Keanu Reeves and Chris Evans' underrated crime drama was the perfect continuation of a training day

Keanu Reeves and Chris Evans' underrated crime drama was the perfect continuation of a training day

Successful 2001 crime thriller. Training daywould be hard to top, but one Keanu Reeves and Chris Evans thriller manages to be a surprisingly worthy sequel. Training day is often considered one of the films that define Denzel Washington's career: his role as corrupt cop Alonzo Harris earned him his first Academy Award for Best Actor. Although the film's ending allowed for a sequel, it never materialized, and screenwriter David Ayer was not involved with the 2017 film. Training day Series. Bye Training day With no direct sequels in sight, Ayer has lent his directorial chops to several crime thrillers, including the underrated Street kings.

At the time of writing, Street kings available to stream on Apple TV+.

Street kings Pre-Avengers Chris Evans plays an enthusiastic young cop, and Keanu Reeves plays a relatively rare villain role. Reeves plays corrupt cop Detective Tom Ludlow, whose grief after the death of his wife transforms his character from a respected LAPD officer into an angry vigilante who kills criminals by making their deaths seem justified. With a plot focused on law enforcement corruption and character manipulation, Street kings contains several similar topics Training day. Although the two films are not related, Street kings can be considered a spiritual successor Training day. However, it is not the only one.

Street Kings was one of David Ayer's many spiritual successors to Training Day

Street Kings appoint David Ayre as director

Characters from

David Ayer made his directorial debut with the crime thriller. Harsh times which he also wrote and produced. Harsh times used Iyer's success with Training day at least for the promotion of the film Harsh times received mixed reviews. Iyer directed Street kings the next one, which is like Training dayis a brutal story about gangsters and corrupt police. Ayer's next film End of viewingfound that law enforcement was a common theme for him, and bye End of viewing has been praised for its accuracy and critical acclaim, Street kings This is arguably the film where Ayer established himself as a director.

Street kings This is the first film Ayer has worked on that he did not write himself, as crime writer James Ellroy wrote the script. Like everyone else Ayer's films after Training day focused on crime at this moment it is clear that he would like to direct Street kings. Although Street kingsLack of cohesion and exaggerated action may be the new director's hallmark, but it also contained elements that made Training day special, such as character development. Training day demonstrated Ayer's ability to write complex law enforcement characters, while Street kings made him an action and crime director.

Street Kings wasn't as good as Training Day, but it was still a good movie

Street Kings were the perfect continuation of the training day

Training day won numerous awards and critical acclaim for his dynamic performance as Denzel Washington, as well as its take on his complex character. Bye Street kings does not correspond to success training day, it's still an underrated film with a solid plot and a cast that includes acting legends like Hugh Laurie and Forest Whitaker. The role of Chris Evans as a detective"Disco“The treble is well played, and although his death is relatively predictable, it is impressive and impressive. Ludlow's Redemption Arc gives Street kings something else offer even to amateurs Training day.

Training day against Street Kings





Critics of Rotten Tomatoes

Rotten Tomatoes Audience

Training day


Antoine Fuqua

David Eyre



Street kings


David Eyre

James Ellroy



Street kings similar enough to Training day that it feels like a continuation in spirit. However, Ayer's ability to write morally complex characters hinders Street kings from feeling like a direct copy, especially when new characters are struggling with different problems. Some might argue that even if Alonso were more interesting to watch, Ludlow's origins make it more interesting two corrupt policemen. Street kingsThe ending where Ludlow decides to do better seems like an optimistic alternative ending for a character like Alonzo, which makes Street kings perfect sequel to the film Training day.