Many have wondered if the science fiction action movie The matrix is an allegory for the transgender experience, and the creators, stars, and the film itself all weigh in on the subject. The matrix is often considered one of the best sci-fi movies of all time, and for good reason. It's a timeless story about identity, freedom and realizing the truth about the world, and it has inspired countless people to watch and relive it for over 25 years. While rewatching it, however, many viewers have noticed a new interpretation of The matrixAs an allegory for the transgender experience.
The idea that The matrix Could be a transgender allegory began to gain popularity after the film's directors, Lana and Lily Wachowski, publicly came out as trans women themselves. Since then, many have analyzed The matrix and its sequels through a new lens, interpreting the franchise's themes of identity, awakening, and agency as key parts of a transgender person's journey. There is evidence for and against The matrix It is however interpreted as an intentional trance allegory, and that evidence comes from the directors, the actors and the story itself.
Lily Wachowski has confirmed that The Matrix was not consciously written as a trance allegory
Lily Wachowski, who co-directed The matrix With her sister, Lana, commented on the transgender themes and undertones in the film. Despite the rumors, Wachowski confirmed that The matrix is not intentionally written as a trance allegory (by them), said "No, I didn't [confirm The Matrix is a trans allegory]." Lily Wachowski said she and her sister were both closed when they wrote The matrixAnd they simply wanted to write an action film. while making The matrix In a trans allegory is not a conscious decision, Wachowski also said that the claim is not completely baseless.
Lilly Wachowski admits that The Matrix always had heavy trans teams in hindsight
While the Wachowskis didn't do it on purpose The matrix A trans allegory, Lilly explains that the movie still functions as one. Both Lily and Lana Wachowski are transgender women themselves—both publicly transitioning years after the release of The matrix. Lilly said the fact that they were both closeted transwomen while writing the film affected its story and themes.
...[E]Anyone now references that it is a trans allegory. And so it was a little out of context, but I'm not sitting here and putting a stink on it, because it's a trans allegory that it was written by two closeted trans women. And so all the things that are in there are super-duper trance. The idea of transformation, even the whole "My name is Neo, Mr. Anderson -" idea of claiming identity, it's undeniable.
Yeah, with all the decisions we made with the film, there's just this bubbling transness simmering underneath everything. So when I look back at the way we throw these two parts, I can see how obvious it is that they are one part in many ways; That they are two sides of the same coin. It's not like these are conscious decisions, but more like we find our way instinctively like the two closeted trans women. So all the things your receptors are buzzing about are completely valid. When people say, "Oh, it's a trans allegory," it's like, "Yeah... it is, but we're not like, hey, let's write a trans allegory." That's not how it started. We're like, "Hey, let's write this action film," and then we have our trance all over it. [laughs]
Therefore, though The matrix Conceived primarily as an action movie, it included themes that echoed the directors' experiences. Lana and Lily Wachowski's gender identities are reflected in The matrixFrom broader themes to specific details and characters. Lily Wachowski mentioned several ways that she and her sister's identity influenced the film, and she also talked about one way that the influence might have been even clearer if it hadn't been cut.
Switch was originally intended as a trans character (but Warner Bros. wasn't ready)
Although the Wachowskis put many unintentional trans teams in The matrixIt was almost a very overt reference to him. The character Switch (Belinda McClory) was originally intended to be a transgender female. Lily Wachowski said that Switch is "Originally written as a trans character who was male in the real world and female in the Matrix,” and that she would be played by two separate actors. The original design for Switch did not make it into the final cut The matrixAlthough some aspects of her identity remained, like her androgynous hairstyle and all-white outfit.
Keanu Reeves, who played Neo, commented on why he believed Switch was not made explicitly transgender in The matrix. Reeves said he believed Warner Bros. cut the Switch's transgender identity (via EW) because "The studio Wasn't ready for itReeves is probably right about the studio and its motivations for the change: The matrix was released in 1999 when transgender awareness was much lower than todayAnd before the LGBTQ+ rights movement gained as much momentum.
How the story of The Matrix functions as a trance allegory
Except for Switch's scrapped transgender identity, and as Lily Wachowski said, The matrix can still function as a trance allegory. Some main topics of The matrix seem to be inspired by the transgender experience. by and large, The matrix is about Neo, a man who is dissatisfied with life until he finds a new identity, a new name and the courage to live as his true self. Once he does, Neo realizes that he's been living a lie, and that he can never go back. Many trans people describe the moment they realized their true gender in the same way.
There are also quite a few parallels between The matrix and the transgender experience. Many trans people have been able to find support and community in online spaces, just as Neo found Trinity and the crew of the Nebuchadnezzar through his computer. Neo's first time waking up in the real world can be interpreted as a kind of second birth, as he emerges weakened and covered in bodily fluids. Similarly, some transgender people consider the day they begin their transition as a kind of second birthday. Perhaps the most obvious example, however, is The matrixS red and blue pills.
Although there are other valid interpretations of The Matrix, the influence of the transgender experience on the film is undeniable, and the movie can easily serve as a great and needed piece of representation for the trans community.
Although it is unconfirmed, some have compared the red pill Morpheus offers Neo to help him leave the matrix to the estrogen supplement Premarin, and the blue pill, which would leave him "Believe what you want to believe,” to the antidepressant Prozac. Regardless of whether the Wachowskis intentionally made the pills look like real-life medication, they still function as a powerful symbol.. For many trans people, life is never the same after realizing their true gender identity. Like Neo after taking the red pill, many cannot go back to their old lives after learning the truth.
Finally, the decision to interpret The matrix Whether or not it's a trance allegory comes down to the individual viewer. The Wachowskis' input is important, because the creators of a piece of art are an intrinsic part of it, but consumers can also come up with their own interpretations. That being said, there is certainly evidence to support it The matrix Be a transgender allegory for viewers who want to interpret it that way. While there are other valid interpretations of The matrixThe influence of the transgender experience on the film is undeniable, and the movie could easily serve as a great and needed piece of representation for the trans community.
Sources: them, EW.