Looks like Smile 2 is repeating the same trick as this 21 year old horror movie (and it's not good)

Looks like Smile 2 is repeating the same trick as this 21 year old horror movie (and it's not good)

The first trailer for Smile 2 Revealed more about the movie's plot, including a change in the path to the smiling entity that repeats the same trick as a horror movie from 21 years ago, and it's not good. One of the biggest recent surprises in the horror genre is smileWritten and directed by Parker Finn, based on his 2020 short film Laura did not sleep. smile was a surprise critical and commercial hit in 2022, and thanks to the mysteries left by it, it quickly received a sequel, simply titled Smile 2.

Smile 2 Follows Skye Riley (Naomi Scott), a famous pop singer preparing to go on a new world tour. Skye witnesses the death of an old acquaintance who carried the Curse of the Smile Entity, thereby passing it on to her. Skye then begins to experience a series of increasingly disturbing and haunting events as the Smile Entity follows her everywhere and manifests itself in many ways and places. The first trailer for Smile 2 Has a better idea of ​​the plot but also makes a big reveal that repeats the trick of a 2003 horror movie, and that's not a good sign.

Smile 2 is repeating the "cheat death" trick from Final Destination 2

Smile 2's trailer reveals a little too much

Kimberly looks concerned in Final Destination 2

Most things about the Smile Entity are a mystery, however smile Has some key clues about it. The entity feeds off the trauma of its carriers, and it causes hallucinations To make them believe they can free themselves. It is known that the bearer of the curse can avoid their death if they kill someone in front of another person in order to pass the trauma on to them, and it is theorized that the curse can be stopped if the bearer kills himself as an isolationist. One to pass the curse on.

Smile 2 Is testing another theory, revealed in the trailer: the bearer of the curse had to kill himself to break free, but they were brought back to life.

Unfortunately, when Rose tried to prove the latter, a hallucination caused by the smile appeared, and she killed herself for Joel. Smile 2 Is testing another theory, revealed in the trailer: the bearer of the curse had to kill himself to break free, but they were brought back to life. If the solution sounds familiar, that's because it's used in Final destination 2 Back in 2003, but whether it worked or not is still debated.

in Final destination 2The mysterious William Bloodworth (Tony Scott) tells Kim and Burke that only new life can defeat death. Still mistakenly believing that meant the birth of the baby of one of the survivors, Kim later understood that it meant to die and come back to lifeShe allowed herself to be drowned in the lake and raised. Kim survived Final destination 2But a featurette on the DVD shows a newspaper clip reporting on her and Burke's death, although it is widely considered non-canon.

While dying and coming back is an interesting concept in the world of Smile 2It is already bound to fail. As mentioned above, the smile entity causes hallucinations, and The trailer implies that Skye will hallucinate dying and coming backSo this will not be an effective way to break the curse.

Smile risks make the biggest mistake of the Final Destination series

Smile needs to learn from the mistakes of others

Skye in a hospital gown about to inject herself in the throat with something in Smile 2

The world of smile has a lot of potential for greater expansion, but the inclusion of the "die and resurrect" theory in Smile 2 Risks repeating final destinations biggest mistake. The final destination Saga keeps changing death's rules And the possible ways it could be cheated in each movie, making the saga messy and difficult to follow. smile Could end up making the same mistake if it expands with more sequelsChanging the rules and about the smile entity works and how it can be defeated, making it messy and ruining the mystique of the first movie.

Smile 2 is the sequel to director Parker Finn's 2022 psychological horror film that centers on a therapist who witnesses a patient's suicide, which leads to a series of terrifying supernatural events. The sequel will see the return of Finn as director, with Paramount continuing distribution.


Parker Finn

Release date

October 18, 2024