Cup Actors Scott Speedman and Yvonne Strahovski are hinting at terrifying monster effects in the upcoming horror series Peacock. Speedman and Strahovski play James and Maggie Chenowethwho live with their family in rural Georgia and are threatened by a mysterious and monstrous threat. Cup early comparisons to horror TV shows Fromin which the characters are trapped in a rural town from which they cannot escape, and where wild monsters appear every night.
While talking with On-screen rant, Speedman and Strahovski discuss the impressive detail of practical effects that brings Cupmonstrous threat to life. Speedman emphasizes that while there was little to impress him at this point in his career, he was stunned by the artistry behind it. Cupmonster. Strahovski was also impressed and emphasized how this helped create the exciting nature of the series. Read Speedman and Strahovski's comments below:
Speedman: I mean, for me, one of the first things I did was, I think, with a character from one of the early episodes. What was cool and what was amazing was that I wasn't looking at a tennis ball on a tripod or some sort of green screen. Most of it was practical effects that, you know, were detailed later so we actually had something awesome to work with. I've done so much at this point in my career that it doesn't mean much to me.
But I thought the artistry of it all was just stunning to me. Whether it was grotesque or not, scary or not, it wasn’t the most interesting thing. I was more interested in, “Wow, the craftsmanship of what these people did was amazing.” And the fact that we had to watch it was incredible. It's always fun. At the end of the day, you kind of just have to jump off the cliff and go with the madness that's happening in front of you. And it was very easy to do this with these props.
Strahovsky: Yes, I think I'm a little late in seeing this amazing, I'll call it a sculpture because it's a work of art. This is an amazing sculpture, and my first reaction was: I was truly shocked. We drove around the block, saw a lot of similar things, and this one just took my breath away. I thought it was extraordinary, I can't believe what they came up with.
Because I remember reading it and the description in words was, "Wow." But my first thought was, “How are they going to create this? What will it look like visually?” It seemed like such a challenge because it's hard to make it not seem cheesy or just unrealistic, even though it's a truly fantastic element of the show. But they really pulled it off to such an extent that I was just shocked.
What does this mean for the cup?
Teacup's monster design will be one of the show's biggest strengths
Bye FromMonsters are terrifying, they usually take on the form of humans before attacking their prey, and much of what makes them scary is their ability to manipulate characters. Meanwhile, Cupthe monster will be visually more terrifying and will not take the form of a man. In addition to Speedman and Strahovski's comments, Cup The trailer builds anticipation around the monster's form by deliberately not revealing it yet, only hinting at it.
Despite this expectation, Speedman's comments that he saw the monster's effects during "I'm one of the first to do it" assumes that The monster's form may be revealed in an early episode Cup Season 1. This could work well as it will provide payoff after the initial buildup and then pave the way for larger mysteries about the monster's origins and ending. Very similar to FromAnswering one mystery will likely lead to more intriguing questions that will further expand the scope of the series.
'Teacup' could be a breakthrough horror series
Comments by Scott Speedman and Yvonne Strahovski hint at Cup have the potential to become a breakthrough horror series in 2024. The practical implications that stumped them may help distinguish Cup from other horror series and makes his monster feel truly scary as he threatens the Chenoweth family. If the characters and story are as compelling as the monster designs teased by Speedman and Strahovsk, Cup has the potential to be the most exciting new horror series since From debuted in 2022, marking a major win for Peacock and its ever-growing streaming library.