Is Solo lying about his identity in Silo season 2?

Is Solo lying about his identity in Silo season 2?

Notice! This article contains spoilers for Silo season 2 episode 5.

Juliette catches Solo lying about his identity in Silo episode 5 of season 2, suggesting there's more to his past than he's letting on. Solo's first interactions with Juliette highlight that although he longs for human connection, he isn't telling Juliette everything about his past. When Juliette met him in Silo In Episode 1 of Season 2, she filled him in on all the details of her past - from her defiance of cleaning rules to her personal struggles at Silo 18. Juliette's openness also encouraged Solo to talk about the history of Silo 17 and how the One man's departure ended up leading to his greatest rebellion.

However, although Solo tells her all about Silo 17's past, he ignores her when she asks him personal questions about why he lives behind the vault and how long he has lived there. Solo also appears extremely hostile when Juliette catches him lying down. Silo episode 5 of season 2. Solo's erratic behavior and the many discrepancies in his memories of his past make it difficult not to wonder what he is hiding about his true identity and role in Silo 17.

Juliette Apparently Finds a Photo of the Real Soil in Silo Season 2 Episode 5

The image suggests that Solo is not who he claims

A photo of the real Solo and Tiny in Silo season 2

Juliette becomes suspicious of Solo's identity when she discovers a directory that reveals that a man named Cole Myers was the shadow of Silo 17's last IT chief. Cole Myers, nicknamed “Solo,” looks nothing like the character Steve Zahn in the directory photo. Later in the episode, Juliette discovers that some locker room employees' apartments are accessible. Therefore, hoping to get a helmet for her costume, she visits Trina "Tiny" Samuel's apartment.

In the apartment, she sees a photo of Tiny and Cole, which also has Cole's nickname, “Solo,” scrawled on the frame. The image confirms this Cole is someone entirely different, and Steve Zahn's character has been lying about who he is this entire time. It also reveals that the character Steve Zahn could not have been the shadow of the Chief of IT, as the real Solo played that role. Given that the people of Silo 17 are long dead, Solo's lies raise several questions about why he is trying so desperately to maintain a false identity.

Why is Solo so angry when Juliette questions his identity

Solo apparently feels a sense of dissonance when Juliette confronts him

Lots of subtle clues in Silo previous episodes of season 2 suggested that the character Steve Zahn probably wasn't even a teenager when the Silo 17 Rebellion happened. For example, when he recalls an interaction with a girl in his class, Juliette deduces that the timeline of his memory would make him only eleven years old at the time of the rebellion. Solo changes the subject before Juliette questions him further, but it seems likely that he was a child when the rebellion killed most of the people in his Silo.

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Although other details of his story will be revealed in the future Silo episodes of season 2, it seems possible that the real shadow IT boss asked him to protect the vault at all costs. Since he was a child, Solo took the role very seriously and continued guarding the safe, believing that he was actually the shadow of the Chief of IT.

...when Juliette questions the identity he has maintained for so long, Solo feels a sense of dissonance, which he struggles to accept.

Identity likely also became a coping mechanism when he lost loved ones during the rebellion. With nothing else to look forward to or do with your time, the identity likely gave you a strong purpose for living. Therefore, when Juliette questions the identity he has maintained for so long, Solo feels a sense of dissonance, which he struggles to accept.

What happened to the real soil in Silo 17?

He probably died during the rebellion

Silo season 2 episode 5 reveals nothing about the fate of the real Solo. However, as every other member of Silo 17 passed away during the rebellion, he likely met a similar end. Given that he was the shadow IT chief, he was probably fighting the rebels when the rebellion happened. He could have asked Solo to guard the vault during the rebellion to ensure the rebels couldn't access all the secrets, including the Covenant and the CCTV cameras, it contained. Hopefully, Silo Future Season 2 episodes will shed more light on Solo's real story and how it connects to the character of Steven Zahn.