It's hard to admit, but Superman knows that his brother is definitely his biggest failure

It's hard to admit, but Superman knows that his brother is definitely his biggest failure

Warning: Spoilers for Action Comics #1081Superman may be considered a model of justice in the DC Universe, but even the Man of Steel is not perfect, and his greatest failure demonstrates how flawed he is. Finally, Superman was forced to recognize that there is one person he cannot save: his own brother. Despite his many successes, Superman must face a major failure in a heartbreaking moment.

The preview for Action comics #1081 by Mark Waid, Clayton Henry, Matt Herms and Dave Sharpe sets the stage for an epic finale as the escaped prisoners of the Phantom Zone converge on Earth to put an end to the Super-Family once and for all. As Xa-Du gathers his forces, Superman has a serious discussion with his brother Mon-El about their current situation.

Mon-El is becoming solid outside the Phantom Zone, which would kill him, so Superman forces him back into exile. Superman assures Mon-El that he will find a way to cure his condition, but the fact that he still hasn't after all this time shows that he has failed his brother.

Superman finally recognizes that he failed his Daxamite brother

After decades, Superman still hasn't cured Mon-El's fatal lead poisoning

Comic panels: Superman meets Mon-El.

Mon-El made his first appearance in Superboy #89 by Robert Bernstein and George Papp. When he first landed on Earth, Superman mistook him for his fellow Kryptonian and declared him his brother, only to later discover that he is actually a Daxamite. Mon-El's people possess the same powers as Kryptonians, including super strength and enhanced durability, but the main distinction between Daxamites and Kryptonians is the elements they are weak against. While Kryptonians are weakened by Kryptonite, Daxamites are weakened by lead. In fact, lead is fatal to Daxamites, so any contact with it can kill Mon-El.

During his childhood, Mon-El was exposed to lead and contracted lead poisoning. Therefore, to save his brother's life, Superman sealed him in the Phantom Zone so that the disease's progression would be slowed. He did this with the promise that he would find a cure for him, but years later, Superman still hasn't delivered. Mon-El describes his time in the Zone as "a punishment I never deserved"but he has no choice but to return to prison because of Superman's disabilities. Failing to save his brother's life after decades is by far the biggest mistake of Superman's career as a hero.

Superman will never stop trying to find a permanent cure for Mon-El

Superman may have failed Mon-El, but he still cares about his brother

Comic art: Mon-El flies forward, looking grim.

Superman's inability to help Mon-El is certainly frustrating, but that doesn't mean he's not making an effort. Although he has no idea how to fix Mon-El's lead poisoning, it's clear he's doing everything in his power to make things right with him and restore his freedom permanently. No matter how long it takes, Superman will continue to fight for his brother's life. There is still a chance that, someday, Mon-El will be cured and officially join the Superman family on Earth as a pillar of DC lore - but until that day comes, he remains in the Phantom Zone.

Action comics #1081 is available December 26, 2024 from DC Comics.