Juggernaut Lore changes forever with the debut of a powerful new Marvel God

Juggernaut Lore changes forever with the debut of a powerful new Marvel God

The story behind Marvel's villain-turned-hero Juggernaut is set to receive a major expansion, vi Spider-Man Find yourself face-to-face with Kyrios, "The fellow of Citorrac,"The deity whose supernatural power the juggernaut's strength is drawn from. An upcoming issue of Amazing Spider-Man Promises to elaborate on Cytorrak's role in Marvel's vast cosmos.

Amazing Spider-Man #63 - written by Justina Ireland, with art by Gleb Melnikov - is part of the "8 Deaths of Spider-Man" arc, in which Marvel's new Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Doom, sends Spider-Man on a chaotic tour of The Marvel Multiverse. As the issue's synopsis reveals, this will include an encounter with the offspring of Citorrak, the newly introduced Sirios.

Amazing Spider-Man #63 (2024)

Amazing Spider-Man #63, Spider-Man in a new suit leaps into action (foreground) with demonic faces behind him.

Release date:

December 11, 2024


Justina Ireland


Gleb Melnikov

Cover artist:

Ed McGuinness

Variant covers:

Francesco D'ippolito, Lucas Werneck and Rafael Albuquerque,

Spider-Man comes face-to-face with CYRIOS, SCION OF CYTORRAK!, Cyrios represents the inevitability of time and takes Spider-Man on a heartbreaking tour through Peter Parker's past and future in excruciating detail. How many deaths will Spider-Man spend trying to change his past and save his future?!

Intriguingly, Cyrios is described as “Present[ing] the inevitability of time," A role in Marvel's cosmic hierarchy that could lead to a reinterpretation of Cytorrak's position among the pantheon of the publisher.

Peter Parker will meet the "Scion" of Juggernaut's patron god Cytorrak

Amazing Spider-Man #63 - Written by Justina Ireland; Art by Gleb Melnikov

The X-Men look tiny in comparison to Cytorrak when they confront him in his realm.

Despite being introduced into Marvel canon nearly sixty years ago, so much about Cytorrak remains a mystery. However, the details that fans have learned about the deity—especially over the past few decades—have left readers eager to know more, a feeling that many will experience once again with Cytorrak's tantalizing revelation."schnitzel," Cyrios. Perhaps most exciting, in any case, is the extension of Cytorrak and his influence beyond just the juggernaut character, as Spider-Man's interaction with his offspring opens a whole new side of the Marvel Universe to the dark god.

Amazing Spider-Man #63 is set to show Cyrios taking on Peter Parker on "A heartbreaking tour"From its history and future, suggesting that the"Scion" Of Cytorrak has an interest in and connection to humanity beyond just the rule over them that his father craves. This issue will likely contain more details that will allow readers to consider Cytorrak in a new context - and will perhaps set the stage for the character's next evolution.Regardless of his connection to Juggernaut.

The lore behind Juggernaut's dark god Cytorrak deserves to be expanded

Story potential Marvel needs to actualize

During Juggernaut's long tenure as an X-Men Antagonist, he was largely described as being at the will of Cytorrak; Later, when the character firmly embraces heroism, a crucial step in his redemption arc involves breaking his contract with Citorrac, stealing the power of the god's gem. Now, there is also a new character in the Marvel Universe, Kid Juggernaut, who has radically changed the history of Juggernaut, and by extension, Cytorrak. All this is to say, Marvel seems to have bigger plans for Cytorrak, the parts of which are slowly being maneuvered into place.


Hopefully, still Amazing Spider-Man #63 brings attention to the new Scion of Cytorakk, Marvel will express further renewed interest in exploring just how Juggernaut is connected to the most complex and unexplored aspects of Marvel's lore. With so much untapped potential, readers can only remain patient until Cytorrak and the rest of his dark pantheon are explored in depth. For now, they can speculate about how Cyrios fits into Peter Parker's story in "8 Deaths of Spider-Man," and what new information about Cytorrak and Juggernaut The Spider-Man History will provide.

Amazing Spider-Man #63 Will be available December 11, 2024 from Marvel Comics.