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Latest news and everything we know

During the Big Brother 26 Finale, host Julie Chen Moonves announced that the show would return for Big Brother 27And there's a lot to know about the much-anticipated new season. Big Brother 27 goes Big Brother 26In which Chelsea Bohm was crowned the winner by the jury of seven and won the $750,000 grand prize after a unanimous vote, and Mackenzie Manbeck took home the $75,000 second place prize. Fans voted Tucker Des Lauriers as America's Favorite Housecast, and he received $50,000.

Big Brother 26 It's been a wild ride of a season, with the power of veto being used a record-breaking 12 times in a row, including twice during double eviction week, and 13 out of 14 times total. The season featured many twists thanks to the AI ​​entity Ainsley, including the Deepfake HOH, America's Veto, the BB AI Arena, the AI ​​Instigator, and Jankie World, featuring another AI creation named Jankie. It also included many iconic competitions, including The Wall, Hide-N-Go Veto, OTEV and BB Comics. As fans look forward to Big Brother 27Here's everything to know about it.

Big Brother 27 News

Host Julie Chen Moonves announced Big Brother 27

At the end of the Big Brother 26 finale, Julie announced that the reality competition series would return for Big Brother 27. One of the last things Julie said in the episode was, "We'll see you again next summer!"

We'll see you again next summer!

It will be very exciting to see which competitions make a comeback in big brother 27Especially because the Big Brother 26 AI Arena Twist was such a big hit. The BB AI Arena twist forced the Head of Household (HOH) to nominate three households for eviction instead of two. After the Power of Veto competition and ceremony, the three houseguests left on the chopping block battled it out on eviction night to determine the final two nominees. This twist shook up the show and breathed new life into the game after 25 seasons.

Big Brother 27 possible premiere date

Big Brother is a summer show

Big Brother 26 cast with 16 housemates' photos in a grid

A premiere date has not yet been announced Big Brother 27However It will most likely air in the summer of 2025. The reality competition series usually premieres anywhere from late June to mid-July. Big Brother 26 Debuted with a two-night premiere on July 17 and July 18, 2024. Big Brother 22 And Big Brother 25 Premiering in early August due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the Writers Guild of America (WGA) strike respectively, it is much more likely that Big Brother 27 Will start when the show normally.

Big Brother 27 possible plan

Big Brother usually airs three nights a week

big brother Usually airs on CBS three nights a week. Big Brother 26 Aired on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, with some special episodes on different nights of the week, such as Tuesdays and Fridays. Thursday episodes have traditionally been near eviction episodes. Times are different, however big brother The episodes usually air in the time slots of 8 PM to 10 PM EDT.


It will also be interesting to see how many days Big Brother 27 continues. Big Brother 25 was an unprecedented 100 days long in order to honor the show's 25th anniversary, while Big Brother 26 was 90 days long. Big Brother 24 Was even shorter at 82 days long, while Big Brother 22 And 23 Both were 85 days long.

Big Brother 27 Host

Julie Chen Moonves seems to be returning

Because Julie said, "We'll see you again next summer!" It can be assumed that she will return as the host of Big Brother 27. She has hosted the show since it premiered in 2000. Julie hosts the live eviction episodes of the show, along with the premiere night and season finale episodes. During Big Brother 26Julie missed a live eviction episode for the first time ever when she had COVID-19. Jerry O'Connell took her place during the live eviction episode, which was something that had never happened before.

Big Brother 27 Casting Notice

Big Brother is looking for its newest housemates

Although these Big Brother 27 The cast probably won't be announced until days before its premiere, so it's fun to speculate what it might look like. It will be thrilling to see whether the household members are new and/or returning cast members. It would also be exciting to have another All-Star season, considering how many outstanding housages have played the game since Big Brother 22: All-Stars. Big Brother 27 is now cast as a Casting call advertisement for the new season appear during Big Brother 26. In addition, the CBS website announced, "Big Brother is now accepting applications for season 27!"

Big Brother is now accepting applications for season 27!

If Big Brother 27 If it's anything like the last few seasons, it's going to be another roller coaster ride. big brother has been a summer staple for nearly 25 years, and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight. No matter what happens, everyone should remember that, When it comes to Big Brother 27They always should "Expect the unexpected."

Sources: big brother/ Instagram, CBS