Stephen King debut novel, Curryis one of my favorite stories by the horror author, but I've always wanted King to expand on one particularly intriguing part of his book. published in 1974, Curry Follows a teenage girl named Carrie who is bullied at school and faces abuse From her strict religious mother. However, when Carrie discovers that she has telekinetic powers, she is finally able to stand up for herself in the most profound way possible. over the years, Curry Has been adapted into a King movie adaptation time and time again, but a sequel is what I really desire.
Although Stephen King's books are known for their beefy page counts, Curry is one of his smaller projects. At just under 200 pages, the book quickly delves into the persecution Carrie faces both at home and at school. Arguably, the plot moves pretty quickly. Carrie is humiliated after her first period during gym class, which sets off a shocking chain of events that eventually ends with Carrie using her powers to viciously murder her classmates. However, along with Kerry's story, King includes excerpts from scientific reports in the novel. This is the heart of what makes Curry So interesting for me.
The ending of Carrie sets up an intriguing premise that is never delivered on
As King's formatting implies a larger story
at the end of curry, There is a section written by an outside observer who wonders if there are other teenagers with telekinetic powers. More than that, the narrator considers the fact that situations like Carrie's prom massacre could happen again, and it would be almost impossible to trace before it's too late. Finally, this is the part that strikes me the most Curry. It seems impossible that Carrie is the only person in the world to have telekinetic abilitiesWhich makes me wonder who else is like Carrie, and more importantly, what they do with their powers.
In many ways, the entire setup of the book insinuates a larger story at hand. King could have set the book solely from Carrie's perspectiveOr that of Carrie and Sue together. The same main plot points would still have occurred. However, by making it an epistolary novel set after the fact, it gives readers more distance from the story. So they can better see the bigger picture. Kerry's abilities not only affected her, but sent shockwaves through the entire city. She is a scientific anomaly. However, her existence implies that there may be others like her.
I wish Stephen King expanded on the larger impact of the Carrie incident
What happened to Sue and how were others affected
My biggest wish for Curry Is that Stephen King gave readers more information After Carrie's prom incident. Although we learn to create a task, the "white committee", we never see the extent of their work. There's also a look at another telekinetic child who apparently got her powers from her great-grandmother, but we only get a hint of her before the novel ends. While the editions offer some answers at the end of curry, They also get more questions. I'm desperate to know how Carrie's telekinesis works and if her incident sparked more problems later.
For me, Sue is the lingering thread that may reveal another installment in the Curry History.
There is also the question of Sue. Sue ends up being one of the sole survivors of Carrie's rampageAnd she herself is a witness to Kerry's death. As a teenage girl, this must have been incredibly traumatic. I always wanted us to get a better sense of how Sue dealt with the tragedy after the fact, and if she became invested in the idea of telekinetic children. It seems unlikely that Sue would leave the whole story behind and pretend it never happened. For me, Sue is the lingering thread that may reveal another installment in the Curry History.
Stephen King's take on telekinesis opens the door for further exploration
What King can do with the future of Curry
In the end, I feel like King's explanation of Carrie's telekinesis opened the door to an even bigger story that he had yet to explore. I appreciate that Curry but is short and to the point, King lays the foundation for an even broader story about telekinesis and troubled children. Because of how big Curry Yes, I would like to see more of the world of King. I want to follow other telekinetic children, especially those who come from loving homes. I want to know what happens to a telekinetic child when their life isn't as bleak as Carrie's was.
Of course, I also have to admit that sequels can be a big risk for an author. King has successfully made series in the past, however Curry Time may be long gone. Stephen King Could not have any interest in a sequel, and even if he did, there is no guarantee that it would satisfy all my curiosity. In this way, a Curry Sequel might not even be the best option. Maybe Curry was always meant to make readers ponder in this way. Regardless, I will continue to ask what happened next Curry Completed and wish for just a little more.