Through Yu-Gi-Oh! Monster DuelMany talented duelists were presented to the public. However, few of them were as powerful and dedicated to their cause as Yugi's archrival. Seto Kaiba. Striving to become the best player in the world, Kaiba spent years acquiring many powerful and unique cards, as well as honing his skills as a Duel Monsters player.
By the end of the seriesKaiba had demonstrated time and time again why he was among the few duelists capable of going against Yugi himself. His success as a player depended on his high intelligence and the outstanding monsters, spells, and traps found in his deck. Although Kaiba often had to play second fiddle to Yugi, many consider his deck and cards to be stronger than the main character's cards.
Blue-Eyed White Dragon
First appearance: Yu-Gi-Oh! Episode 1
Blue-Eyes White Dragon is Kaiba's ace monster and has the only three copies of him in the world. Much of Kaiba's personality as a duelist and human is centered around Blue-Eyes White Dragon, especially in the anime, and it is eventually revealed to be due to Blue-Eyes embodying the soul of Kisara, the lover of Priest Seto, Kaiba's past life from Ancient Egypt.
The Blue-Eyed White Dragon has been a major victim of power creep over the years, as a monster with high attack and nothing else is not as effective in modern gameplay as it was in the old days. At the same time, Kaiba's playstyle always finds a way to get the most out of Blue-Eyes White Dragon and its derivatives.and with all the support she continues to receive, it's hard to call her anything other than one of Kaiba's strongest cards.
Blue-Eyed Alternate White Dragon
First appearance: Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions Blue-Eyes Alternate Dragon retains the same attack and defense points as its predecessor, but is several times easier to summon.
First introduced in The Dark Side of Dimensions the movie is new and improved version of the iconic monster Kaiba. Blue-Eyes Alternate Dragon retains the same attack and defense points as its predecessor, but is several times easier to summon. To use this card, the player only needs to show the original Blue Eyes, allowing the Alternate version to be played without the tribute. In addition to being easy to summon, the card can also destroy an opponent's monster once per turn, but becomes unable to attack until the next turn.
Finally, when the card is on the field, the card's name is Blue-Eyes White Dragon, giving it the ability to be used as a material for Kaiba's most powerful Fusion Monsters. These effects solve some of the biggest problems with the original Blue-Eyes card, making it much more reliable to play. Despite this, the card still requires Seto to have a copy of his original Blue Eyes in order to summon it. Since drawing two cards at the same time is not always guaranteed, the effect can sometimes become irrelevant.
Neo Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon
First appearance: Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions
The most powerful Fusion monster found on Kaiba's deck.It is an alternate form of the original Ultimate Dragon Seto. This creature, born from the union of three monsters called Blue-Eyes White Dragon, is one of the Yu-Gi-Oh! the most powerful monsters in terms of raw power. Like the original Ultimate Dragon, Neo has an amazing 4500 attack points, which is enough to defeat almost all other monsters. Its special ability makes perfect use of the Neo Ultimate Dragon's power, allowing it to attack for up to three times longer than the original Ultimate Dragon is in the Extra Deck.
Thanks to this special ability, Kaiba can complete the duel in one turn.taking away your opponent's life points with three powerful continuous attacks. The latter effect prevents the original Ultimate Dragon from being affected by enemy effects while the Neo Ultimate Dragon is in the grave. This ability, unfortunately, was never seen in the movie Dark Side of the Dimension. Neo Ultimate Dragon is an extremely powerful card, but it lacks any protection, making it vulnerable to any card removal. This weakness makes the card less reliable than other monsters in Kaiba's deck.
High Speed Aria
First appearance: Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions
High Speed Aria is Kaiba's original Trap Card, which Kaiba used at the climax of his duel with Yugi in The Dark Side of Dimensions. This card was important in his final gambit against Yugi, but unfortunately Yugi was one step ahead of Kaiba and quickly abandoned his strategy before ultimately walking away with the victory.
High Speed Aria converts its effect into any normal spell card the player discards, at the cost of not being able to activate spell cards on the next turn.; It's a very useful card for drawing out spell cards in a less-than-ideal situation, but its limitations and cost are really inferior to the anime version of Magical Trick Mirror, another Kaiba card. However, it is a very useful card, and if Kaiba were to duel someone other than Yugi, it would allow him to win the game.
Magic mirror
First appearance: Yu-Gi-Oh! Episode 132
Magic Trick Mirror is a trap card that Kaiba first used in his duel with Yugi in Battle City. Yugi tried to stop Kaiba from using Lord D to bring all three of his Blue-Eyes White Dragons onto the field, but with the help of the Magic Mirror, Kaiba stopped Yugi's attack and summoned all three Blue-Eyes White Dragons, a move that almost resulted in his victory.
