Juggernaut explains the meaning of his new costume, redefining the X-Men's iconic logo

Juggernaut explains the meaning of his new costume, redefining the X-Men's iconic logo

Like these Juggernaut Ally yourself with Cyclops last X-Men team, he's sporting a new costume that embraces their iconic 'X' insignia. Now, Cain Marko explains the exact meaning of his new look, and it shows his ferocious commitment to mutantkind. While Juggernaut spent the majority of his time in Marvel continuity as a villain, he has honestly turned over a new leaf, and his thoughts on his new armor show that he's fully committed to the X-Men's heroic ideals.

In Jed MacKay and Netho Diaz X-Men #4The X-Men face the Upstarts - a team of mutants who are killing their fellow man Homos superior In a bid for fame. Juggernaut squares off with Upstart member Orifice, who can unleash huge energy blasts from his mouth. When Juggernaut battles through the flow of energy, Orifice objects that he isn't even a mutant and doesn't belong in the fight. Juggernaut's hardcore response shows that although he may not be Homos superiorHe will fight by their side until the end.

Juggernaut explains why he is with the X-Men now

for X-MenIn the new era, Juggernaut was wearing new black armor with a huge red 'X' over his face. In the battle against Orifice, he spells out how he considers the Logo a target - one that he is chosen to share with Mutantkind, fighting on their side. Marco explains:

It is a goal. A crosshairs. And I'm wearing it right here. So anyone who thinks they're going to take their shot has to look me in the eye. So they see what's in the eyes. So they see what I will do to them.


Juggernaut's new costume is a 'target' for anti-mutant villains

While he once fought the X-Men, Juggernaut is now all-in on the mutant cause

While Juggernaut was introduced in X-Men Learn how Charles Xavier's stepbrother, He was never a mutant. Instead, he gained his powers through magic, becoming the avatar of the demon lord Sitorak, who preys on destructive acts in the physical world. The need for destruction turned Juggernaut into one of the most dangerous superhumans on the planet, while his connection to (and hatred of) Xavier saw him butt heads with mutantkind again and again, sometimes joining teams including Excalibur for short bursts before returning to His life of crime.

What changed after Juggernaut broke ties with CyttorakRealizing that he would never be free of the demon's influence as long as he wielded his borrowed power. Juggernaut made a fresh start, replacing his powers with metal stolen from his former master and finding a new home on the mutant island of Krakoa, where he joined Nightcrawler's Legion of X (a group that kept peace among the island's mutants. )

Unfortunately, Krakow is now a distant memory, and X-Men'From the Ashes' era sees mutants hated and feared more than ever before. It's the perfect moment for Juggernaut to leave the X-Men, who no longer have an island paradise to offer him for his service. Instead, Juggernaut has doubled down, joining Cyclops and Magneto in a mutant response team that acts as the first line of defense against threats to mutants. With even heroes like Kate 'Kitty' Pryde and Wolverine giving up on the X-Men's dream and refusing to keep the team together, Juggernaut's commitment is a major indication that the character has permanently turned a corner.


Juggernaut has earned his place in the X-Men

The former enemy of the mutants was there when it mattered

Juggernaut is one of Marvel's most powerful beings alive, having gone toe to toe with the Hulk and come out the victor. However, it's not just his power level that earns him a spot on Cyclops' roster. Juggernaut's commitment to mutantkind during the Krakoan era was so absolute that when Krakoa's mutants voted for their new X-Men roster at the third annual Hellfire Gala, Juggernaut made the cut (he was also the winner of a real-life online vote by fans to choose the new member of the team.) Unfortunately, his moment in the sun was ruined when the assassin Sentinel Nimrod Attacked, and defeated Juggernaut's team.

Juggernaut's X-Men roster

However, even with Krakoa under fire and his dreams in ashes, Juggernaut stepped up. He fought Nimrod at Jean Grey's side and later protected Krakao alone when the Sentient Island escaped from the anti-mutant group Archis in a greatly diminished form. Even skewered on an adamantium spear, Juggernaut stopped Orchis from finishing off Krakoa, protecting the X-Men's sacred homeland with his life. It is only because of Juggernaut's efforts that Krakoa lives on - Now sadly outside of time and space, but still home to many mutants who have chosen their utopian paradise over returning to Earth.

When it seemed the X-Men couldn't win, Juggernaut was there to protect what mattered, and now as Cyclops' team begins the impossible task of rebuilding MutantKind's chances of survival, he's not only fighting by their side but bearing their symbol as a challenge to anyone who would harm mutants to go through it first. for decades, Juggernaut was one of those X-Men's most powerful enemy, but his new look makes it clear that in the past few years, he has truly turned into their most powerful ally.

X-Men #4 is available now from Marvel Comics.