In Marvel Comics, The Unstoppable Juggernaut Has been giving Professor X and the rest of the X-Men A tough go of it for decades, with his brute strength and mystic-imbued power making up for his lack of smarts and critical thinking on the battlefield. When he regains his powers after losing them for a time, Juggernaut received a badass redesign along with the removal of his most exploited weakness: His susceptibility to a telepath's abilities when his helmet is ripped off.
The living avatar of The demon SittorakCain Marko aka Juggernaut earned his unstoppable moniker after obtaining the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak, a ruby that gave him, according to its inscription, "...the power of the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak!"
But in Amazing X-Men #15 - #19 During an arc dubbed "Once and Future Juggernaut," Kane was de-powered for some time, with the battle over a recently resurfaced Cyttorak gem leading to a mad race to see who could capture it first, resulting in Cain regaining his Juggernaut mantle along with the ability to block telepathy Without wearing his helmet.
Juggernaut's Epic Redesign gives him immunity to telepathy without wearing his helmet
Amazing X-Men: Once and Future Juggernaut - 2015 (Christopher Yost and Jorge Fornés)
Making Juggernaut stronger and more badass-looking than ever before, Juggernaut regaining his ultimate power came at a time when Cain had settled for a life of peace and solitude, until, that is, he heard about a Phoenix-corrupted Cyclops killing his brother, Professor X, in cold blood during 2012s Avengers vs. X-Men storyline. Keen wants to take revenge on Cyclops, Keen joins the hunt for Cyttorak's gem, and after the X-Men's Colossus fails to convince the demon to transfer his power to him, Keen is reborn as Cyttorak's avatar with a new character Plan. .
Attacked by Storm, Iceman and the rest of the X-Men on the scene, the team predictably attempts to "take the helmet," directly targeting the Juggernaut's one weakness they know they can exploit. Believing that with the telepathic Rachel Summers at their side, they should easily win, Juggernaut unexpectedly removes his helmet mid-fight, revealing a more demon than human redesign underneathSurprising Colossus and bringing Cain more visually in line with his demonic master. Unable to telepathically "read him" as Rachel usually can, Cain declares that "every weakness I had is gone," threatening that he can no longer be stopped.
The X-Men can no longer exploit Juggernaut's biggest weakness after he regains his ultimate power
Juggernaut's helmet usually blocks all telepathic attacks
Allowing Kane to completely ignore Rachel Summers' telepathic prodding, Juggernaut not only gains an even more hulking appearance, but a newfound sense of confidence that solidifies him as the "once and future" version of the character. moreover, What makes this upgrade so important is that it acts as a rude awakening for the X-Men by eradicating the go-to solution they use to take Juggernaut downA point Iceman makes earlier when he says that "Telepaths can take him out like that. Take his helmet off and we're done, something that no longer applies to Cain after this issue.
Currently rostered on the main "From the Ashes" X-Men team led by Cyclops, the man he was hell-bent on killing in this very story, Juggernaut still needs to wear his helmet in the field since his immunity to telepathy fluctuates In comics very, and depending on the creators who are writing him at the time. It's a generally accepted thought Cain still uses his helmet for Some Level of telepathic resistanceBut it's also implied that after the events of "The Once and Future Juggernaut," he still retains some kind of psychic defense even when not wearing his signature helmet.
Ending the arc by laying the beat down on Colossus with a kind of raw strength he's never possessed before, Juggernaut is defeated on a technicality after Colossus destroys the cliff he's standing on, sending him into the water below and proving that While Juggernaut is still one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel Universe, he still isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.. Give X-MenCain Marko's extreme redesign and nixing JuggernautThe high susceptibility to telepathy when not wearing his helmet shows that he really can be unstoppable, especially when he has nothing to lose.
Amazing X-Men: Once and Future Juggernaut is available from Marvel Comics.