While the real-life version of the Magic Mirror isn't all that impressive, its effect is mainly aimed at supporting the Tormentor's Obelisk in a direct reference to the anime. The anime magic trick mirror allows the user to activate any spell card in the opponent's graveyard right then and there.something that would be incredibly powerful in a real game. Kaiba hasn't used Magic Mirror that often, but even so, it's still one of the most powerful trap cards he's ever played.
Dragon Emperor of Chaos - Messenger of the End
First appearance: Yu-Gi-Oh! Episode 195
Several cards from Yu-Gi-Oh! anime was banned from competitive gaming. The Chaos Emperor Dragon is one of them due to its powerful effect. This imposing creature cannot be summoned through traditional means, but instead requires the player to banish a Light and Dark monster from their Graveyard. With 3000 attack points, this already makes this dragon an enemy not to be messed with. However, it still has a second ability, which is most likely the reason it was banned after Kaiba used it against Siegfried.
After paying out 1000 life points, all cards on the field and both players' hands, including the Chaos Emperor Dragon, are sent to the graveyard. Then, 300 damage is dealt to the enemy for each card sent to the graveyard. In a normal fight, this amount of damage would be almost enough to guarantee Kaiba's victory. However, if the damage dealt by this card is not enough to defeat the opponent, Kaiba will be left with no means of defense.
Blue-Eyed Chaos Dragon Max
First appearance: Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions
Chaos Max Dragon is a ritual version of Kaiba's signature blue-eyed monster. leaving behind the Blue Eyes' impressive defense and focusing entirely on attack power. This terrifyingly powerful creature can be summoned by banishing the Blue-Eyes White Dragon to the graveyard, thanks to its Chaos Ritual Spell Form. Unlike the original Blue Eyes, Chaos Max has a remarkable 4000 attack points, while losing all defense points. This impressive strength goes hand in hand with his special abilities. If Chaos Max attacks a monster in a defensive position, it will deal double the difference between its target's defense and the dragon's attack as damage.
Chaos Max can win a duel in a single turn, following Kaiba's desire to defeat his opponents as quickly and efficiently as possible. The second effect of this card gives it protection from the effects of Seto's opponent's card. making him a great boss monster. Unfortunately, the fact that this card is a Ritual Monster makes it difficult to summon other cards. The need for a specific ritual spell can cause a card to become unplayable in its owner's hand.
Deep-Eyed White Dragon
First appearance: Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions
Deep-Eyes White Dragon is Kaiba's new strongest monster introduced in The Dark Side of Dimensions. Kaiba first summoned the White Dragon Deep-Eyes when Yugi destroyed the Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon Max, and this became the biggest obstacle Yugi had to overcome to defeat Kaiba and force him to give up trying to revive Atem.
When the Deep-Eyes White Dragon is summoned, it deals 600 damage to every Dragon-type monster in Kaiba's Graveyard, and can also receive an attack from one of those Dragons, and even worse, The White Dragon with Deep Eyes destroys all monsters on the opponent's side of the field when it is destroyed.. While Deep-Eyes White Dragon didn't play much in The Dark Side of Dimensionsthis monster fits Kaiba's playstyle perfectly and makes it one of his strongest cards.
Fang of Kritias
First appearance: Yu-Gi-Oh! Episode 150
Part of the Three Legendary Dragons. The Fang of Kritias is a physical manifestation of the ancient warrior's power.. This powerful card chose Kaiba as its owner, giving the young man the opportunity to fight against Dartz and his Orichalcos warriors. Fang of Kritias uses Kaiba's powerful Trap Cards to create unique and fearsome dragons. The effects of these new creatures are improved versions of the Trap card used to summon them. Kaiba used these dragons to overcome situations that initially seemed hopeless, such as during his duel against Aleister.
The problem with this strategy is that it requires two specific cards to summon these powerful monsters.
For example, Tyrant Burst Dragon gives another monster 400 attack points and allows it to attack every opposing monster. Virus Doom Dragon can destroy monsters with 1500 or more attack points. Finally, Mirror Power Dragon deals damage and destroys all opposing monsters. The problem with this strategy is that it requires two specific cards to summon these powerful monsters. While this doesn't change how effective the monsters he creates are, it may affect how often Kaiba can summon them when needed.
Merging Dimensions
First appearance: Yu-Gi-Oh! Episode 194
Kaiba is a duelist well known for using each of his cards to their full potential, whether they are in his hand, deck, graveyard, or exiled from play. Dimension Fusion is a perfect example of Seto's playstyle.allowing him to use cards that have already served their purpose before. By paying 2000 life points, Kaiba and his opponent can summon as many monsters removed from the game to their fields as possible. Kaiba used this card only once, during a duel against Siegfried, defeating the latter a few minutes after activating it.
