Kaiba's final fate after Yu-Gi-Oh's end is so unreasonably epic, every fan needs to see it.

Kaiba's final fate after Yu-Gi-Oh's end is so unreasonably epic, every fan needs to see it.

Seto Kaiba Can not be the protagonist of the beloved Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel monsters series, but he is still one of the most beloved characters in history. Despite his huge ego and uncaring attitude, he wins the hearts of fans around the world thanks to his amazing dueling skills, outstanding intelligence and fierce determination.

But not many Seto fans know about one of his most impressive feats, as it was only included in a lesser-known manga. The two-shot series known as Transcend GameServed as a prequel to the Dark Sides of Dimensions Movie, the fourth in the franchise, in which Kaiba has a short but epic duel against Sera, one of the most important characters of the movie. This duel is the perfect example of how spectacular Kaiba's character can be.


The power of Kaiba's mind can break through dimensions

With only his thoughts, Seto gave his monsters a massive attack boost

The Transcend game Manga begins with Seto and Mokuba overseeing a test for their new virtual reality game, Duel Links. As the tests progress, the siblings notice that a player known only as Prana has been winning all of their duels by using their above-average brain power to increase the power of their creatures. This particular event caught Kaiba's attention, as his ultimate goal with the creation of Duel Links was to Find a way to travel through the dimensions and find Atem again. One particular night, Sera, the little sister of the movie's main villain, visits Seto.

She mocks him for not having the power to achieve his objective, which only serves to fuel Kaiba's determination. The next day, when Aigami's sister tries to escape, Kaiba uses the unusual flow of brain activity to try to break the barrier that keeps him from meeting Atem. Sera tries to stop him, challenging him to An unusual duel in which they can challenge monsters without restriction Where the power of the summoned creatures would be equal to the strength of the user's mental power.

Yu-Gi-Oh Yami Yugi cheating Kaiba way to win

Seto, never one to give up, challenges the most iconic of his many powerful monsters, the Blue Eyed White Dragon. Seeing as her opponent's monster only has 3000 attack points, Sera increases the power of her Duza to 8800 and prepares to destroy it. Nevertheless, when the smoke from the attack clears, Seto reveals that his monster's attack has increased to 13000, thanks to his unbreakable will and outstanding brain power. This is by far one of Kaiba's most impressive displays of power and skill and makes his actions in the following movie even more iconic.

Kisara was also a major part of this event

The spirit within Blue Eyes was vital to Kaiba's survival

Kaiba sees Kisara after Blue-Eyes sacrifices himself to save him from dying.

After Kaiba's battle against Sera, Seto found himself about to break through the veil that separates the world of the living and the afterlife. Yugi's rival was so close to his objective that he could see Atem's silhouette in the distance. Unfortunately, Seto was unaware that while his mind traveled between dimensions, his body was seconds away from passing away due to the strain his brain was experiencing. In a shocking turn of events, Kaiba's blue eyes prevented his master from advancingUse his light to wake him up.

At that moment, Kaiba was able to see a young woman looking at him with a concerned but confident look. This individual was the spirit of Seto's past life love, Kisara. She was a former slave who was rescued by Atem's loyal priest, who would go on to become the spirit of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. She had a deep love and care for Kaiba's past life, and had looked after him since ancient times. In Transcend Game, she made herself present once again to prevent her loved one from dying in pursuit of his goal.

Seto and Kisara in Yugioh

Transcend game is without a doubt a manga that elevates Seto as a character and gives fans a new look at the beloved duelist. The story of ​​this short but amazing manga is the perfect introduction by including Kisara, who has not been seen since the memories of Pharaoh. Kaiba in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark side of dimensions movie. Definitely, a manga that fans of Kaiba Corp's determined CEO should read.

Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Dark Side of Dimensions is an animated film that continues the story of the original Yu-Gi-Oh! series, focusing on the legendary duelists Yugi Muto and Seto Kaiba. With an original storyline by Kazuki Takahashi, the movie follows Yugi and his friends as they confront new challenges with a mysterious opponent, ultimately culminating in a high-stakes duel that tests their skills and friendships.


Satoshi Kuwabara

Release date

April 23, 2016


Satoshi Kuwabara, Kazuki Takahashi, Masahiro Hikokubo