Kevin Costner's Role Update in Yellowstone Season 5, Part 2 Reveals the Hard Truth About Taylor Sheridan's New Westerner

Kevin Costner's Role Update in Yellowstone Season 5, Part 2 Reveals the Hard Truth About Taylor Sheridan's New Westerner

The latest yellow stone The update on Kevin Costner's absence reveals a harsh truth about the modern Western series. For the past four and a half seasons, Costner has played John Dutton, the patriarch of the Dutton family who struggles to keep his ranch and his family together. yellow stone is one of the best westerns on television and generated several spinoffs about the Dutton family, demonstrating how important this family and Costner's character are to the franchise.

Kevin Costner chose not to return for the final set of yellow stone episodes, leading to widespread speculation about what is likely to happen to John Dutton. The final episodes will address his disappearance and explain what happened to him. There are several theories about how yellow stone will explain John's absence, although writer Taylor Sheridan has already rejected one theory regardless of how John's disappearance is explained, This final plot demonstrates an important truth about the series.

Kevin Costner's John Dutton III will still be key to Yellowstone's ending

His disappearance alters family dynamics

Although John Dutton won't appear in the final batch of episodes, he will still be an important part of the series finale. His disappearance will affect every member of the Dutton family, and some will likely search for him, while others will try to take control of the ranch. The ending will involve a war between Jamie and Beth, with one of them likely to kill the other; this happens because of John's absence. Someone has to take control of the ranch, and without John to mediate, Beth will release all her pent-up frustration with Jamie.

The explanation of why John disappeared and where he went will also be central to the finale. John is too important a character for his fate to remain a mystery; Furthermore, Beth is very close to him. That's why, she will no doubt spend some time searching for him, as well as trying to continue his legacy by fighting for the ranch to remain in her possession. instead of letting developers take control.

Costner's role despite his absence proves Yellowstone can't escape John

Even though Costner died, his character is pivotal to the ending

Kevin Costner as John Dutton III in Yellowstone.
Custom image by Yailin Chacon

The fact that Costner is central to Yellow Stone'The ending without appearing in the final episodes proves that yellow stone it will always be about John, regardless of whether he appears on screen. If that weren't the case, yellow stone could explain his absence in the first new episode by having the characters explain that he went to Boseman on business or visited family elsewhere, and then moved on to the next part of the final story.

It would be a disappointing ending if John was given a mundane explanation for his absence rather than a story that fully explains it.

This type of explanation would not be satisfactory, further proving how important John Dutton is to yellow stone. John's absence leaves a huge hole on the screen, requiring the other characters to react to it. Furthermore, it would be a disappointing ending if John was given a mundane explanation for his absence rather than a story that fully explains it. This type of ending would be disrespectful to the character, as it would simply eliminate him. So Taylor Sheridan is crafting a final storyline around John's absence that will allow the series to have a satisfying send-off.

Why Yellowstone Can't Escape Costner's John (Even Though It Wanted)

John is too important to the series for it to work without him

The Yellowstone Farmers on Horseback with Thomas Rainwater in the Yellowstone Pilot

John has been the protagonist since yellow stone it started. The opening scene was of him shooting a horse that needed to end its suffering, and he's been at the center of every story since. Although there were stories about John's children and the problems in their lives, John was always central to everything, whether it was Beth's mental health issues after her death. yellow stoneit's Evelyn Dutton when she was a child, Kayce and Monica's debate over whether to let John into Tate's life, or John's disapproval of Jamie.

The hard truth about this series is that it was always about John.

Additionally, yellow stone There are only a few episodes left before it ends. Thus, there is no time to properly transition John's presence in each story to a new lead actor. The hard truth about this series is that it was always about John. There's no escaping this fact, which makes it questionable whether a proposed spinoff or new season with Beth and Rip without John would be successful.