Despite how powerful the card is, it does have a few drawbacks that didn't seem to stop Kaiba in the slightest. The requirement to have at least 2000 hit points, a significant amount in a game that only has 4000 hit points, makes its use very limited. The fact that your opponent can also use this effect without paying hit points also makes it dangerous for the user.
Return from another dimension
First appearance: Yu-Gi-Oh! Film: Pyramid of Light
One of the most powerful cards in both the anime and the real card game.Return from Another Dimension is an alternate version of Dimension Fusion. By paying half of the remaining life points, Kaiba can bring as many banished monsters onto the field. Each of these creatures returns with their own effects and can attack on the same turn they were summoned. When the turn ends, they will be sent back to the exiled zone. However, this last condition would most likely never be met, as Kaiba would take advantage to win in the same turn.
The only problem Kaiba may have with this card is that since it is a trap, it must be set for one turn before being activated. Seto will also need to remove monsters from the game that will help him win the duel. Return from Another Dimension is an incredibly powerful card that had to be changed before it would appear in the actual game.. Version provided to players Yu-Gi-Oh! the card game does not allow monsters summoned by this card to attack or use their effects.
Virus gun
First appearance: Yu-Gi-Oh! Episode 93
One of Kaiba's most defining traits is his desire to prove to his opponents how much better he is than them. His Virus Cannon is the perfect embodiment of this ruthless behavior. When activated, Kaiba's opponent is forced to discard 10 spell cards from their deck or hand. If the opponent cannot discard 10 spells, he is forced to send as many cards as possible. While at first glance this may not seem as powerful as other cards, it is important to remember how important spell cards are for certain archetypes.
Majority Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime decks typically contain 40 cards, with the vast majority of these pieces being monsters. Statistically, most duelists in the original anime had 20 monsters, 10 spells, and 10 traps in their decks. Kaiba's Virus Cannon would effectively prevent them from playing a third of their deck, which would greatly disrupt their strategies.. This card can spell doom for almost all players unless their decks rely on any spell cards. Such a powerful and unfair card perfectly shows how cold and calculating Kaiba can be during duels.
Death Card
First appearance: Yu-Gi-Oh! Episode 132
Unlike many other card games in which players have a limited amount of resources per turn, Yu-Gi-Oh! this is a game in which this limitation does not exist. As long as a player can meet the card's activation requirements, he can play it. That's why the ability to draw more cards is considered one of the most powerful abilities in the game.. Kaiba's Doom Card is one of the best prank cards in anime. When activated, the cardholder can draw cards until they have 5 cards left in their hand.
When this card was brought into the actual card game, its effect was completely changed due to the effect being too strong.
This means that if the cards were played when Kaiba had no other cards in his hand, he would instantly have access to 5 new parts of his strategy. After five turns of activating this card, the player who used it will be forced to discard their entire hand. This was often not a problem, as Kaiba would have had more than five moves to defeat his opponent. When this card was brought into the actual card game, its effect was completely changed due to the effect being too strong. Even then, the card quickly became a staple in most decks.
Virus Crush Card
First appearance: Yu-Gi-Oh! Episode 23
Crush Card Virus is one of Kaiba's oldest and most iconic trap cards, and the card has been a staple of his deck since Duelist Kingdom. With Crush Card Virus, by sacrificing a Dark monster with low attack power, Kaiba can destroy all monsters in his opponent's hand, deck, and field with high attack power, forcing him to play exclusively with a deck of low-level monsters.
In the actual game, the effect of Crush Card Virus has changed more than most other cards, to the point that most versions actually harm the player if used. However, The Crush Card virus in the anime does not have any of the limitations of its real-life counterpart.and it essentially wins the game for Kaiba every time he plays it thanks to how much it ruins his opponents' game plans in one moment.
Obelisk Tormentor
First appearance: Yu-Gi-Oh! Episode 52
In the real world, Egyptian God cards are considered mediocre and too difficult to summon for most players. On the other hand, their anime counterparts still among the most powerful cards in Yu-Gi-Oh! anime. The Obelisk is a perfect example of how imposing and terrifying God can be. To summon this deity, Kaiba needed to send three monsters from his field as tribute. This may seem like an excessive cost, but Obelisk's abilities more than make up for this requirement.
Thanks to his divine nature, The Obelisk is unaffected by the effects of enemy cards, making it virtually invulnerable to spells and traps.. If Kaiba can Summon two other monsters while Obelisk is on the field, the Divine Creature can Tribute them to gain infinite Attack Points until the end of the turn. Another of its effects allowed Obelisk to credit two monsters to destroy all other creatures on the field to later deal 4000 damage to the opponent. With such outstanding effects and almost invulnerable defense, the Obelisk was without a doubt Kaiba's most powerful card Yu-Gi-Oh!