It took 23 years for Futurama to finally do justice to a beloved Season 3 character

It took 23 years for Futurama to finally do justice to a beloved Season 3 character

The following contains spoilers for Futurama season 12 episode 8, "Cuteness Overload," now streaming on HuluFuturama Season 12 brought back one of the show's most underutilized characters, which should hopefully convince the creators behind the animated comedy to use her more often going forward. The 31st century is a perfect comic setting for Futuramaallowing the series to shift focus and setting from episode to episode. The Planet Express crew can visit several different worlds in a single episode, shifting tone along the way.

That's to say nothing of Futuramas expansive supporting cast, which helps flesh out the universe in entertaining and colorful ways. Many of the minor characters have been given multiple showcases, even while largely clearing the sidelines of the setting. One particularly memorable minor character who was introduced in 2001 was barely used after her debut. She plays an important role in one of Futurama The episodes of season 12 and should become a more recurring fixture on the show.


How Futurama season 12 makes Sally important again for the first time in decades

Sally's friendship with Mandy is one of Futurama Season 12's cutest plot turns

Futurama Season 12 Sally Mundy 8

The cartoonishly adorable orphan Sally finally plays a prominent role in Futurama For the first time since her debut appearanceA fun development given her unrealized potential as a character. Sally is one of the children who live in the same orphanage that Leela had as a child. She plays an important role in season 12's "Cuteness Overload," quickly befriending Amy and Keef's daughter Mandy. Sally and Mandy's childish friendship is one of the sweetest elements of the episode and is the key to defeating the episode's villains.

Futurama Season 12 Episode 8, "Cuteness Overload"


Edmund Fong


Christine Gore


"Cuteness Overload" even ends with Amy agreeing to let Mandy and Sally play more in the future. It's a fun episode for Sally and Proves the kind of impact Sally could have if she joined the Futurama Figure On a more recurring form. Sally and Mandy are perfect little adorable contrasts to the other prominent children in Futuramas expansive cast of side characters, Dwight and Cubert. Her potential emotional connection to Frey, Leela and Bender could make her an ideal addition to the show, which she proved with her first (and so far only known) episode from over twenty years ago.

Futurama never used Sally after Season 3

Sally has a lot of great unrealized potential after "The Cyber ​​House Rules"

Futurama Sally Cyber ​​House Rules

Season 3's "The Cyber ​​House Rules" set up Sally as an interesting addition to the larger world of Futurama Support letters. Sally was one of the orphans briefly adopted by Bender, and her unique physical traits set her apart from the other children. Leela saw how the other children mocked Sally as she was as a child, and came close to adopting her with her then-boyfriend Adlai. The idea of ​​Leela empathizing and seeking to bond with Sally was a cute idea that was never really referenced in the show again.

She has only one other prominent role in the series alongside the other orphans, aspiring to follow Leela's example in season 8's "Yo Leela Leela." This episode didn't highlight her potential as well as "The Cyber ​​House Rules" and "Cuteness Overload" do. Having Sally more present in the series could be a good addition to the show's greater support, Especially in light of her newfound connection to Mandy - and by extension, Amy and the rest of Planet Express.


Futurama season 13 needs to bring back Sally again

Sally could bring a lot of new emotions from the Planet Express crew

Sally is a great conceptAnd could bring a lot to Futurama If she did it more often. Her similarities to Leela make her a potentially great supporting character for Leela. Her previous relationship with Bender can bring out his soft side in some comical ways. Her friendship with Mandy could easily allow her to appear in Amy stories. If she was more present around Planet Express, she and Mandy could offer a more youthful contrast to Kubert and Dwight. Her poor living conditions can give her a surprising bond with Zoidberg, and can be a source of consistent dark comedy.

She doesn't even have to appear too often, but her potential in season 3 and season 12 make a good case for future roles in episodes. "Cuteness Overload" even sets up an ideal way to play up the connection by having Sally visit the crew alongside Mandy. This can allow you to fade into the background when not needed for a plot, however Allow you an easy way to interact with characters like Leela when it works. Hopefully, Sally's next Focus episode won't be decades from now, and instead, Futurama Can find a way to use Sally again soon.