Warning: Contains spoilers for Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter No. 271In a matter of months I went from being a passive fan Jujutsu Kaisen for the diehards, but a lot of fans miss the things that make me love this series so much. Now that Jujutsu Kaisen Having reached its completion, I am completely delighted. Jujutsu Kaisen is unlike any shonen I've ever seen or read. WITH Jujutsu KaisenGege Akutami has created a masterful narrative with exciting fights and stunning presentation. Although that's not why I love him so much.
Jujutsu Kaisen touches where it shouldn't. Characters like Yuji, Megumi, Gojo and Sukuna. clicking on each other in ways they shouldn't. Gojo and Sukuna are drawn to each other's brute strength; Megumi doesn't care that Gojo killed his father; Sukuna openly respects Megumi; Yuuji can't shake his soft spot for Sukuna. This may go without saying Jujutsu Kaisen has a weird depth. In fact, philosophically speaking, it's anathema to the norms of today's shonen. For this reason, however, fans easily miss the most interesting moments.
Jujutsu Kaisen is not your run-of-the-mill shonen (and we shouldn't act like it is)
Jujutsu Kaisen differs significantly from other combat shounens
Jujutsu Kaisen is nothing like competitors. Down to the very basics Jujutsu Kaisen is a subversive series that always targets big shounens like Naruto. Consider the damn energy system. The cursed energy that results from human negativity is in stark contrast to the energy systems of other series such as Naruto (chakra) and Dragon Ball (ki). The fact that the main enemies - cursed spirits - are the embodiment of this energy shows the relationship between non-witches and sorcerers, humans and curses, and ultimately, good and evil.
Nothing in Jujutsu Kaisen is arbitrary. The concept of binary instability underlies Jujutsu Kaisen. Fans miss this simply because it's not very intuitive from a cultural standpoint. What might be called the Western canon viewed things primarily in terms of concrete good and evil, with little room for uncertainty. However, once you start to see Jujutsu Kaisen How series that aims to make these binaries as blurry as possibleit is something that cannot be unseen.
The Worst Jujutsu Kaisen Characters Are Probably Better Than You Think
The structure of Jujutsu Kaisen allows for deep complexity
The best example of this is Mahito. Mahito is a curse, but he is intelligent and humanoid. Since he is also a curse, Mahito was born into humanity. A curse usually exists only to torment people and avoid exorcisms. However, Mahito is no ordinary curse. Because he identifies humanity as the enemy, he also identifies himself with humanity. He sees himself as best type of personand as he literally grows and evolves by taking lives, he views humanity as the price of his perfection.
The lines between curse and person are further blurred by Mahito: his desire for confirmation from Kenjaku and confirmation from Sukuna is clearly Freudian. Will I let Mahito kill me for his cause? Of course not. But I can understand how his ideas of right and wrong and his general sense of value would be completely different from my own. In fact, the feeling of disgust I get from Mahito that's exactly what he should make me feel. Looking at things in this light, Jujutsu Kaisen opens wide to new interpretations.
When the series ends, Jujutsu Kaisen emphasizes the authenticity of life and the choice of what a person lives and dies for. However, these themes were present throughout. The problem is that you have to catch them to see them. why do characters like Mahito and Geto think the same way as themon a fundamental level that require more empathy than the average fan is spared.
Controversy surrounding 'Jujutsu Kaisen' ending shows how fans misunderstand it
Jujutsu Kaisen should not be read like other shonen
Without such a perspective, such topics risk becoming clichés. Jujutsu KaisenThe finale drew many accusations of haste, laziness and sloppiness. The most egregious thing, in my opinion, is that Sukuna's transition after his loss is called an example of the "power of friendship" or the "redemption arc." It's simple highlights the binary fuzziness that has always been part of the narrative.
This becomes obvious if you try to view Yuuji and Sukuna as a binary system that combines other binary systems: good/evil, human/curse, present/past, and so on. From the emergence of the binary code when Yuji ate part of Sukuna's body until Sukuna's possession of Megumi's body, Sukuna's soul shared space with Yuji's soul. The fact that Yuji's soul can dominate Sukuna. for this reason sorcerers and curses are primarily interested in him.
This is also only possible because Yuuji and Sukuna are related. Jujutsu Kaisen we're talking about inseparability of perceived opposites. IN Jujutsu Kaisenpeople and curses, good and evil, souls and bodies cannot be defined without each other. Without Yuuji, Sukuna would not have been able to return; Without Sukuna, Yuuji could not have become a hero. To get to the heart of this inseparability, Yuuji ends up being the son of Sukuna's reincarnated twin brother, Jin Itadori. Even Yuuji's ability to manipulate cursed energy later is a result of Sukuna's influence.
Jujutsu Kaisen it was written that the explosives cleared the ground for new construction.
So when Sukuna eventually changes her mind about Yuuji, this is not surprising to me. Yuuji and Sukuna realize their dependence on the other. As Yuuji tells Sukuna, “I am you.” This also does not mean a change in Sukuna's value system; on the contrary - when Mahito asks why his position has changed, Sukuna simply says that he lost. Sukuna had always valued brute strength, and his fierce gaze reflected that. Yuji's power over Sukuna showed him the weakness of his values and the strength of Yuji's own values, so he complied.
This is also hinted at by Yuuji's discussion with Gojou in the same chapter. Both Gojo and Sukuna were titans of individual strength.; This is the reason why fans made noise and hype about their battle for so long, and the reason why they were so disappointed when Gojo lost. But Gojo's individual power isolated him, and he said that he hoped other mages would find a power different from his own.
In the end, the collective power used by Yuuji and the other sorcerers proved to be greater than Sukuna's individual power. Both Gojo and Sukuna knew this. It's not just that Gojo never intended to defeat Sukuna. The thing is, if Gojo had won, it would have destroyed Jujutsu KaisenA persistent attempt from the very beginning to undermine the comfortable notions of shonen manga.
Gojo had to lose to prove it. Jujutsu Kaisen different. This is not a story in which “good” automatically triumphs over “evil.” This is not a story where Gojo dies so that Yuji can claim his rightful fame as the protagonist. Jujutsu Kaisen this is not a story in which misguided criminals abuse an agnostic system of power, nor a story in which ideas appear as gimmicks or spontaneous enhancements before disappearing.
Jujutsu Kaisen was never meant to be a run-of-the-mill shonen. I think Hege meant that this should be read as a laxative aimed at the foolish self-confidence of the shonensigned and sealed from the belly of the beast. It was written as an explosive, clearing the way for new construction. In a genre where things tend to be too simplistic, Jujutsu Kaisen this is a series that exists to show how complex and interconnected the world really is, and fans are doing it a disservice by skipping that.