James Earl Jones was so much more than Darth Vader

James Earl Jones was so much more than Darth Vader

James Earl Jones May be best known as the voice of Darth Vader, but there was so much more to the celebrated actor than that. When George Lucas cast the voice of Darth Vader, he knew he had to get it right. "I knew the voice had to be very, very special," Lucas said in a speech at the American Theater Wing Gala in 2015, "It was really a choice between Orson Welles and James Earl Jones. James Earl Jones won hands down."

For 47 years, James Earl Jones has been synonymous with Darth Vader in the minds of Star Wars Fans. He is one of 14 actors who have played Darth Vader in one medium or another, but his boom in incredible. Now, sadly, Jones has died at the age of 93; His friends and colleagues step forward with heartfelt devotion for him. But he is, of course, so much more than the voice of Darth Vader. here, Screen Rant's Star Wars team offer their own tribute to a Hollywood legend who has shaped all our lives.

More than just a special effect

James Earl Jones reportedly refused to be credited for A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back because he believed his role was just another "special effect." He didn't know his voice was the special effect. Star Wars is famous for its sound design and original score, but Jones' intimidating powerful vocal performance made the movies more memorable, magnetic and magical.

- All buyers

Modern viewers may be surprised to hear that the early versions of Star Wars And The empire strikes back Didn't credit Jones at all. Jones was already an established actor, with a Best Actor Oscar nomination for his role as boxer Jack Johnson in The Great White Hope. Always a humble man, Jones was concerned about getting the credit for the roleBelieve David Prowse deserves this honor. Jones recorded all his lines for the first movie in just two and a half hours, and was paid just $7,500.

A true inspiration

His vocal performance inspired me and my friends to dream, bringing to life a character that inspired all of us as fans of the Star Wars franchise and as creatives ourselves. Even as children he both scared and motivated us. He is a defining part of not only Star Wars, but film as a whole with performances that were an incredibly important part of my childhood, including his performance in The Sandlot. At the end of the day, James Earl Jones left his mark on the world, and he will always be remembered for it.

- Clarence Snell

A pioneering African-American actor of stage and screen, Jones was at the forefront of the genuine casting debate in the 1970s. His carefully-worded opposition to Anthony Quinn's plans to play a Haitian emperor in blackface caused so much controversy that Quinn abandoned the role. Jones was truly an inspirational figure, unafraid to use his fame to effect change in Hollywood. In fact, Lucas was initially concerned about casting him in Star Wars Because he worried about the symbolism of the one black actor being a villain.

The perfect voice of Darth Vader

'Don't be too proud of the technological terror you have built. The ability to destroy a planet is not important next to the power of the Force.' This line shows why Jones was the perfect voice for Darth Vader. A master of alliteration in the first half and giving weight to his words in the second half. No one can pull off Vader's dialogue as well as he can, simultaneously making him feel menacing and Shakespearean.

— Nathaniel Roark

Darth Vader played a comparatively minor role in the first Star Wars Movie - The term "Dark Lord of the Sith" was cut from A new hope - but the character stole every scene he was in. Jones' voice-acting was a big reason for Darth Vader's popularity, and the Sith Lord became a central figure as the saga continued. Jones clearly cares a great deal about Vader, reprising the role in other mediums.

A glimpse of the humanity behind the Sith

The line 'It's too late for me, son. The Emperor will show you the true nature of the force. He is your master now. In Return of the Jedi expresses the tragedy and menacing presence of Darth Vader in just a few words before the prequels showed Anakin's fall. James Earl Jones's voice acting is one of the strongest elements of the original Star Wars trilogy.

David Miller

Viewers didn't really get a sense of Darth Vader's inner life until now Return of the JediWhen Vader's armor cracked and his humanity began to shine through. These scenes are testament to Jones' rangeBecause he effortlessly blends the imperious tones of Darth Vader with a hint of regret. Jones would demonstrate the same skill throughout his career, often playing commanding figures who were also beautifully human and flawed.

A kind and gentle soul

'I take it back, you're in trouble. You are dead where you stand.' One of the few movies I enjoyed nearly as much as Star Wars when I was a kid was The Sandlot, and James Earl Jones had a lot to do with it. It was precisely because I first heard him as Darth Vader that Jones' role as Mr. Myrtle sticks with me to this day. Even someone with a booming voice, who I instantly associated with one of the greatest villains of all time as a child, can be a kind and gentle soul. James Earl Jones' work in The Sandlot - and Field of Dreams - are some of the reasons I love baseball to this day, and I'm eternally grateful that he got the chance to play good-natured characters alongside Vader.

Sean Morrison

Jones' star power was undeniable, and often his colleagues felt starstruck when working with him. SandlotS Patrick Renna recalled that the entire workshop was just speechless when he arrived on set. Finally, Marty York approached him. "None of us have any guts," Renna shared (via People). He said, "'Sir, I hear you are James Earl Jones, or something like that. 'You were Darth Vader in Star Wars.' And he looked at him and said:No, I am your father.' And that was it."

