Star Wars Outlaws Large tells a story that focuses on a different perspective during the Galactic Civil War, that of a scoundrel navigating life in the criminal underworld of the Outer Rim. However, while most of the story focuses on Kay Vess dealing with various criminal organizations as she is hunted down by Zrek Besh after angering his leader, Sliru, the game was marketed as not focusing on the conflict between the Rebel and Imperial forces in the Time. , both the Rebels and the Empire are present throughout Kay’s story, and therefore, many are likely wondering if one of the Empire’s most prominent figures in the franchise, Darth Vader, shows up.
[Warning: The following article contains major spoilers for Star Wars Outlaws.]Kay’s story becomes even more intertwined with the Empire in the latter part of the gameAs it is revealed that Sliro, the man she is running from and intends to steal 157 million credits in unmarked Beskar Ingots, is none other than Director Barsha of the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB), a character who has previously appeared throughout the World. Crimson rule Comics – although his face was hidden in shadow. Zrek Bash was a front for the Empire, and Sliro was able to use the organization to infiltrate the criminal underworld and gather intelligence not only on those who opposed the Empire, but also on some of its highest ranking members.
Darth Vader meets director Sliro Barsha in Star Wars Outlaws
And is displeased with Sliro’s performance
After a call between Sliro and the bounty hunter Vail, whom he hired to find Kay, Darth Vader enters Sliro’s office. While Sliro tells Vader about how Zerk Besh – and therefore the ISB – has infiltrated the criminal underworld and is able to obtain a lot of information about the rebels, Vader expresses his distaste, calling Sliro and his operation a “Failure“Because they have yet to find and capture a single member of the Rebel Alliance.
Sliro dares to speak back to Vader, calling the claimant “Nonsense” and tells him how important the ISB is to the Empire’s victory in the war, calling it “the most groundbreaking intelligence network the Empire has ever seen” before making the statement that it has “accomplished more in weeks than the entire Imperial Army” also criticizes the Imperial Army for its failures with the rebels. Vader uses the force to melt the glass on Sliro’s display cabinet and aims the shard directly at the ISB director.Threatened him and demanded that Sliro find some rebels.
Vader later appears through a Holocom
Fire Sliro after Jaylen strikes a deal to take over Zrek Bash
While the appearance of Vader himself would have been a nice surprise, he also appears later in the game via a holocaust. After Kay and her crew successfully pull off the heist on Sliro’s mansion in Kanto Bay, steal the score and bring it back to their leader, Jaylen, it is revealed that it was a codex containing blackmail on all the highest-ranking Members of the empire, along with plans and other plans, rather than the fortune they were promised.
From here, Jaylen – who is revealed to be Sliro’s brother and resents Sliro for betraying their family – makes a power play, using the codex to strike a deal with the Empire to take Zrek Besh from Sliro and hand his brother over to him as well. Vader appears via Holocomm to accept Jaylen’s deal and inform Sliro that he has “Outlived his usefulness to the emperor.“
Considering the role the Empire played in all areas of the galaxy during this period of the Star Wars timeline, Vader’s appearance shouldn’t have been too surprising, further building on the clash in ideology shown between Vader and his Inquisitors and the ISB last year Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. It was smart not to make Vader a boss fight Star Wars Outlaws As he was in the Star Wars Jedi Titles, however, as with Kay’s skills far from that of a Jedi, it would have been an extremely short-lived fight that would not have ended well for the scandal. Instead, showing Vader’s interactions with Sliro was a much more natural way to integrate the iconic character into Star Wars Outlaws.