With the revelation of Ghost of Yotei Being one of the biggest highlights of September 2024's State of Play, discussion is rife about what has been revealed so far. Although it is clear that the game is connected to the hit Ghost of TsushimaIt may seem less clear Whether this new game is a true sequel or more of a spin-off title. However, while details are currently light, there is enough context to indicate just how strongly Ghost of Yotei is bound to Ghost of Tsushima.
Originally released in 2020, Ghost of Tsushima Attracted great praise for its combat and story. A later director's cut version of Ghost of Tsushima Nevertheless offered many improvements over the original, with one of the biggest additions being a story set on the new setting of Iki Island. However, while this additional content was very well received, many are still eager for a whole new game to follow Ghost of Tsushima. Now, finally, the hopes have been answered, with Ghost of Yotei Due for release in 2025.
Ghost of Yōtei is a spiritual sequel to Ghost Of Tsushima
One of the most important clues to how tight Ghost of Yotei is bound to Ghost of Tsushima is in its setting. As revealed in its announcement trailer, Ghost of Yotei Is set in 1603; A massive 329 years after Ghost of Tsushima. As such, it comes as no surprise that the game follows an entirely new protagonist, a ronin named Atsu. moreover, There is currently no indication that Atsu shares any direct connection with Jin SakaiAlthough there is one thing they have in common: the cloak of the ghost.
According to a post on the US PlayStation Blog From Senior Communications Manager Andrew Goldfarb, Developers Sucker Punch have decided to build their new title around “The Ghost's Thought" rather than continuing Jean's own story After the end of Ghost of Tsushima. As a result, Atsu will wear a ghost mask of herself as she begins her own journey. Of course, it is entirely possible that Jean's stories will provide the inspiration for the game, but it seems unlikely that his influence on the story of Ghost of Yotei Will extend beyond that.
Combined with the different era and new setting, the area of Mt YoteiAll this makes it very clear that Ghost of Yotei is more of a spiritual sequel to Ghost of Tsushima Like anything else. As indicated by the title, the concept of the ghost is the main thematic connection between the two games, rather than any of the characters of Ghost of Tsushima appear again. While their actions may still be referenced in the new game, that will likely be the limit of their significance.
Playing Ghost of Yotei will likely not require knowledge of Ghost Of Tsushima
The fact that Ghost of Yotei Is clearly so different from its predecessor probably means that intimate knowledge of Ghost of Tsushima Will not be critical to enjoy the game. It means that Ghost of YoteiTheir different setting will allow people to mostly treat it as a standalone title. By allowing Atsu to take on the role of 'the ghost' when she is also so far removed from Jin's story, no previous experience with Ghost of Tsushima will likely only have a minor impact on one's understanding of Ghost of Yotei.
Of course, it should also be noted that while Ghost of Yotei Will still present similar topics to Ghost of TsushimaIt will also grow over him. Goldfarb notes that Ghost of Yotei will include "New mechanics, gameplay improvements and even new weapons”, with every indication that it will be an even more immersive experience than Ghost of Tsushima. how so Ghost of Yotei is clearly built on its predecessor as any sequel shouldIncorporating new ideas and technological progress to ensure that the story of 'The Ghost' continues to be as impressive as possible.
Ghost of Yotei is not a direct sequel, a decision that is arguably for the best. Instead, it is a fresh new game that allows the best aspects of Ghost of Tsushima To continue and develop further without being limited to the same characters. Being a spiritual sequel allows the new game to make the most of Ghost of Tsushimas success, while simultaneously not limited to revolving the story of Jin Sakai. This will undoubtedly help to ensure that Ghost of Yotei Will reach as wide of an audience as possible when it releases next year.
Source: PlayStation
- Released
- developer(s)
Soccer Punch
- Publisher(s)
Sony Interactive Entertainment