The acclaimed director of the Neon Genesis Evangelion series, Hideaki Anno, is Set to direct a new movie Based on the classic sci-fi franchise Location Battleship Yamato (Also known as Star Blazer). This is great news for fans of the creator behind one of the most acclaimed anime series of all time, who will get to see his talent come to life on screen once again.
As seen in an X post shared by @MangaMogura, Hideaki Anno confirmed that he will be the director of a new movie based on the Location Battleship Yamato Franchise. He will start working on the movie next year, and it will be under his own studio, Studio Hara. The company has proven its expertise by working on heat like Kaiju number 8, Pet in the FranksThe Evangelion Movies and more, so the next movie has the potential to be great.
Evangelion director returns with new Space Battleship Yamato movie
Space Battleship Yamato is a classic space opera created by another legendary artist, Leiji Matsumoto, who has recently come back with an interesting modern remake called Star Blazer Rebel 3199. The series aired from October 6, 1974 to March 30, 1975 and spanned 26 episodes, about Susumu Kodai and a crew from Earth sent on a mission to the planet Iskander to retrieve a machine that can reverse radiation from a massive bomb that devastated Their home planet. The space warship Yamato is a futuristic version of the Japanese ship of World War II.
The plot is already great, and with the backing of a famous director and a competent studio, many people can see a fresh new take on one of the most influential anime of the last century in theaters. Interestingly, Hideaki Anno has obtained the rights to use these Location Battleship Yamato franchise and has creative freedom to change and rewrite it. With a visionary like Anno at the helm, this new Location Battleship Yamato Anime movie is sure to be on the radar of fans worldwide.
Source: @MangaMogura.