LEGO Fortnite: How to get cannons

LEGO Fortnite: How to get cannons

After the Lost Isles update, LEGO Fortnite Players have several new toys to play with, including the brand new Cannon. Cannons are curiously classified as a toy, a powerful defensive weapon that is ideal for the defense of the settlements and fending off the worst that the Lost Isles have to offer. However, players will need to find some relatively rare resources to build cannons.

There are several steps to build and use cannons in LEGO Fortnite. Players must obtain the crafting recipe and materials to build a cannon. On top of that, cannons also use cannonballs as ammunition, and they also have their own separate crafting requirements. This guide will cover each step in detail so players can build cannons as soon as they get the hang of them LEGO Fortnite Battle bus.

How to unlock and build a cannon in LEGO Fortnite

Find the crafting recipe and the right materials

Female minifigure destroying pirate camp on beach with cannon in LEGO Fortnite

Cannons require six planks and three copper bars each.

Planks require the Lumber Mill, a basic workbench that costs 15 granite and 8 wood, which are the most common resources in LEGO Fortnite. Wood and granite can both be picked up from the ground and are very common. With a lumber bench, players can process wood into planks. One alternative I found was loot chests on the offshore islands in the Beach Biome, which reliably drop planks.

Copper bars are a little more complicated to produce. Copper is found in caves in the Dry Valley biome, and a rare-quality pickaxe or better is needed to mine it.

Players must unlock the Metal Smelter Workbench to smelt copper into copper bars. Players must find 35 obsidian in LEGO Fortnite15 Brightcores and 3 Blast Cores to build a Metal Smelter.


The rare-quality pickaxe requires Flexwood Rods and Sand Claws, so players must find some Flexwood and beat Sand Wolves to get Sand Claws.

Surviving in the Dry Valley requires equipping charms and eating food to build resistance to the extreme temperatures of the area.

Once the correct materials have been obtained, players must also track down the crafting recipe for the cannon. This is quite easy, as the recipe is automatically added to the image menu after blast powder. Blast powder tends to drop from enemies that explode on death.

Players can build and place their first cannon from the image menu with everything gathered. It is also highly recommended that players build up a stockpile of blast powder, as it is needed for crafting cannonballs.

How to use a cannon in LEGO Fortnite

Learn how to make cannonballs and use the cannon

Combine 2 granite and 1 blast powder to make cannonballs in any craft bench. This gives 5 cannonballs each. When approaching a cannon, a prompt should appear allowing cannonballs to be loaded into the cannon directly from the inventory.

Players can take control of it by sitting in the cannon. It is worth noting that cannons cannot be aimed from side to side, only up or down, So a proper settlement defense needs multiple cannons to be effective. They can be attached to vehicles or platforms for a more flexible option.

Cannonballs deal area-of-effect damage and are surprisingly effective against structures; However, when facing down pirates armed with all kinds of pirate weapons, The best option for players is to launch themselves from the cannon. Rather than sitting at the controls, players can actually climb into the cannon's barrel and shoot into the air, landing for a surprise attack that catches enemies off-guard.

Cannons look impressive and are great for fortifying bases, but it's also worth noting that they aren't the best option for fighting enemies in general. A well-armed player with solid weapons and a few charms should still be able to tackle the most brutal monsters out there. But, as with all things in LEGO FortniteIt's worth the effort to get creative with cannons, as they can be useful in many different situations.