Lord John Gray had a minor breakdown Outlander Season 7, Episode 12 - and it's about time. Ever since Jamie has known him, Lord John has always been very correct. His honor is extremely important to him, and he cares for and assists those he cares about in any way he can, regardless of the negative consequences he himself faces. This continued in Outlander Season 7, when Lord John married Claire Fraser to protect her from being hanged as a spy. It was an incredibly selfless move, but he wasn't rewarded very well for it.
Perhaps Lord John's biggest flaw in Outlander is that he is a British loyalist. This fits perfectly with his ongoing determination to always be entirely honorable. Even so, many of Lord John's loved ones are rebellious and he continued to treat them with care and kindness. It is for this reason that Lord John married Claire in Outlander Season 7, despite being a gay loyalist. This action did him no good and even risked damaging his reputation. However, Lord John went ahead because of his love for Jamie. Unfortunately, Jamie wasn't very grateful, leading to Lord John's well-deserved meltdown.
Lord John Gray Finally Relinquishes His Estate in Outlander Season 7 Episode 12
It's about time Lord John lost control
Although Lord John did his best to behave exactly as he should at every turn, he ultimately let this go. Outlander Season 7, Episode 12. Everyone thought Jamie was dead, but the man stormed into Lord John's house in a blaze of glory with a league of British soldiers on his trail. To escape, Jamie grabbed Lord John and pretended he was a hostage before dragging him into the cold forest. It was all very chaotic. Despite this, Lord John once again did what he believed was right and immediately admitted to his friend that he had "carnal knowledge"from his wife.
Lord John expected Jamie to be angry - and he certainly was after the news arrived. However, at first, Jamie had the audacity to not believe his friend. His mockery infuriated Lord John, who finally abandoned decorum and began shouting. He announced that when he and Claire were having sex, they were, in their minds, being intimate with Jamie himself. Of course, he said it in the least polite way possible, dropping an F-bomb and shouting at the top of his lungs. It was then that Jamie realized the truth of it all and began beating Lord John to a bloody pulp.
Lord John is right not to apologize to Jamie
Jamie's reaction was too much
Jamie came close to killing his friend in Outlander season 7, episode 12, but Lord John didn't back down. While the rebel soldiers who found the pair took him away, Lord John shouted at Jamie that he was still not sorry. It was one of the few times Outlander that John didn't care about doing the right or proper thing. He told Jamie what happened to Claire with the intention of apologizing, but Jamie's overreaction completely put it out of his mind. Jamie wasn't being fair and Lord John wasn't going to apologize for mourning his dear friend.
He told Jamie what happened to Claire with the intention of apologizing, but Jamie's overreaction completely put it out of his mind.
Jamie has known for years that Lord John is in love with him. It's something unspoken between them and means a very complicated dynamic in their friendship. However, Lord John was always considerate of this. He refused Jamie's offer to share his body if Lord John would look after William, as he did not want it to damage their friendship. When he believed Jamie was dead, Lord John did everything he could to stand his ground and continue with his duties - but one night, he stumbled and turned to the person who was closest to Jamie.
Maybe what Lord John and Claire did wasn't entirely right, but it was done out of raw, painful grief. Lord John has apologized enough. As someone who is suitable whenever he can, it's about time he expressed his true feelings and broke down a little. It's been a long time since it arrived Outlander.
What's Next for Lord John Gray in Outlander Season 7
Jamie put Lord John in a terrible situation
Of course, things only got worse for Lord John in Outlander Season 7, Episode 12. His big fight with Jamie attracted rebel soldiers, who took him prisoner (Jamie didn't even lift a finger to stop them). It looked like Lord John would be hanged, but Denzell Hunter put his own neck on the line to hand the man a knife to aid his escape. Still, the end of this Outlander The episode saw Lord John running through trees as rebel soldiers fired after him. Since the camera went black, it's unclear whether Jamie's longtime friend would survive.
THE Outlander the books reveal that this is not the end for Lord John Grey. He has a long adventure ahead of him, which includes disguising himself as a Continental soldier until Claire and Jamie find him. Given what we know about Lord John's loyalty and sense of honor, this will not be an easy path for him - and he would never have ended up in this situation if it weren't for Jamie. It's a terrible thank you for saving Claire and for the years of service Lord John gave Jamie. Given the unfairness of it all, we can only hope that Lord John once again gets the chance to share some choice words with Jamie.