As the protagonist of One pieceLuffy no doubt has some of the best quotes in the series. Everything Luffy says and does is shaped by his unique moral code and ideals. As such, Luffy's quotes reflect who he is as a character, what he cherishes the most, and the main themes of one piece Such as friendship, ambition, honor and freedom.
The true beauty of Luffy's character lies in the simple fact that even his most inane dialogues hold a world of meaning, making his quotes the most memorable in the series.
"They believe in me!!!"
Chapter 891 "They Believe in Me"
Luffy's fight against Katakuri is often considered one of the best executed fights in One Piece and the fight includes a really good quote from Luffy that he interestingly shares with Sanji. During the fight, Katakuri asks how Luffy can be so sure that the Straw Hat escape plan will succeed, and that Luffy will be able to join them in time.
At the same time, Pudding similarly asks Sanji how he can be so sure that his friends aren't dead or that Big Mom will love the wedding cake. In response, Luffy and Sanji both simply claim that their friends and fellow Komen believe in them, which pushes them to also give their respective tasks their best.
- When we are once dead, the only thing left is bones.
Chapter 1045 "Next Level"
An interesting moment from Luffy's battle against Kaido in Onishima is when Luffy is momentarily unable to use Gear Five and remembers that he died before awakening Gear Five. Kaido reassures Luffy that even if he dies, the tale of their battle will go down in history. However, Luffy claims that he does not care about such things as being remembered, as after he dies only his bones will be left. The quote is certainly funny and, interestingly, even appears in Binks' Skee, which has been at the center of many fan theories.
"Maybe I can't do anything... but I have friends who will save me"
Chapter 90 "What Can You Do?"
One memorable quote from Luffy that showcases Luffy's unique bond with his crew is from his fight with Arlong when the latter berates Luffy for being a weak man who can't even swim and asks Luffy what he can even do against him. Luffy responds in the best possible way, stating that he has his friends to save him.
Luffy goes on to claim that although he may not be able to use a sword, navigate, cook or tell a lie, the one thing he can do is beat Arlong. Even so, the moment represents a mature side to Luffy, who acknowledges that he cannot live without help from others, especially his crew, which is what makes the dynamic between the Straw Hats so unique.
"This is not my place to die!!!"
Chapter 63 "I Will Not Die"
Another underrated quote from Luffy from the earlier arcs of One piece From Luffy's fight against Don Krieg, which was definitely one of the first serious fights in the series. Krieg was a truly challenging opponent, with even Sanji trying to dissuade Luffy from fighting him by warning him that he might die.
However, Luffy simply tells Sanji he won't die and after beating Don Krieg, he pulls out one of Don Krieg's spikes embedded in his shoulder before reiterating that this is not the place for him to die.
"I don't care if you are a king or not, there are things that matter more than power."
Chapter 150 "Royal Drum Crown 7-Shot Tin Tyrant Cannon"
While fans mostly remember Dr. Hiluluk's last words as one of the most iconic quotes from the Drum Island arc, one excellent quote from Luffy often flies under the radar. During his battle against Wapol, Luffy notably tells Wapol that there are things That are far more important than power before he sends Wapol flying and ends his tyranny over Drum Kingdom. This quote beautifully encapsulates Luffy's values, who, despite wanting to be the Pirate King, a position synonymous with wealth, fame and power, values dreams. and ambition above all else.
- Say you want to live.
Chapter 398 "Declaration of War"
One fact about Luffy that became increasingly clear as the story progressed is that Luffy won't help someone unless they ask. After all, as Luffy constantly claims, he is not a hero. Although he certainly is good to a fault, Luffy only helps those who show the determination to want to save themselves. From Nami in Arlong Park, to Robin in Enies Lobby, and most recently Momonosuke, Luffy has many such interactions in One piece Which proves that he is always ready to lend a hand to those he considers his friends, but only if they will truly be saved.
"You made our navigator cry."
Chapter 82 "Okay, Let's Stand Up"
One of Luffy's best quotes in the early half of the series is when he confronts Arlong for making Nami cry. While the scene of the Straw Hats walking into Arlong Park is surely iconic, Luffy's initial words to Arlong are just as memorable and don't get nearly enough attention in the grand scheme of the arc..
This scene alone proves how loyal Luffy is to his crew mates and those he considers his friends. This is also one of Luffy's most admirable qualities and helps establish One pieces main themes of friendship and finding family.
"Without your help... I can't become the King of the Pirates!!!!"
Chapter 844 "Luffy vs. Sanji"
Even though Luffy is willing to risk his own life in pursuit of his dream, that doesn't mean he's willing to blame himself at the cost of his crew. Luffy considers each of his crew mates indispensable in his journey to become the King of the Pirates and his words to Sanji in Whole Cake Island reflect just that.
While Luffy no doubt needs Sanji so that he and the rest of the crew don't starve to death, The reason Luffy wants to leave him behind is, of course, because he considers Sanji a dear friend and could deduce that Sanji was hiding his true feelings behind his harsh words. Luffy continued to prove his loyalty to Sanji by refusing to eat anything until Sanji agreed to return, which considering Luffy's love for food, speaks volumes of his determination.
"If you don't take risks, you can't create a future."
One Piece: Clockwork Island Adventure
Although fans have mixed opinions about the first bit One piece movies, One Piece: Clockwork Island Adventure produced one of Luffy's most iconic and inspiring quotes. As Luffy puts it, being able to move forward depends on being able to take risks and this sentiment holds true in every sphere of life.
Luffy's own journey in One piece Embody the bold spirit. Whether it's riding up a blow-up river, breaking into an underwater prison, or challenging the strongest pirates in the world, Luffy has never been afraid of taking risks and that's exactly why he's made it this far in One piece.
