Joaquin Phoenix's Oscar-nominated sci-fi movie gets expertly assessed

Joaquin Phoenix's Oscar-nominated sci-fi movie gets expertly assessed

Artificial Intelligence expert assesses the AI ​​depiction in Joaquin Phoenix's 2013 sci-fi movie you. Written and directed by Spike Jonze, you Follows Phoenix's character Theodore Twombly. The heartbroken and vulnerable man develops an unlikely relationship with an operating system that is personified by a woman's voice known as Samantha. Scarlett Johansson played the role of Samantha with a cast that includes Olivia Wilde, Amy Adams, Rooney Mara and Chris Pratt.

In a recent video by InsideArtificial intelligence researcher Sasha Luccioni assesses the AI ​​depiction in you And also rates it for its accuracy.

According to Luccioni, The image of AI is overblownAs in the case of Samantha anticipating the hunger of Theodore, and she believes that the movie mostly reflects what many people want AI to be rather than the actual capabilities of the operating system. Read her full comments below:

She's definitely a projection of where I think a lot of people would want AI to be and I think that's why a lot of people love the movie so much. Actually, it keeps people coming back as an example of an AI girlfriend or companion that is able to read emotions and anticipate needs in a way that is currently impossible.

Like especially for example "Oh I figured you were hungry." I wonder how people can make such an expectation because even as a human being, I don't know if we can predict someone's hunger just by looking at them.

I would rate this about a five. It is halfway there in terms of the capabilities but of course they are jacked up.

She excelled in many other aspects

You focus on an unconventional relationship

While you's depiction of AI may have been fairly overblown, as Luccioni points out above, this Does not reduce the overall quality of the movie. Although the use of AI was key to the premise of the entire movie, the endearing relationship that Theodore slowly cultivated with Samantha, even though she never appeared on screen throughout the entire runtime of the movie, was The main draw of the movie.

Another main thing that It largely excels in how it subtly raises pertinent questions about the future of technology and its impact on human relationships.

Phoenix stood out in his role, as he is often not acting with a physical actor. His outstanding performance as Theodore, perfectly portraying the complexity of the character on screen, along with the captivating dynamic with Samantha, is the main reason why you Received great reviews And also earned five nominations at the 86th Academy Awards, eventually winning the award for Best Original Screenplay.


On the surface, Theodore and Samantha's relationship, however unlikely it may seem, is loving. That's why you is ranked among some of the best romantic movies. Another main thing that you Largely excels in how it subtly raises pertinent questions about the future of technology and its impact on human relationships. This is perhaps why the use of AI is exaggerated, as Luccioni suggests.

Source: Inside


Release date

10 January 2014


126 minutes