Notice! SPOILERS ahead for yellow stoneend of the series.yellow stone offers Kayce (Luke Grimes) a moving ending in which he finally frees himself from the burden of running the Dutton ranch that he was prepared for in the neo-Western's pilot episode. The end of yellow stone The series finale finally brings the Dutton family saga to a close following the murder of John (Kevin Costner). The final half of season 5 begins with the revelation that John was killed, his death staged to look like he did it himself. It all ends by showing what happens to the main characters after they sell John's ranch.
Kayce is instrumental in both selling the farm and knowing what happened after finding out yellow stoneJohn Dutton is dead. His violence against the man behind the murder is out of character, as Kayce threatens a child with a gun. However, he redeems himself by selling the ranch to Chief Rainwater (Gil Birmingham) for a low price so that Rainwater wouldn't have to pay heavy property taxes. This choice returns the land to the indigenous people and frees Kayce from the heavy task of protecting his father's legacy, making him cry with joy. after sale.
Lee Dutton's death made Kayce want something different
Kayce realized that loyalty to John only resulted in premature death
yellow stone The first season plunges Kayce into a web of secrets and lies that almost cost him his freedom and his marriage. During the series' premiere episode, the Duttons go to war with Chief Rainwater over some animals that John and Rainwater have claimed, leaving Kayce caught in the middle because of his loyalty to Monica's (Kelsey Asbille) family and his own. . Kayce's attempt to protect Lee (Dave Anable) during a skirmish only makes things worse, as Kayce doesn't want Monica to know he fatally shot her brother to try to save him.
Although Mônica doesn't know the details of that night, she knows that her husband is hiding something, which puts even more pressure on him. Monica's belief that Kayce's association with the ranch is causing problems in her marriage is not entirely wrong. About that, Kayce is desperate to escape the trap he's trapped in, which is ruining his life. He temporarily loses his freedom when he is arrested by tribal authorities and his marriage almost falls apart, making it clear where his loyalty to John is taking him and beginning a long journey to escape that fate.
Kayce finally found freedom at the end of Yellowstone
Selling the ranch resolved Kayce's central conflict
All over yellow stoneis running, Kayce cannot reconcile his Dutton identity with his loyalty to the indigenous people to whom he is related through marriage.. He is often a staunch supporter of the tribe's well-being and sometimes risks his life to help protect the tribe's members, such as when he acts as a vigilante to obtain justice for an Indian girl who was kidnapped by two white men who entered the reservation. . just to hurt the people who lived there. However, the tribe does not fully trust him because of his loyalty to the Duttons.
Kayce's connection to the indigenous people is beautifully symbolized when he, Monica, and Mo all have the same vision of a wolf digging for food in their fields.
Kayce's decision to sell the ranch resolves this internal turmoil and external conflict. He gives up his father's legacy to the tribe, giving them back their land in exchange for just a small portion where he and his family could live. This not only frees him from the burden of following John's path, but also affirms his total loyalty to the Indian tribe. His connection to them is beautifully symbolized when he, Monica and Mo (Moses Brings Plenty) have the same vision of a wolf digging for food in their fields.
What will happen to Kayce after the Yellowstone series finale?
Kayce's Happily Ever After Includes Living the Way He Always Dreamed
Kayce and her family now live on the East Camp property, which Chief Rainwater agrees to let them keep in exchange for purchasing the rest of the property for just $1.25 per acre. Shared Wolf Vision Suggests Kayce Is On The Right Path and that the land was blessed by the spirits of the animals that once roamed the area. He also chooses to reject Rip's (Cole Hauser) offer to take the Yellowstone sign to hang on his property, further cementing the idea that he plans to completely dissociate himself from John's ideas for his life.
There may still be stories to Yellowstone or its sequel to tell about Kayce's new quest to learn how to live on the land.
Although Kayce is in a good situation, he may need more help working the land than he admits. Rip offers to help if Kayce finds it too difficult to make a living on his property alone. So there could still be stories to yellow stone or its sequel to tell about Kayce's new quest to learn how to live on earth. He may also need to figure out how to accept help from Beth (Kelly Reilly) and Rip without falling into shady behavior that leaves him trapped in a web of lies.