Top Videos Secret level got off to a great start and Keanu Reeves played an important role in its Armored Core episode, which perfectly changed the actor's most iconic video game character. Having delivered a phenomenal performance in a popular video game four years ago, Reeves has once again entered the gaming world, this time through Prime Video's adaptation of Armored Core. The gritty, action-packed episode showed he could excel in a unique environment, and while the two IPs may be different, another strong game-based role sets up Reeves' next appearance as Shadow in Sonic the Hedgehog 3.
However, the actor's involvement Secret level episode 8 has an even greater connection to its 2020 hit, Cyberpunk 2077. Despite its difficult launch, Cyberpunk managed to turn its fortunes around and win over players after years of updates and a critically acclaimed expansion. Cyberpunk: Edgerunners it only improved the franchise's reputation and, with Keanu Reeves playing one of its most important characters, it became synonymous with the game. Although CyberpunkJohnny Silverhand and Secret level's Pilot actually has a lot in commonan important dynamic is reversed in Reeves' new show, drawing a fun comparison between the two projects.
Secret Level Reverses Cyberpunk 2077 Reeves' Building Dynamics
Keanu Reeves' Secret Level protagonist has a character inside his head who is the opposite of his cyberpunk role
One of the most interesting aspects of Cyberpunk's Johnny Silverhand is that he appears as a construct inside the protagonist's head. Although he was once real, the version of Johnny that V interacts with is not the original rock star, as he died more than 50 years before the events of the game. He still has Johnny's memories and personality, but only interacts with V, except in flashback scenes or when he receives control of the protagonist's body. This creates a unique dynamic, but Secret level changed everything by making Pilot the one with a voice inside his head.
Instead of Reeves interpreting the construction, he is the one who deals with an internal voice in the Armored Core adaptation, as a woman only speaks to Pilot during the episode. Although the exact reason for the voice's existence remains unexplained, it becomes clear that only Pilot can hear it, completely reversing the actor's attitude. Cyberpunk paper. Instead of joking and judging someone in isolation like Johnny does in CyberpunkPilot is forced to try to talk to an individual that others cannot seeshowing how intelligently Secret level changed Keanu Reeves' iconic video game performance, despite both franchises being completely different.
Keanu Reeves' Cyberpunk and Secret Level characters have many similarities
Both characters are troubled souls with big egos
Despite their roles being reversed, Reeves' two video game-based characters have a lot in common. Both characters interact primarily with one specific person, as despite Pilot drinking in a bar and fighting with other mech pilots, his only real dialogue is with the voice in his head. Likewise, Johnny predominantly interacts with V outside of his flashback scenes, and while there are some exceptions, such as his conversation with Alt in cyberspace and his encounter with Rogue, both of Reeves' characters are limited in this regard, which increases how only Pilot and Johnny are.
Furthermore, both men seem like relatively isolated individuals with big egos. Johnny Silverhand's sarcastic quotes and bold attitude are defining aspects of his personality, and although he is undeniably likable, he is still extremely flawed and thinks of himself as special, often making selfish decisions that harm other people. Likewise, Pilot has the chance to integrate into modern society and share a drink with people in a bar, but he becomes instantly violent as soon as anyone tries to talk to him, showing his isolated character.
Pilot also claims that there is no one like him, and even when he meets other mech pilots, he still sees himself as above them. Ultimately, both characters restrict their trust to a limited number of people and don't care what others thinkhighlighting how Johnny and Pilot have similar ideas despite their different worlds and circumstances.
Prime Video's Armored Core Adaptation Chose the Perfect Role for Reeves
Reeves' more isolated character allowed him to stand out and leave a big impression
Secret level There are a lot of familiar names involved, but Keanu Reeves is one of the biggest, which makes it even more relieving that the show gave him the perfect role. Although Reeves is a huge star, he has some clear strengths on which his most notable performances are based, and Secret level is no exception. Just like in CyberpunkReeves' limited number of interactions suits him well, as the troubled loner type suits the actor much better rather than playing a livelier character in some vibrant environment.
Appearing in War Hammer 40,000 or Sifu The episode wouldn't have been the greatest use of Reeves' talents, as his one-liners and punchy dialogue are some of his greatest attributes.
Appearing in War Hammer 40,000 or Sifu The episode wouldn't have been the greatest use of his talents, as his one-liners and punchy dialogue are some of his greatest attributes that are missing from these stories. On the other hand, something like the New World episode is a little silly for Reeves' usual work, while Arnold Schwarzenegger was a perfect fit. Having Reeves play a more aggressive and spiteful role while he developed the relationship with his inner voice worked perfectly.and futuristic combat is nothing new to him either, making the brutal and unforgiving world of Armored Core a great fit.
Having the chance to show a somewhat arrogant nature while also being flawed and angsty really helped Reeves' performance stand out in Secret levelconfirming that Prime Video has nailed the casting of the new anthology series.