There's a Cold War going on between 90 Day Fiance former student Mike Youngquist and his ex Natalie Mordovtseva, and Mike getting excited about his girlfriend Sara Rose's fur baby could be yet another way of trying to get under his ex-partner's skin. For years, Mike has been making cunning digs, perhaps still too attached to the woman he lived with.
Mike and Natalie were a terrible match from the start, and their split it was all very predictable. Mike, with his love of UFOs and red meat, only irritated the nervous Natalie, who wasn't open-minded and had a lot of tiresome dietary rules. She never stopped trying to change the man she was with. Meanwhile, he appreciated her beauty, but didn't seem in love with much else. Natalie is a very “actress” person. The whole world is a stage for the theatrical blonde, who sometimes seems to live in a fantasy world.
Mike wasn't happy with Natalie
Why is he the big romantic now?
Typically, Mike's romances don't last, and when he was with Natalie, he constantly complained or just suffered in miserable silence. Then, when he branched out into other relationships, he suddenly became the ecstatic romantic. Instead of being playful and passionate about Natalie, which might have amused her, he was stoic.
With Natalie, Mike was irritable, moody, and annoying.
Mike worked too much and was initially unwilling to leave his rural enclave, causing her to freeze in her farmhouse. He was not a fun person. Then again, she was truly insufferable - a childish vixen who expected babies and lots of glamor from a man in debt who lived in a simple residence in rural Sequim, Washington.
Now, Mike is so different. With every post-Natalie woman, he is Romeo. That's kind of a red flag. It seems like he's exaggerating to try and make it seem like he's "happier than ever." It seems like he's doing this to make Natalie react. Why would he care what she thought? This is a worrying issue. For some reason, he seems to be trying too hard to get a narrative out to the public, and maybe to Natalie too.
His new romance with Sara is an example. In the past, he talked a lot about Márcia Alves, but she ended up giving up on the relationship. He made it seem like Marcia was the love of his life. Now, with Sara it's the same thing. He is hugging her dog, who is now, apparently, their “baby.” and generally playing the exultant family man.
Is Mike really such a simple soul? Can he be happy with ANY woman other than Natalie? Or is this an act he's putting on to make Natalie jealous? Although they were both extremely distraught, it is possible that he still thinks about her, but why? Instead of moving on, he appears to be impersonating Natalie, who is in the Instagram peanut gallery and no doubt aware of his performances, even if she tries to shut him down.
Mike could make things work with Sara, but if his past is any indicator of his future, this relationship will eventually crash and burn like all the others. So what? Yes, he could have found true love, but in reality, although Mike may be funny and interesting, his lifestyle may be too quirky to please a woman in the long run. He seems like a workaholic who falls in love with women and then starts toxic cycles that lead to dark breakups. Natalia is no different. In fact, in this sense, the two are very similar.
Does Mike want Natalie back? Are your “I’m so happy” posts really desperate cries for help? It's not impossible. While troubled relationships are usually doomed, they can have a kind of high-octane appeal. They provide some thrills and chills, spicing up life. Yes, they usually end in tears, but it's pretty safe to say that some people get addicted to the highs and lows. “Normal” relationships can seem boring in comparison.
People often want what is not good for them! Be it booze, junk food or anything else, the world offers all kinds of unhealthy delights. Some people just don't have the self-control to say no. That's why there's always the chance that Mike will miss out on the bizarre and confusing dynamic that he and Natalie shared.
What is happening? All of Mike's "trying hard" Instagram posts (a barrage that always has strong "revenge romance" vibes) don't necessarily convince the world that he's found true love. In fact, they raise questions about the negative patterns he is trapped in. Would a happy person need to expose everything like this? Wouldn't they make the most of their private life? What people put online is curated for our audience - most people carefully consider how they appear online - they want to present themselves as perfect beings.
Even vulnerable posts can have a humble bragging quality. There's an inherent narcissism to posting online – ultimately, it's about self-promotion most of the time, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's fun and can be harmless. The issue is that Mike seems to direct his happiness towards his ex. It seems like a lot of what he does online is for her benefit. He wants to upset her, or make her think, or maybe make her miss him. What he doesn't want is to be ignored by Natalie, but these two ignoring each other is definitely the smartest strategy.
Of course, neither of them can sustain a relationship, but that's not enough to unite them for eternity. In Mike's guide to the ideal lover, he seems to shine, but it's so easy to look back. Was he really a dream partner? No - not even close. He had a wry sense of gossip and was intelligent. Additionally, he had problems, from financial problems to passive aggression, that doomed his relationship with the stunningly histrionic Natalie.