A king and a father first

'Look at the stars. The great kings of the past look down on us from those stars. So when you feel alone, just remember that the kings will always be there to guide you. And I will too.' It's not Star Wars, but The Lion King has been one of my favorite movies since I was a kid. Whenever I'm dealing with/thinking about loss, or grief, or family, this film—and James Earl Jones' voice—fills my head. Without Jones, Mufasa would not have become one of my favorite characters, and the thematic resonance of someone living beyond their time on earth would not have been as strong, something that feels even more prevalent now. More than an iconic Sith Lord, Jones will always be a king and a father first to me.

Lewis Glassbrook

It is so easy to focus only on Star WarsBut Jones made every role his own. There is absolutely no way 1994s The Lion King would have been such a success without the commanding performance of James Earl Jones as Mufasa, Simba's father. It seems so very fitting that both of Jones' most famous, celebrated performances are as fathers - One flawed but redeemed, the other self-sacrificing and inspirational.

A true master, whose history only deepened with time

'The circle is now complete. When I left you I was just the student, now I am the master. The A New Hope line only makes more and more sense with titles like The Clone Wars and Obi-Wan Kenobi. I remember as a kid pointing at James Earl Jones on screen in The Hunt For Red October and asking my mom why Darth Vader didn't have his mask on. No matter where he appears, whether it's in The Lion King, Field of Dreams or any number of his iconic roles, you can't help but be drawn in by James Earl Jones' voice and presence on screen.

Tara Salvati

George Lucas' return with the Star Wars Prequel trilogy has the theme of the franchise shift significantly. No more are the "from the adventures of Luke Skywalker" - now, the whole saga is reinterpreted as primarily about Anakin Skywalker. Surprisingly, though, These stories did not diminish the wonder of Jones' performance; They just deepened it, adding more depth and meaning to lines that were so very familiar. Jones truly stood at the heart of Star Wars.

Darth Vader for every generation

'Anakin Skywalker was weak. I destroyed him.' The fact that James Earl Jones was willing to reprise his role as Vader in the overlooked animated series Star Wars: Rebels shows the love and dedication he has for the character. No matter the circumstance, Jones was phenomenal. He was the master of capturing the essence of Vader's evil. The exchange between Vader and Ahsoka will always be my favorite. His haunting voice as Vader tells Ahsoka that Vader killed her master will always tug at my heartstrings. James's voice-over work as Vader is among the greatest of all time.

- Will Frangules

Star Wars is an intergenerational saga, and yet each generation has fallen in love with Jones' image. It was absolute joy when he returned as the voice of Darth Vader once again in Star Wars RebelsInitially depicts a scene in which Vader commanded the Imperial Inquisitors. Incredibly, he became a main character as Rebels Continued, with one stunning scene in which Jones' Darth Vader confronted Ashley Eckstein's Ahsoka Tano - Ahsoka was Anakin Skywalker's first Padawan.

James Earl Jones' Rogue One Return

'Be careful not to stifle your aspirations, director.' This whole scene is very significant to me because it was Jones' last return to the role of Vader and it was my first time actually seeing Vader on the big screen (other than seeing him at the end from roots as a very small child). It's also a line I quote often with my dad, who is the biggest Vader fan I know. In-universe, it's a perfectly executed dad joke that's still as threatening as Vader is known for.

Molly Brizell

James Earl Jones returned to Star Wars Like the voice of Darth Vader in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Aged 85 at the time of filming. Generally viewed as the best movie of the Disney Star Wars Time, the film also emphasized the significance of Darth Vader, in a striking scene in which the Dark Lord of the Sith cuts a bloody swathe through the Rebel Alliance. There is a lot of irony in this movie also featuring a classic Star Wars "Dad joke" from Luke Skywalker's father.

Jones leaves a lasting legacy

'I am not your failure Obi-Wan. You didn't kill Anakin Skywalker. I did.' Lucasfilm knew there was no way they could ever hope to replace James Earl Jones' iconic voice when it came to live-action Darth Vader, and the haunting melding of Jones' voice with Hayden Christensen's still gives me chills. I also love his guest appearance on The Big Bang Theory, confirming his love for Star Wars (while also ding-dong ditching Carrie Fisher's house).

Kevin Erdman

Jones never quite retired, really. aged 88 He agreed to reprise the role of Mufasa in Jon Favreau's live-action remake of The Lion King. "All the stars lined up and there I listened to him record," Favreau recalled when he spoke to EW at the time. "He would do a walk and then he would ask me for directions and I honestly couldn't answer! I was like, 'You're Mufasa.' Far be it from me... Everything he did sounded perfect because it was he who said it."The digital recreation of Darth Vader's voice in Obi-Wan Kenobi remains unforgettable.

A true legend

Of course, James Earl Jones' role as Darth Vader deeply impacted me and remains something I treasure, but as a child who grew up with The Lion King Jones' role as Mufasa is just as meaningful to me. My favorite Mufasa lines come when he speaks to Simba from the sky, telling him to remember who he is. These same lines are beautifully incorporated into the Disney World fireworks show at the Magic Kingdom, and they really do make me choke up every time - though especially now.

Liz Declan

A truly legendary, inspirational man has sadly passed away. His example will live on, however, and his voice will always carry so much emotion for all those who grew up loving the movies he starred in. James Earl Jones will always be so much more than that Darth Vader - And he will never be forgotten.