strikes backVader's lightsaber is lost in Return of the Jedi. Presumably, Vader's saber was destroyed along with the second Death Star. however, Star Wars has repeatedly proven that people and objects can resurface in the franchise even when they are thought to be long gone. After all, Luke/Anakin's blue lightsaber returned in the sequel trilogy with no on-screen explanation. Because of this, Darth Vader's lightsaber could be claimed by LukeWhich could have in turn set up a brilliant story.
Luke could have purified Vader's Kyber crystal
If Luke took Darth Vader's lightsaber with him Return of the JediHe could have cleaned the Kyber Crystal inside. in current Star Wars Canon, Sith have red lightsabers because they have 'blooded' the Kyber Crystals from Jedi they have conquered in battle. This is a process in which a Sith must take a Kyber crystal and pour their anger and hatred into it, thereby turning it red. However, white lightsabers in Star Wars Works in almost the opposite way.
White lightsabers such as Ahsoka Tano's iconic dual white sabers have kyber crystals that have instead been "purified." The purification process requires the Jedi or Force user to take a red kyber crystal, form a bond with it, and empathize with the dark side Force user who bled the crystal in the first place. actually, Cleansing a kyber crystal specifically requires that one understand what led the previous owner to the dark side in the first placeWhich effectively heals the crystal. This exact process could have given Luke his perfect lightsaber in Return of the Jedi.
Luke's white lightsabers would have been the perfect symbolism
Luke taking Vader's red lightsaber, cleaning the Kyber crystal inside, and wielding the white lightsaber that was once his father's would have been a beautiful story and the perfect symbolism. For one, as mentioned, The cleansing process requires deep empathy, which Luke clearly demonstrated when he saved his father from the dark side In the first place. Additionally, the story could have involved Luke uncovering the moments that led to Anakin's fall to the dark side, including Anakin's deep fear of losing Luke's mother, Padmé Amidala.
Luke taking Vader's red lightsaber, cleaning the Kyber crystal inside, and wielding the white lightsaber that was once his father's would have been a beautiful story and the perfect symbolism.
Indeed, Luke wielding Darth Vader's lightsaber with the purified, healed Kyber crystal inside would perfectly symbolize Anakin Skywalker's redemption. It would have been a physical manifestation of Luke saving his father, which would have been incredibly deep and meaningful. In fact, it would have been a constant reminder to Luke and others that no one is too far gone to be saved, which could have come in handy when Luke was mulling over killing his nephew, Ben Solo.
Of course, part of the issue is that at the time, this wasn't how kyber crystals worked. The idea of purifying kyber crystals (and even the kyber crystal bleeding process) was added to Star Wars Canon long after Return of the Jedi. Nevertheless, as these processes are now canonical in the franchise, this would have been an incredible update to both Luke and Anakin's Jedi journey. Indeed, it did Luke Skywalker Wielded Darth Vader's Purified Kyber Crystal/Lightsaber at the end of Return of the JediIt would have been incredibly emotional.