Longtime Animal Crossing player discovers they've been catching bugs wrong this whole time

Longtime Animal Crossing player discovers they've been catching bugs wrong this whole time

When it comes to building a museum in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, It pays to be a little sneaky when swiping some of the island's more elusive creatures.. How healthy and welcoming New Horizons is for new players, there are some key mechanics that the game doesn't foreshadow or explain, resulting in a lot of confusion among those without prior experience. Much like the ability to optimize mineral drops from rocks, catching fast insects can be frustrating if one lacks the tutorial on how to do it.

Posted to Reddit, user No_Law6676 Capture their annoyance by sharing a video of yourself trying to net a bug that flies away when they sneak up too close, prompting the community to provide a helpful response.

Although slightly tilting the analog stick results in the character moving slower, it does not count as sneaking: To properly stalk your target, the A button must be held down while moving. As can be expected from such a generally healthy community, fellow players are happy to provide some insight, even suggesting additional tips the game does not mention.

The best way to catch bugs in AC:NH

There is more to it than just swinging a net

When it comes to catching skittish insects in New Horizons, Holding the net firmly with the A button is the most important step in the process but there are ways to get even stealthier. With the A button held, just slightly tilting the left stick makes the playable character move even slower; At this speed, they are almost invisible and can sneak up on any target. If it is too slow, carefully watching the insect itself can help determine whether it is planning to escape or not.

While approaching a bug, keep an eye out for how it's moving. If it freezes, it means that the insect is aware of the player, and the chances of flying away increase. If this happens, it is recommended that users stop moving and stand still, giving their target a chance to cool down and begin idle moving once again; Once it has resumed its usual animation, it is time to get closer and let the net fly.


Bug hunting in Animal Crossing: New Horizons Can be a tricky process, one made a little harder by the isometric camera angle. But with a careful hand and a patient approach, any insect can be lured into the net. Just make sure to catch the spiders and scorpions in one swipe, otherwise some bed rest may be necessary.

Source: No_Law6676/Reddit

Animal Crossing: New Horizons




March 20, 2020


Nintendo EPD