"As long as I'm alive I have infinite chances!"
Chapter 1026 "The Pivotal Clash"
One of Luffy's best qualities is his perseverance and his refusal to give up That got him very far in his journey. No matter who his opponent is, Luffy never gives up until he finds a way to win, which has shaped each of his fights in One piecee.
The Wano Arc in particular puts Luffy's willpower to the test as he faces his strongest opponent yet. Kaido more than lived up to his title as the strongest creature and despite being knocked out more times than one can count, Luffy kept getting up and continued fighting. The fight against Kaido eventually took Luffy to death's doorstep, but Luffy rose from the ashes even stronger with Gear Five.
"Never understand the true meaning of a pirate's flag!"
Chapter 147 "General Lie"
In the Drum Island arc, Luffy stands tall to protect Dr. Hyriluk's pirate flag from Wapol. He then tells Wapol that someone like him who never ventured out as a true pirate can possibly understand what a pirate's flag means or represents. The battle and how Wapol constantly tried to destroy the flag showed how little it meant to Wapol that he was a pirate. It wasn't something he decided to do by choice and that made Luffy angry. It was an insult on top of injury as he tries to throw away Hiriluk's flag in disgust.
"I will become the king of the pirates!"
Chapter 1 "Romance Dawn - The Dawn of Adventure"
Luffy's declaration is one of the most iconic catch phrases in anime, a constant announcement that he will achieve the status of King of the Pirates and find the One Piece. It was something he had been saying since the first chapter of One piece Which beautifully characterized his character.
The first chapter immediately gives fans the reasoning as to why Luffy sets out on his mission To become the Pirate King with his meeting with Shanks and how the Pirate Emperor saved his life. To different people, the Pirate King means different things but to Luffy, he simply wants to be free.
"Sniper King...shoot down that flag."
Chapter 398 "Declaration of War"
Preceding one of Nico Robin's most emotional Straw Hat quotes was Luffy ordering Usopp (guised as Sniper King) to shoot and burn the World Government flag in Eneis lobby. The scene had incredible significance and showed the lengths Luffy would go to for a crew in danger. He was ready to make himself an enemy of the world government and declare war on them. Even ready to take on the Marines who came with the booster call if it comes to it.
"I will create a world where my friends can eat as much food as they want!"
Chapter 1049 "The World That Should Be"
In the conclusion to one of the best fights in One piece Wano arc was Luffy's declaration of the kind of world he wanted to create. This scene perfectly captures the type of character that Luffy is and how the answers to such serious questions can sometimes come off as somewhat goofy.. However, this Is A serious answer and shows just how different Luffy is from most of the other pirates. He does not desire to conquer, control, or hold any kind of power over others. He wants to have complete freedom and peace for his friends and to live as they want.
"Sorry, but it looks like I'm dead."
Chapter 99 "Luffy Died"
Luffy's smile in death was very similar to Roger's own and one of the many parallels Roger and Luffy shared. Not only was this scene at the location of Roger's death, but it was also a significant milestone in the story for both characters. For Roger, this was where he made the announcement of the one piece that set up the Great Pirate Age. And Luffy announces to all those around him that he would become the Pirate King. Seconds before, he thought he was going to be killed.
"...people die."
Chapter 166 "Luffy vs. Vivi"
Vivi was kind and wanted everyone to live. But in the end it was a naive and realistic goal in the middle of a war. Luffy saw through this and voiced his opinion out loud. Luffy is not a hero, but he always does everything he can to help his friends. But he does everything he can, he doesn't like to waste time on efforts that he knows will be in vain. This is exactly what he conveys to Vivi and asks her to at least let him and his crew risk their lives to stop the war.
"I really like heroes, but I don't want to be one!"
Chapter 634 "100,000 Against 10"
Luffy's quote on the difference between heroes and pirates puts into perspective how he sees himself as a pirate. While fans will know that he adheres to a certain moral code first and foremost, he is about himself and his friends. Luffy doesn't want to be a hero, because that means sharing with everyone. If he was going to share, he'd better keep it to a select few. This is a perfect representation of his journey and why he has such a small crew. He does not choose the members.
"I'm not going on a boring adventure!"
Chapter 507 "Kizaru Comes"
Chapter 507 was an epic chapter that gave One piece Fans just like Luffy would respond if he could find out what the one piece was. Before Rayleigh could get even a hint of an answer after Usopp's question, Luffy interrupts.
Luffy doesn't want to know the slightest thing about the One Piece. Not whether it's on the last island or if it's even real. He is much more concerned about the adventure and journey to build something. Even if something turns out, he will be the one to find out and he doesn't want any idea what it is beforehand.
"The Pirate King is just the coldest man on the sea!"
Chapter 507 "Kizaru Comes"
Rayleigh tried to gauge just what kind of person Luffy was by asking him if he could control and conquer the seas. But To Luffy, that wasn't his goal at all and that being the King of the Pirates simply meant being the coolest man on the sea.. Many fans are still trying to wrap their heads around what the one piece is and what kind of conclusion the series might reach. Many believe that it will relate to Luffy's goal and dream of having ultimate freedom. There are many possibilities of what this could be, but fans will just have to wait and see for themselves.
"I still have my friends!"
Chapter 590 "My Little Brother"
The loss Luffy experienced is still with him, but the initial reactions to his brother's death are still hard to see or read. However, Luffy's realization that he still had his crew mates was a huge turning point in the series. From here on out, these are the people Luffy has to protect and vice versa. The loss of his brother was terrible, but it also helped him stay closer to those he loved. finally, One piece is a story about friendship and companionship as much as it is about anything else, Making Luffy's declaration that he has friends his best quote.